
The Power of Solitude
By Aletheia Luna andMateo Sol
Copyright 2016 Aletheia Luna and Mateo Sol
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"In solitude there is healing. Speak to your soul.Listen to your heart. Sometimes in the absence of noise we findanswers."
Table of Contents
One of the most importantdiscoveries to make in life is that only in solitude can wediscover who we truly are.
Only in solitude can we learn what our livesare about, what our personal purposes are and most importantly,reconnect with our souls so that we can live a life of joy, meaningand inner fulfillment.
If youre curious about developing a practiceof solitude, our hope is that you'll find this book illuminatingand encouraging. We like to refer to the courageous souls who havehelped contribute to the insights in this book as the lone wolvesof our modern day. These people, the lone wolves, have venturedinto the intimidating void of solitude to face themselves, discoverwho they are, surrender what they are not, and embrace their truelife callings.
At some point, every person must become alone wolf. Every person must journey into the void of the soul toface themselves. The truth is that not only do we experienceeverything in our lives alone on an ego level, but we can neverfind our purpose, peace or answers engulfed in the tides of peopleor society. Living a life consumed by noise and busyness is one ofthe main reasons why the people in our society never hear the voiceof the soul that leads them towards joy, peace, and liberation.
The chapters in this book all describe giftsthat can be obtained from a regular practice of solitude. Eachchapter is also written in the different voices that weindividually write in. If youre currently going through aspiritual awakening process, this book can help you to understandhow truly rejuvenating, empowering and revealing solitude can be.Solitude is an essential inner work practice.
Our hope is that these words will inspire youto seek, at the very least, some quiet time to reflect, learn andconnect with your soul.
Much love,
Luna andSol
"Solitude is the place of purification."
Have you ever felt the need for somequiet time? And more importantly, have you ever asked yourselfwhy?
Its no secret that our lives in this societycreate immense exhaustion and numbness within us. Not only do wefeel constantly drained and frazzled by the fast paced, consumerand commodity controlled lives we live, but the time we have torelax and reflect is severely restricted. As a result, many of usunconsciously realize that the noisy, jam-packed schedules we haveallow us no time to truly live life. Before we know it, our days,months and years pass in a blur.
Only when we emerge from our mindlessly busyroutines can we realize that we feel lonely, scared and emptyinside. This miserable feeling is mainly due to one thing:noise.
On our spiritual paths, learning how tocultivate inner quietness is extremely vital for our mental,emotional and soulful health. To cultivate this inner quietness, wemust first learn how to love (instead of fear) solitude. Only inquietness, the absence of noisy distraction, can we focus ondeveloping inner and outer awareness, understanding andappreciation.
Inner quietness is an acceptance of yourselfand the world, without any noisy conflicting expectations ordesires. It is becoming mindful of the emotions and thoughts thatare not you and letting them pass in peace. It is becoming awareof, and cherishing the beauty, fragility, and transience of alllife around you. And lastly, inner quietness is making peace withyourself, your flaws and your failures, realizing that none ofthese are you; they simply belonged to you. Inner quietness is thestate of ultimate love, peace, and joy.
The first step to developing inner quietnessis to understand, and practice, the power of solitude.
Chapter 1 Aloneness
There are three irreversible factsof life. We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone.
Aloneness is in our fundamental nature; it isat our very roots. In reality, we all experience life through anego which perceives life in a singular, subjective way. While weare all connected on the level of Spirit, we are all alone on thelevel of the ego.
Although aloneness is greatly feared andavoided, almost every spiritual teacher in history has attested toits importance and the need for it to be embraced and cultivated.If youre seeking to answer the questions of life, discover who youare, and connect with your soul, seeking aloneness is an essentialpit stop on your journey.
Freedom FromIllusion
In life, most of us are fooled by theillusion that we aren't alone because there are people around us.These people could be your friends, family members, lovers, orgroups who share your beliefs and values.
Although these people may touch our souls andmake us feel a part of something greater than ourselves, when thesepeople leave or die, we are left alone in solitude.
However, despite the fact that we fearaloneness, we fail to realize how deeply beneficial solitude cantruly be. Only in solitude can we be entirely free to be ourselves.Only in solitude can we explore ourselves freely, without the fearof judgment from others. Only in solitude can we rediscover thevoice of our souls.
Unsurprisingly, the reason why most peopleare scared of solitude is because it reveals great truth whichwe're unconsciously scared to face. For instance, many people insolitude discover that they are full of anger, hatred, grief orpossess a trait that they've been avoiding, such as homosexuality,or a behavior pattern such as addiction to food or sex.
As a result, it is solitude that allows us toescape from the illusions that we have created about ourselves, andreplace them with truth, clarity and understanding.
Unfortunately however, most people havelearned to equate aloneness with one of the most painfulexperiences in life: loneliness. Perhaps this is why we avoidaloneness like the plague?
Why AlonenessIs Not Loneliness
Its true that externally aloneness andloneliness look the same because they are both characterized byphysical solitude. Unfortunately, this is why aloneness is oftenfalsely mistaken for loneliness.
However, aloneness is not the same asloneliness because internally they are both two completelydifferent experiences.
Loneliness, for example, is not chosen by us.Instead, loneliness is something imposed on us: it is manifested asa feeling of isolation and emptiness. Loneliness occurs when wehavent accepted our natural aloneness in life and try to fill thefear of being alone with external distractions and comforts.
Aloneness, on the other hand, is chosen.Aloneness can be described as the beautiful feeling of being alonewithout being lonely. When we are alone, we are in a state ofengagement with ourselves wherein our company is more than enoughto keep us happy. Unlike loneliness, aloneness helps us to practiceintrospection and reflection so that we can reconnect with thevoice of our souls. Not only that, but aloneness also allows us toappreciate and interact better with our surroundings through thecultivation of mindfulness, awareness, and gratitude.
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