Lars Muhl was born in Aarhus in 1950. He attended The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus (Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium) from 1974 to 1976. For many years, he was a successful singer-songwriter first as a band member, and then from 1986 as a solo artist. In 1996, he was awarded the WCMs Songwriters Million Certificate.
The author has had a great interest in spirituality from a very young age, and, concurrently with his music, he studied the worlds religions and esoteric knowledge. Then, in 1996, he was struck down by an unexplained illness, which neither doctors nor alternative therapists could diagnose. This was the start of a completely new existence and the beginning of that quest he has so grippingly described in The Seer. In 1999 Lars Muhl decided to leave music to concentrate fully on his spiritual interests.
Lars Muhl has studied Aramaic, the language of Jesus, and has spent many years writing and lecturing on spirituality throughout the world. In 2003 he started Hearts and Hands, a non-profit and apolitical aid organization based on the voluntary work of various therapists. The aim is to help people who are suffering from life crises such as cancer and stress-related illnesses. In 2009 Lars Muhl and his wife Githa Ben-David founded the Gilalai Institute for Energy and Consciousness.
I and my bride are one, just as Mariam the Magdalene whom I have chosen and sanctified as an example is one with me.
Yeshua, The Gospel of The Nazarenes
This edition first published in the UK and USA 2017 by
Watkins, an imprint of Watkins Media Limited
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London WC2N 4EZ
Design and typography copyright Watkins Media Limited 2017
Text copyright Lars Muhl 2017
Lars Muhl has asserted his right under the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.
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Designed and typeset by Donald Sommerville
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A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-78678-047-8
The train started with a jerk. I opened the parcel. It contained a manuscript almost 400 pages long. The main title was Kansbar, the Protector of the Grail and underneath the subtitle Alhambra 1001. Then a small introduction:
Kansbar is not my real name. But due to the secrets I have been chosen to guard, I have taken this old Persian name. Kansbar the Chosen One. Kansbar the Wise. Kansbar the Seer. Kansbar the Protector of the Grail. I am getting old. For many years I have been searching for the one who is to take over this duty after me but in vain. Only now do I remember the day I met Flegetanis, an itinerant Moorish singer, in a marketplace in a small town on the coast of Andalusia. This manuscript is for him. This is the story of the Grail.
Back in Denmark I immediately started to write the manuscript which later became the book The Andalusian Seer. I was so occupied with this task for the first few months that I forgot all about the old Andalusian manuscript which the Seer had left in my care. If the sun one day hadnt shone its rays onto my bookcase and pointed to the manuscript with an insisting finger, it is hard to say how long it might have stayed there collecting dust. Now I took it, opened it with a pounding heart and started to read:
There once was a kings daughter who came from far away, and no one knew whence she had come but they saw that she was unique, beautiful and wise in everything she did, and they were astonished when they saw that she was surrounded by 32 rays of golden light. They said, She is truly born of the light since the world is enlightened through her deeds. They asked her, Where do you come from? She answered, From my own place. They said, Then your people must be blessed. Blessed be you and blessed be your place. She said, Let those who desire this blessing follow me. I have come to establish true balance in the world. But most of them hesitated for they had no faith in a woman. Not until she had disappeared and no longer enlightened the world did they repent and look for her, but in vain. Then they visited the wisest man in the country and asked him, What are those 32 rays of golden light? He answered, Those 32 rays are paths. They each represent the king in the innermost chamber of his palace, and the number of chambers was 32, and there was a path leading to each of the chambers. The wise man was further questioned: Did the king allow anyone access to his chambers along those paths? No! Did he allow his pearls, his hidden treasures and his divine things be shown? No! What did the king do? He took his daughter and collected all the paths in her and her gown, and anyone who desired to set foot in the innermost chamber had to see her. The king in his endless love for her called her my daughter for she was his daughter. At other times he called her my mother or my sister but at all times he called her my beloved one.
It had been raining all that Sunday and also throughout the night. It was as if the floodgates of the Flood itself had been opened. I was in my study lost in the endless rain and the soaked landscape outside. The air was tense with static electricity. Something indefinable was gathering across the sea, a series of dark shadows of breaking clouds filled with unanswered questions.
I had just finished the manuscript for The Seer, when the phone rang.
Now is the time, a familiar voice stated.
It was the Seer.
Meet me at Montsgur, Friday next week.
I wanted to say something but the words got stuck in my throat. A deep, warm sense of happiness flowed through me. Maybe I had given up on hearing from him again. He had been in my dreams and I had experienced the presence of his inspiring power from afar. What else could I want? Now I was sitting here afraid that he would disappear from my life again.
Be vigilant, he said, it is close to quarter day.
The connection was cut off and I was left with the worlds loneliest note in my ear. Quarter day? What was all that about? Was it just another example of the Seers well-known sense of drama or his equally precise sense of timing?
The mere sound of his voice once more activated the invisible language with which I was slowly becoming familiar and which I was aware was only used when something unavoidable was to be communicated: a sound which could be received only by one who had been initiated into it. The ominous and no-nonsense undertone was unable to dampen my joy at having heard from him again.
See. Wake up and SEE! a voice whispered.
On the following day a catastrophe struck which was to change the sense of reality for a whole generation on several continents. The day was 11 September 2001 the day that the Tower of Babel, the Twin Towers, came crashing down. The generation was called fear and the part of the world was the Western World.
Quarter day!
It was a rude awakening. Finally the abscess burst and we now stood paralysed, staring blindly into our own self-made darkness. But instead of a willingness to see, the leaders of the world once more chose the destructive escape route of repression and fear: projection the hopeless result of a onesided, rigid and masculine desire for power.
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