c410 | Possible Rhedae, major Visigothic strategic outpost in Septimania. (Rennes-le-Chteau, Chteaux de Blanchefort and Bzu/Albedun are all constructed on Visigothic foundations forming an isosceles triangle with angles 36, 72, 72. |
1210 | Destruction of the Chteau de Blanchefort, during the Crusade against the Cathars. |
1633 | Guillaume de Catel's account, stating that workers were imported all the way from Germany to excavate the mines by Rennes-les-Bains (Mmoires de l'Histoire du Languedoc, Tome I, p. 51). |
1645 | Legend of the shepherd Jean (Folklore (Aude), Nr. 8, p. 137, 1938). Legend of the shepherd Ignace Paris (Nol Corbu, Essai Historique sur Rennes-le-Chteau, 1962). |
1709 | Antiquits des Bains de Monferran communement appels les Bains de Rennes by Abb Antoine Delmas, vicar at Rennes-les-Bains. |
1732 | Marriage of Marie de Ngre d'Ables to Franois d'Hautpoul, first Marquis de Blanchefort. |
1780 | Jean-Baptiste Siau, notary at Espraza, refused to give the Hautpoul family will to Pierre Franoise d'Hautpoul, under the pretext: It would be unwise of me to let a will of such great consequence out of my hands. (Rennes et ses derniers seigneurs by Ren Descadeillas, pp. 7-8) |
c1780 | Legend of the Devil's Treasure (Voyages Rennes-les-Bains by Auguste de Labouisse-Rochefort, pp. 469-471, 1832). |
1781 | Death of Marie de Ngre d'Ables, Countess Hautpoul-Blanchefort: the mysterious epitaph on her tombstone containing errors which point out the words MORT pe (Excursion de 25 Juin 1905Rennes-le-Chteau by Elie Tisseyre, Bulletin de la Socit d'tudes Scientifiques de l'Aude, Tome XVII, pp. 98-106, 1906). |
1872 | Death of Abb Jean Vi, vicar at Rennes-les-Bains, whose epitaph reveals that he was named priest when 32, and died 32 years later (the chessboard motif: 32 white years before becoming priest, then 32 black years as a priest). |
1880 | In the Middle Ages it was believed that the precious metals extracted from the Blanchefort mine came, not from a vein in the rock, but from a store of gold and silver ingots buried in the dungeons of the fortress by its first masters, the Visigothic kings. (Histoire du comt de Razes et du diocse d'Alet, by Louis Fdi). |
1885 | Franois-Brenger Saunire (1852-1917) appointed Parish Priest of Rennes-le-Chteau, at the Church of St. Mary Magdalen. |
1886 | Saunire temporarily transferred to the Seminary at Narbonne for delivering anti-Republican, right-wing sermons during the elections. |
1887 | Saunire reinstated at Rennes-le-Chteau: began renovating his church moved the Knight's Stone which lay face-down before the main Altar (which was probably the entrance to the Hautpoul family burial vault beneath the church), and made his fateful discovery Church renovation details (1887-1900) are introduced by the character as below. New Altar (700Frs; F. D. Monna, Toulouse)
Stained-Glass Windows (1350Frs; Henri Feur, Bordeaux)
1890-91 | Saunire in charge by interim at Antugnac, near Rennes-le-Chteau. |
1891 | Visigothic Pillar/Statue of the Lourdes Virgin: ceremony June 21st. Lettre de Grans. Dcouverte d'un tombeau, le soir pluie. (Saunire's diary, September 21st). Vu cur de Nvian Chez Glis Chez Carrire Vu Cros en secret. (Saunire's diary, September 29th). Statue of St. Mary Magdalen above church entrance (150Frs; Giscard, Toulouse)
Pulpit (750Frs; Giscard, Toulouse)
1892 | Treasurer of the Conseil de Fabrique resigned stating he found the duties of the post contrary to his beliefs; replaced by Guillaume Dnarnaud. (The Church's income rose from 239.60Frs 1886 to 1914.80Frs in 1888, returning to its original level in 1893). |
1893 | Confessional (700Frs; M. Mestre, Limoux). |
1895 | Letters of complaint sent against Saunire to the Prfet de l'Aude, regarding his clandestine activities in the cemetery. |
1897 | Statues of the Saints (720Frs; Giscard, Toulouse)
Stations of the Cross (600Frs; Giscard, Toulouse)
Jesus/Baptist Font, etc. (404Frs; Giscard, Toulouse)
Devil/Angels Holy Water Stoup (300Frs; Giscard, Toulouse)
Bas-Relief of Jesus Christ on the Mount (800Frs; Giscard, Toulouse)
The Calvary; church consecrated by Mgr. Billard (June 6th).
1898 | Collecting-trunk made from oak (400Frs; M. Mestre, Limoux). |
c1900 | Bas-Relief of St. Mary Magdalen at the foot of the Altar (reverse image of a stained-glass window from Puichric church). |
1902 | Mgr. Paul-Flix Beuvain de Beausjour replaces Mgr. Flix-Arsne Billard as Bishop of Carcassonne. |
1901-05 | Villa Bthanie; Tour Magdala; gardens and terraces, etc. |