The subject of Spiritualism was first brought under my notice about fifteen years ago, by reading two or three accounts of the occurrences which were taking place in America. To some extent I was prepared for the fair consideration of very strange and startling phenomena, from having previously examined fully into the subject of mesmerism. The result of this enquiry, carried on for several months, under most favourable circumstances, was a thorough conviction of the reality of the phenomena of mesmerism, from the simple sleep up to clairvoyance. At that time, scientific men in general, and the medical profession in particular, were loud in condemnation of what they considered sheer imposture; and one of the most eminent of the profession, the late Dr. Elliotson, lost a considerable portion of his very extensive practice by his bold and uncompromising assertion of the truth of mesmerism and its great importance as a curative agent. Since then a great change has taken place in the opinion of the public on this subject. Judging by the literature of the day, as well as by the remarks current in society, the general phenomena of mesmerism, are widely accepted as true; and even those who believe in the higher phenomena, including clairvoyance, are no longer necessarily considered to be the victims of imposture.
When table turning became one of the amusements of the day, I witnessed and tried various experiments which clearly demonstrated the inadequacy of Professor Faraday's explanation of the manifestations by involuntary muscular action. I was also present at a seance, where Mrs. Hayden was the medium, and an attentive examination of what took place sufficed to satisfy me that the subject was worthy of careful examination, to be made whenever an opportunity should occur for a full investigation into a class of phenomena, opening a new field of research of a very strange and startling description. This opportunity has been afforded by Lord Adare's acquaintance with Mr. Home, which commenced in 1867. I soon perceived from his letters, that the manifestations were so remarkable that they deserved to be duly chronicled and preserved. At my request he has carefully noted, as fully as could conveniently be done, the occurrences of each day, and has permitted me to print the whole series for private circulation. Publication is out of the question, as much that is interesting and a valuable portion of the record, relates to private domestic affairs, and to near relatives or intimate friends.
Even after the unavoidable suppression of some curious and instructive details, it was not without much reluctance that we made up our minds to give even a very limited circulation to this series of seances; but, after full consideration we have deemed it best to printas nearly as we possibly could venture to dothe entire record; notwithstanding the pain, to ourselves and others, which necessarily accompanies the mention of communications professing to come from those whose memories call up the deepest and tenderest feelings of our nature. It is obvious that the chief value of such a record must depend upon the trustworthiness of the narrator. Fidelity of description is very rare, even where honesty of purpose is undoubted. I believe that in the present case scrupulous accuracy, a retentive memory, and an unexcitable temperament are combined in an unusual degree, forming just such a combination of qualities as is indispensable for one who undertakes to record phenomena of this exceptional and startling character. In several of the latter seances, portions of them have been written by both Lord Adare and myself, and then carefully compared; some Were looked over by more than one of the persons present: thus everything has been done to ensure the greatest accuracy. In addition, each of those mentioned as present at the seances (except a few who are not within reach) has received a copy of the printed account, and replies have been received from all, affirming the accuracy of the reports. A list of these names will be given further on, and thus the following pages, it is hoped, will be found to contain the fullest and best authenticated account of the phenomena of Spiritualism which has as yet appeared in this country.
It must be borne in mind that an actual record of facts, and not the adoption or refutation of any particular theory, is the main object in view. Spiritualism, will, therefore, in the ensuing remarks, be regarded chiefly in its scientific or phenomenal aspect, and I have purposely avoided expressing any decided opinion on questions so complicated, and about which at present such conflicting opinions prevail, as upon the character of the phenomena, the source from which they proceed, and the tendency of the teaching to be derived from them.
The whole subject of Spiritualism is one which must soon command the attention of thoughtful men in this country, as it has very fully done in America, and to some extent in France and other countries of Europe. In America, the belief in Spiritualism may be considered as a fait accompli. Its adherents are said to be reckoned by millions; varying from three to eleven, according to different accounts; but, even should the lowest calculation be beyond the exact truth, as is probably the case, there can be no doubt that a considerable portion of the people of the United States, including many men eminent in science, literature, politics, &c., (among whom was to be reckoned the late President Lincoln) believe that a means of communication is now open between the inhabitants of this world and intelligent beings belonging to a different state of existence; thus affording a new and astounding evidence for the reality of another life, and of a spirit-world. It is remarkable that this new source of evidence should be discovered at a time when materialism, and the denial of a future state are on the increase, apparently in all parts of the world, and are said to prevail to an alarming extent in America, the country, be it remarked, where first these manifestations occurred on a large or striking scale. The timidity or apathy of men of science in England on this subject is to be deplored. A remarkable example of the former was seen in the case of the late Sir David Brewster. He was present at two seances of Mr. Home's, where he stated, as is affirmed on the written testimony of persons present, his impression that the phenomena were most striking and startling, and he does not appear then to have expressed any doubt of their genuineness, but he afterwards did so in an offensive manner. The whole discussion may be read in Mr. Home's book entitled, " Incidents in my Life." I mention this circumstance, because, I was so struck with what Sir David Brewsterwith whom I was well acquaintedhad himself told me, that it materially influenced me in determining to examine thoroughly into the reality of the phenomena. I met him one day on the steps of the Athenaeum; we got upon the subject of table-turning, &c.; he spoke most earnestly, stating that the impression left on his mind from what he had seen, was, that the manifestations were to him quite inexplicable by fraud, or by any physical laws with which we were acquainted, and that they ought to be fully and carefully examined into. At present I know of only three eminent men of science in England, who have gone fully into the subject; and in their case the enquiry has resulted in a conviction of the genuineness of the phenomena. I allude to Mr. De Morgan the mathematician, Mr. Varley the electrician, and Mr. Wallace the naturalist, all, as is well known, men of high distinction in widely differing departments of science.
In investigating this subject, the greatest patience is required. As in the somewhat analogous case of clairvoyance, the recurrence of similar phenomena is most uncertain, owing partly to the varying physical conditions of the medium, partly to the physical state of one or more of those present, or even to the state of the atmosphere; partial or even total failures must, therefore, occasionally be expected. I remember at a seance held to witness the clairvoyant phenomena of Alexis, how the effect of the presence of one lady sufficed nearly to obliterate his power; she, fortunately for us, left the room in disgust at what she designated as humbug, as Alexis's power returned almost immediately after her departure, and we had a most interesting and beautiful seance. A very analogous example in the case of Spiritualism will be found at p. 110 of the following seances. Great caution must, therefore, be observed, and great allowances made, wherever a bond fide desire to arrive at truth is the real object of the enquirer.