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This little book is the result of a whole lifes burning interest in Jesus, not only as archetype, saviour, Bodhisattva and elder brother, but also in his relation to the Essenes from the Dead Sea. Since I was in my teens I have felt an unexplainable connection with these seers from the Holy Land, but it was not until after my meeting with the seer Calle de Montsgur, many years later, that with his help I was able to reconnect to the great akashic field called the Book of Life. This resulted in the great vision that is now revealed in my book The O Manuscript, without which The Law of Light: The Secret Teachings of Jesus would have been unthinkable.
The numbering of the text in verses might seem odd, but is done to ease the reading of this very concentrated text, where many points are made only once, and therefore could be all too easily missed.
I pray that this little book may open you up to your higher Self, and that you may also experience Rukha dKoodsha, The Holy Spirit.
Lars Muhl
Lars Muhl was for many years a successful singer-songwriter who, concurrently with his music, studied the worlds religions and esoteric knowledge. Then in 1996 he was struck down by an unexplained illness, which neither doctors nor alternative therapists could diagnose. For three years he was confined to his bed, unable to move. Through a friend, Lars was put in touch with a seer who, via the telephone, brought him back to life. This experience, and the revelations that followed from it, are described in The O Manuscript.
Today, Muhl and his wife, Githa Ben-David, operate the Gilalai Institute of Energy and Consciousness. Together they live in Denmark.
Other Books by the Author
Soul at Fire
The Eye of Freya
The Stillness of the Heart
The Celestian Way
The Forgotten Language
The Andalusian Seer
Mary Magdalene
The Grail
The Wisdom of the Broken Heart
The Aramaic Mystery (book and DVD)
The O Manuscript
I came not to take away the law, but to fulfil it.
(Yeshua in Matthew 5:17)
The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light.
(Yeshua in Matthew 6:22)
And I asked the angel who went with me
and showed me all the hidden things
concerning that Son of Man, who he was,
and why he went with the Head of Days?
And he answered and said unto me:
This is the Son of Man who hath righteousness,
with whom dwelleth righteousness,
and who revealeth all the treasures
of that which is hidden, because the Lord of Spirits
hath chosen him, and whose lot hath the pre-eminence
before the Lord of Spirits in uprighteousness for ever.
(1 Enoch 46:23)
This book represents a synthesis of many years deep interest in, and working with, Yeshuas sacred wisdom, as expressed through the Aramaic language. In 1987 I came across Edith R Stauffers wonderful book Unconditional Love and Forgiveness, in which she sets forth some of the basic principles of the Aramaic language, and it struck home; my heart was pierced. We wrote to each other for a while, and Edith sent me, amongst other things, The Khaboris Manuscript.
This book, therefore, is dedicated to the memory of Edith R Stauffer.
A very special thank you must also go to Father Albert Panimeen from the Assyrian Church in Denmark for his inestimable help with spelling methods, pronunciation and onomatopoeic words; also to Githa Ben-David for her unconditional love, unselfish pioneering work and inspiration through the power of sound.
Many thanks to Jane Helbo for translating the manuscript into proper English. Also, a heartfelt thanks to Michael Mann, Jo Lal, Deborah Hercun, Vicky Hartley and Bob Saxton at Watkins Publishing, London, and John Tintera, Osprey Publishing, New York for making this special expanded edition of The Law of Light possible.
Authors Note on Biblical Sources
While preparing this manuscript I have quoted from different Biblical sources, the principal ones being: The Khaboris Manuscript, The New Jerusalem Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls. In respect of the psychology behind the Aramaic language, I have often taken the liberty of interpreting and paraphrasing the content further, to make it clearer and to align it with the Aramaic way of thinking.
Faith, religion and spirituality are some of the most controversial subjects one can be interested in nowadays. In spite of industrial and technological developments, which have given mankind a superfluity of consumer goodies, it is only our material standard of living that has been raised: we have lost touch with our basic spirituality along the way. The world is still driven by confusion, fear, famine and war. Technology hasnt yet been able to find the answer to some of the most pressing questions that have troubled us since the beginning of time. More and more people turn their back on institutionalized religion, whilst those who profess a particular faith seem to become more and more fundamental in the way they practise it.
The Christian world perpetuates a whole range of external dogmas that keep church members involved in the life of the Church, but these, for many, no longer have any meaning. Despite the fact that many of us are not believers, tradition dictates that we still come together for christenings, weddings, confirmations and funerals. Only a few are familiar with the content of Christianitys main scripture, the New Testament, and even fewer take the Word at all seriously. In fact, many people keep at arms length those who feel themselves called to spread Jesuss message, or even merely to mention Him by name.