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David R. Hawkins - Transcending the Levels of Consciousness

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David R. Hawkins Transcending the Levels of Consciousness

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Explores the egos expressions and inherent limitations and gives detailed explanations and instructions on how to transcend them. It expands the understanding of the levels of consciousness as presented in the widely-acclaimed Map of Consciousness. The book focuses on the individual, and studies the experiential subjective blocks to the advancement of awareness, at each level of consciousness. This leads to progressive spiritual awareness and on to higher levels of consciousess, providing specific steps for transcending each level, preparatory to advanced states such as Enlightenment itself. By analyzing the various obstacles and levels to be transcended, certain principles that support spiritual evolution are self-revealing. This book is therefore a practical manual rather than a comprehensive analysis.

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the Levels of Consciousness.

The Stairway to Enlightenment.

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Also by David R Hawkins Reality Spirituality and Modern Man Discovery - photo 1

Also by David R. Hawkins.

Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man.
Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality.
Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference.
I: Reality and Subjectivity.
The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing Is Hidden.
Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior.
Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality.
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and
Calibration of the Levels of Human Consciousness.
Orthomolecular Psychiatry. (with Linus Pauling).

the Levels of Consciousness.

The Stairway to Enlightenment.

Copyright 2006 by David R. Hawkins

Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint the following previously published material:
Moral Relativism, an article that originally appeared in The Philadelphia Trumpet, June, 2005 Copyright 2005. Used by permission.

The material in this book may not be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part in any medium (whether electronic, mechanical or otherwise) without the express written authorization of the publisher. To request authorization, please contact Veritas Publishing Company, outlining the specific material involved, the proposed medium, and if applicable, the number of copies, as well as the purpose of the use.

This book is not intended to be considered legal, medical, or any other professional service. The information provided is not a substitute for professional advice or care. If you require or desire legal, medical, or other expert assistance, you should seek the services of a competent professional. The author, the publisher and their employees and agents are not liable for any damages arising from or in connection with the use of or reliance on any information contained in this book.

Veritas Publishing.
P. O. Box 3516
W. Sedona, AZ 86336
Phone: 928-282-8722 Fax: 928-282-4789
Softbound ISBN-13: 978-097150074-7
Hardbound ISBN-13: 978-097150075-4
Softbound LCCN: 2005935369
Hardbound LCCN: 2005935370

Straight and narrow is the path...

Waste no time.

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!


This work is dedicated to
the liberation of the human spirit
from the bondage of adversity
and limitation that besets mankind
from both within and without.




The purpose of prior works was to explore and explain a new research technique based on consciousness and its application to all areas of life, including subjective spiritual experiences and realizations. The development of a pragmatic clinical science of truth emerged that could be used as a compass to guide mans endless quest for truth. As described in previous studies, by virtue of its very structure, the human mind is incapable of discerning truth from falsehood, a fact of which mankind is painfully aware. The price of this ignorance and limitation has been enormous. Not only individuals but also whole civilizations have gone through staggering amounts of agony, suffering, and death.

The levels of consciousness will be examined specifically for the sake of the spiritual student, devotee, and integrous person interested in self-improvement for its own sake. By analyzing the various obstacles and levels to be transcended, certain principles that support spiritual evolution are self-revealing.

This work is therefore a practical manual rather than a comprehensive analysis, which has been presented in prior books (e.g., Section 1 of Truth vs. Falsehood , 2005). Although it alludes to prior work, the basic principles will again be covered. Material is also provided for the frustrated seeker who has read everything, been everywhere, attended all kinds of workshops, and yet seems to be stuck. (My mind is like a sponge: It has absorbed all the information, but Im still in the same place!)

Because the lower levels of consciousness are the most painful and difficult to endure, it seemed best to start up the ladder of consciousness from the very bottom levels, which are the most agonizing. Just because they are the most painful does not mean they are the most difficult to transcend. On the contrary, the very pain of such lower levels urges one forward to seek relief.

In transcending the levels of consciousness, the importance of the human will is emphasized because it is the most critical of all functions in spiritual work. Relatively little attention has been paid to the will in proportion to its extreme importance, for the will is the invitation to Divine intervention.


The basic research on the nature and levels of consciousness has been described in previous works. The first was published in the form of a dissertation ( Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibration of the Levels of Human Consciousness , 1995.) Next came Power vs. Force (also 1995), which included explanations and elaborations. The following two books were devoted to spiritual truth and enlightenment: The Eye of the I (2001), and I: Reality and Subjectivity (2003).

While the last two books were devoted to personal enlightenment, Truth vs. Falsehood (2005) investigated the distribution and evolution of levels of consciousness in public life and society, as well as in the individual. The thrust of that study was to denote a roadway to peace and integrity and hopefully lessen the likelihood of war by providing an accessible, pragmatic, clinical science of truth.

This book returns to focusing on the individual and studying the experiential subjective blocks to the advancement of consciousness that leads to progressive spiritual awareness and on to higher levels of consciousness preparatory to advanced states such as Enlightenment itself. The material is drawn from multiple sources, including fifty years of psychiatric practice; psychoanalysis; twenty-five years of research into the nature of consciousness; and transformative, subjective spiritual experiences that have been described elsewhere.

In this book, as in previous ones, the calibrated levels of major statements are included.

Note that due to more recent discoveries in the evolving field of consciousness research, the instructions for doing the muscle test have been revised and updated (see Appendix B).


The all-pervasive universal energy field called consciousness is of infinite power and dimension beyond time and is compositionally nonlinear. It is the light of the world as it emanates from the Unmanifest to the Manifest, from the nonlinear, infinite potentiality to its linear expression as the unfolding of Creation (the circumscribed, perceived physical domain).

The power of the infinite field of consciousness and its infinite potentiality manifests as matter. Later, the interface of the Light of Divinity as the field of consciousness in its encounter with matter results in the emergence of the unique quality and energy of life itself. Although matter has enormous potentiality, it lacks the innate quality or power to evolve to the field of existence termed life. Matter plus evolution results in the dimension of time. Then, matter plus time is expressed as space, subsequent to which the existence of time, space, and matter is discernible by intelligence, an aspect of Divinity expressed as Life. That life emanates solely as a consequence of Divinity is confirmable at consciousness level 1,000, the level of the Absolute.

Creation is capable of being known solely by virtue of the presence of consciousness, which is the very matrix of existence itself. Thus, consciousness is the irreducible a priori reality by which the linear is perceived by the subjective awareness of the nonlinear.

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