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Nick Redfern - Secret Societies: The Complete Guide to Histories, Rites, and Rituals

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Nick Redfern Secret Societies: The Complete Guide to Histories, Rites, and Rituals
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    Secret Societies: The Complete Guide to Histories, Rites, and Rituals
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Claims and counter-claims. Accusations and allegations. NSA spying and suppressed evidence. Cover-ups and threats. Documented connections and intrigue. Suggestions of a New World Order. Are we to believe the coincidences are mere chance? Might the paranoid be on to something? Who really holds the levers of power? History admonishes us to be vigilant of hidden plots and nefarious agendas of governments and the powerful.Shedding light onto sometimes sinister and coercive groups, Secret Societies: The Complete Guide to Histories, Rites, and Rituals is packed with details on nearly 200 organizations, their histories, found members, backgrounds, and suspected conspiracies. It uncovers and examines the hidden, overlooked, and buried history of some of the most notorious groups, including the Illuminati, the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, World Bankers, the Secret Government, and extraterrestrial invaders, to name a few.Tracing the chilling and corrosive affects of powerful cliques and their plots, it exposes their deep reach into the operations of todays world. Providing gripping details, presenting the facts, and letting the reader decide, this revealing work probes the hidden agendas and agreements of secret cabals and associations. Along the way, it debunks myths and presents the evidence on an invisible world of influence and power.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR N ick Redfern works full time as an author lecturer and - photo 1


N ick Redfern works full time as an author lecturer and journalist He writes - photo 2

N ick Redfern works full time as an author, lecturer, and journalist. He writes about a wide range of unsolved mysteries, including Bigfoot, UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster, alien encounters, and government conspiracies. His many books include The Zombie Book (co-written with Brad Steiger); Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind ; and Monster Diary . He writes regularly for Cryptomundo.com , the Mutual UFO Network Journal, and Mysterious Universe . He has appeared on numerous television shows, including Fox News; History Channels Ancient Aliens , Monster Quest , and UFO Hunters ; VH1s Legend Hunters ; National Geographic Channels The Truth about UFOs and Paranatural ; BBCs Out of This World ; MSNBCs Countdown ; and SyFy Channels Proof Positive . Nick lives just a few miles from Dallas, Texas infamous Grassy Knoll and can be contacted at his blog: http://nickredfernfortean.blogspot.com.


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Secret Societies The Complete Guide to Histories Rites and Rituals - image 3


Book 1: True and Truly Scary Unexplained Phenomenon

Book 2: The Unexplained Phenomena and Tales of the Unknown

Book 3: Things That Go Bump in the Night

Book 4: Things That Prowl and Growl in the Night

Book 5: Fiends That Want Your Blood

Book 6: Unexpected Visitors and Unwanted Guests

Book 7: Dark and Deadly Demons

Book 8: Phantoms, Apparitions, and Ghosts



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Managing Editor: Kevin S. Hile
Art Director: Mary Claire Krzewinski
Typesetting: Marco DiVita
Proofreaders: Larry Baker and Janet Hile
Indexer: Shoshana Hurwitz

Cover images: Thule symbol by NsMn (Wikicommons), Rosy Cross of the Golden Dawn (public domain); all others, Shutterstock.

Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Visible Ink - photo 4

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