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Jessica Freeburg - Monsters of the Midwest: True Tales of Bigfoot, Werewolves & Other Legendary Creatures

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Jessica Freeburg Monsters of the Midwest: True Tales of Bigfoot, Werewolves & Other Legendary Creatures

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Is scaring yourself silly by telling creepy tales around a campfire your idea of a good time? Paranormal investigators Jessica Freeburg and Natalie Fowler share reportedly true accounts of the strangest, most chilling creatures ever documented in the Midwest states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. From sightings of bigfoot to encounters with werewolves--and even a Great Lakes sea monster--this colle

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Edited by Ryan Jacobson Cover design by Jonathan Norberg Images used under - photo 1

Edited by Ryan Jacobson

Cover design by Jonathan Norberg

Images used under license from Shutterstock.com

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Copyright 2016 by Jessica Freeburg and Natalie Fowler

Published by Adventure Publications

820 Cleveland Street South

Cambridge, Minnesota 55008

(800) 678-7006


All rights reserved

ISBN: 978-1-59193-647-3; eISBN: 978-1-59193-661-9


To our husbands and our children for supporting the endeavors of their slightly wacky wives/mothers. To our GSI brothers for the many fun adventures that inspire us in our craft. And to J.C. and all who love and miss him.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank several people who made this - photo 2


The authors would like to thank several people who made this book possible:

The reference librarians and staff, who took us seriously when we asked for assistance with obscure articles and books, especially those at the University of St. Thomas: St. Paul Campus and the Ramsey County Merriam Park Library. While they probably dont get too many patrons looking for primary source support regarding monster legends, we were thankful that they were there to offer some assistance.

The staff of the anthropology department at South Dakota State University, who took the time to answer questions about an obscure blog post and supposed archeological dig. They helped to determine that facts were unsubstantiated, and while we were bummed not to use that story, we were grateful for the help in keeping these stories as authentic as possible.

To Kerry Peterson, for sharing his never-before-published bigfoot sighting. We are thrilled to be able to include something that no one has ever read before.

To Phyllis Galde and to everyone at FATE Magazine . Your work and friendship have served as an inspiration on many different levels and helps to make it easier for witnesses of such encounters to feel more comfortable coming forward.


Curiosity sometimes leads people to go out looking for ghosts and monsters, but please respect the law, as well as the rights and privacy of others.

Most importantly, we ask anyone who investigates the paranormal to exhibit extreme caution. Do not take this lightly. Tragically, people have died while pursuing legends that we otherwise would have included in this collection. However, a decision was made not to write about those stories here.

Your life is precious, and it is not worth risking. If there is any danger, please, let the legends remain as legends.

Furthermore, the information provided in this book is for reading entertainment purposes only. The author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage or disruption caused by any other use of this information.


Cryptozoology is the study of legendary animals, or cryptids, that are rumored to live among us but have not yet been proven to exist.

It is human nature to be curious about the unknown. This same curiosity has enabled several beasts, formerly classified as cryptids, to secure a legitimate classification in the animal kingdom. The Komodo dragon, the okapi and even the mountain gorilla are just a few such creatures that were once considered cryptids. At one point, even Floridas beloved manatees were thought by sailors to be real mermaids.

If you are on the skeptical side, remember this when you read these stories: Maybe there really is something else out there, waiting to be discovered and to find its rightful place in the animal kingdom. And maybe its waiting to strike.

In researching this book, we were struck by something unexpected: the courage of those who lived through the stories. This is not only the bravery required to face these monsters; its also the courage to come forward to tell of their experiences. We realized, time and again, that these stories come from respected, hard-working members of the community. You will read accounts from doctors and lawyers and from former skeptics and critics. All of these people put their reputations on the line when they decided to talk about their encounters. They faced criticism and ridicule, but still, they spoke up.

And we believe them.

With that said, from newspaper articles, interviews, books and blogs, weve recreated the sightings of some of the most ferocious monster reports of the Midwest. Our research for this book was extensive and thorough. Taking the facts into consideration, we also applied our imagination to each story, often envisioning a scene as it might have played out. We strove to provide the details as closely as we were able, giving you, the reader, a glimpse of what it could have been like to be there, in the shoes of a witness. However, in some cases, names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.

So curl up for a good read. But maybe you should make sure that your windows and doors are locked first.

Jessica Freeburg and Natalie Fowler


THE WENDIGO Ross Township Minnesota Late 1800s Jake Nelson rounded the - photo 3

THE WENDIGO Ross Township Minnesota Late 1800s Jake Nelson rounded the - photo 4


Ross Township, Minnesota, Late 1800s

Jake Nelson rounded the corner of the dirt road that led to the Mickinock homestead. His thoughts had been with the family ever since hed heard that they returned quickly from a hunting trip in Canada, just north of Indian Village, because Mrs. Mickinock was unwell. They were a young family with small children, and Jake wanted to see if there was anything he could do for them. He carried a small basket of food that his wife had prepared.

Mr. Mickinock emerged from the barn, carrying a pail.

Howdy, said Jake.

Mickinock looked up, a weary expression clouding his face. Hey, there, Jake, he replied.

I heard about your missus, Jake said, nodding toward the house solemnly. I wanted to see how youre doing.

Mickinock set the pail on the ground. Fresh milk sloshed from side to side, nearly spilling over the lip.

Well, weve been better, he said. Shes been in bed since we got home. She told me before we came back that death had taken control of her. He glanced toward the house then back to Jake. Thats how she said it, Jake, and I believe she might be right. Her skins so pale you can almost see through it. And she just sleeps all day. The children wont leave her side. He shook his head sadly.

Well, she has been in our prayers. Your whole family has been, Jake replied. And well keep on praying.

I appreciate that very much, Mickinock said.

This is for you and the kids, Jake said, lifting up the basket. Just some cornbread, jam, an apple pie, stuff my wife thought you all might enjoy.

Thank you. The kids are missing their mamas good food. I sure cant make much. Mickinock replied. He took the basket in one hand then lifted the pail of milk with the other. Id invite you in, but shes sleeping.

Jake nodded and said, You just holler if you need anything. Were not far down the road.

Mr. Mickinock nodded and smiled sadly, before walking to the house.

As the door closed behind him, Jake looked around the yard. Several pieces of wood were scattered near a chopping stump, and an ax was propped against a nearby tree. He thought for a minute about chopping some more for the family but worried that the sound would wake Mrs. Mickinock. He noticed a small stack of freshly chopped wood neatly piled near the door, and he figured theyd be set for at least a day or two. He decided to stop back tomorrow and see about chopping the rest.

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