EYEWITNESSES to Some of the
Copyright 2009R.W. Schambach
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Miracles Previous ISBN 0-89274-811-7
Copyright 1993 by R. W. Schambach
Miracles 2: Greater Miracles
Previous ISBN 1-888361-52-2
Copyright 2003 by R.W. Schambach
Most of my life I have heard the stories that Brother Schambach tells. Some of the miracles that you are about to read, I have heard a hundred times!
I will read this book right along with you. No matter how often I hear my husband tell them, they are always fresh. They demonstrate the miracle-working power of God.
Brother Schambach began his evangelistic ministry in 1955 while working with renowned evangelist Brother A. A. Allen, from whom he received valuable training. This prepared him for the work God had called him to.
In 1959, Brother Schambach began his ministry with a crusade in Newark, New Jersey, where signs and wonders followed. The revival lasted for six months! Reluctant to leave the new converts and friends, he founded a church, Newark Miracle Temple.
This pattern was repeated as Brother Schambach traveled across the East. Later on, other Miracle Temple churches were established in Philadelphia, Chicago, and Brooklyn. His reputation became that of one of the great tent evangelists.
Across the country, Brother Schambach held great revivals under his ministrys tent, where virtually thousands of lost souls came to Christ. Thousands more received physical, financial, and emotional miracles. Brother Schambachs radio broadcasts and television program soon became powerful extensions of the ministry with which God had blessed him.
Today the same signs and wonders still follow Brother Schambachs work. The pages of this book relate some of those miracles.
Many of the miracles you are going to read in this book took place while I was standing right beside Brother Schambach; I am an eyewitness to them. For instance, you will read about the 17 deaf and dumb brothers and sisters in Africa. All of them were healed and began to hear and speak in one miracle service!
It is exciting to be there when Gods power is at work. Because Brother Schambach is a powerful storyteller, you will feel as if you were really there with him. He brings the stories to life, making them vivid and alive.
I have watched little children sit spellbound with their eyes wide and their mouths open as Brother Schambach tells a story. He has a unique and fascinating way of expressing himself.
I hope that the miracle stories included in this book will build your faith and inspire you as you continue to walk with the Lord.
Winn Schambach
I believe in miracles!
If you cut all the miracles out of the Bible, you would not have a Bible left. Its a book of the miraculous, because our God is a miracle-working God. And my Bible declares that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! You know what that means? It means He is still doing today what He did yesterday. Hes still doing the miraculous! In fact, I believe we are going to see greater miracles in these last days than we have ever seen before.
Jesus began His public ministry as a ministry of miracles. Everything about His life involved miracles: His conception, birth, life, wisdom and teachings, ministry, death, resurrection, appearances, and ascensionall of these were astounding and undeniable miracles.
Jesus always attracted the multitudes by His miracles then, and He does so today, wherever miracles are done in His name. If we preach as the early Church preached, we will get the same results that they got: miracles and healings. It doesnt matter where we are or who we are. If we want to get Bible results, we have to preach what the Bible says: that miracles are a part of the present-day ministry of Jesus Christ.
Some folks dont believe this. They say the days of miracles are over. You can even hear this from the pulpit. Some preachers say that the miraculous was only for the early Church. Many people have said that miracles were just for the days of the Old and New Testaments, but that is not true. God has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is still in the miracle business. Jesus Christ is as much a miracle-worker now as He ever was, and people need His miracle touch now more than ever.
We are called to walk as the Christians did in the New Testament, to serve the needs of people today. Jesus must be allowed to live in us, in His power and with His personal presence guiding us.
When people act on Gods Word in bold faith, the faith that produces miracles, then multitudes come from miles around, eager to see Christs miracle power in demonstration.
The power of God is real today just like it was 2,000 years ago. Ive seen hundreds of miracles with my own eyespeople being healed and set free by the power of the living Christ!
I get so many letters, phone calls, and e-mails from people who have received miracles from God. In my meetings, people come back to testify of how the Lord touched their lives. It blesses my heart to hear these stories of what God has done. I like to share them with the world, to let people know that God is not dead, but He is alive, and Hes doing great things in all the earth. That is the reason for this bookto let the world know what the Lord has done.
Unfortunately, some Christians arent aware of the power of God that is available to us as believers. A.J. Gordon, a theologian, once declared, The Church is losing her grip on the supernatural. Too often all we see is a manifestation of the flesh and an emphasis on mans abilitywhat man has learned.
Yet there is something crying out of every believer todayI want to see a miracle! I want to see the supernatural!
God is looking for the believer to take up his or her responsibilityto be obedient to His voice and help release Gods miracle power. When we come to the place where we move on what God says, when He says it, miracles will become a way of life.
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