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Claire Heartsong - Anna, Grandmother of Jesus: A Message of Wisdom and Love

Here you can read online Claire Heartsong - Anna, Grandmother of Jesus: A Message of Wisdom and Love full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2017, publisher: Hay House, genre: Religion. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Claire Heartsong Anna, Grandmother of Jesus: A Message of Wisdom and Love

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The self-published spiritual word-of-mouth bestseller.

Anna, Grandmother of Jesus became a publishing sensation when the self-published version sold 50,000 copies through word of mouth alone, amassing a worldwide following in the process.
Anna is the mother of the Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. Her teachings and service birthed a spiritual lineage that changed the world. In this book, youll discover missing pieces of history concerning Anna, Mary and Jesus, as channelled by Claire Heartsong, who has been receiving telepathic messages from Anna for 30 years.
Told through the gentle and heartwarming voice of Anna herself, this book offers insights into unknown places the holy family visited, people they knew and intimate details of their daily struggle to complete the Resurrection challenges. You will learn about the Essenes of Mount Carmel and their secret teachings and initiations, and gain a new understanding of Jesuss mission.
Containing encoded activations to bring Annas wisdom and energy into your own spiritual life, this book is an invitation to complete a journey of initiation begun long ago.

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First published and distributed in the United Kingdom by Hay House UK Ltd - photo 1

First published and distributed in the United Kingdom by:
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Text 2002, 2017 Laura Anne Duffy-Gipson (aka Claire Heartsong)

Previously published by LightRiver Media/S.E.E Publishing
(ISBN: 978-0-9844863-1-1)

The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise be copied for public or private use, other than for fair use as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews, without prior written permission of the publisher.

The information given in this book should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice; always consult a medical practitioner. Any use of information in this book is at the readers discretion and risk. Neither the author nor the publisher can be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising out of the use, or misuse, of the suggestions made, the failure to take medical advice or for any material on third-party websites.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 978-1-78180-908-2 in print
ISBN 978-1-78180-953-2 in ePub format
ISBN 978-1-78180-952-5 in Kindle format

Interior images: Claire Heartsong

This book is dedicated to the return of the Divine Mother,
Birthing the compassionate Christ in every heart.
May all beings know freedom and union.
May all beings be at peace.
In the Oneness

Contents My eternal gratitude to the FatherMother of Life who hearing my - photo 2ContentsMy eternal gratitude to the FatherMother of Life who hearing my childhood - photo 3
My eternal gratitude to the FatherMother of Life who hearing my childhood - photo 4

My eternal gratitude to the FatherMother of Life, who hearing my childhood cries continues to answer my prayers: Who am I? What is my purpose here in this strange land? How do I return Home? Open me to love and wisdom so that I may bring compassion to myself and others! To Anna, Yeshua, Mother Mary, and the Councils of Light, I AM yours in service to the upliftment of all life, as we continue to collaborate in Oneness. My innermost heart ever acknowledges the eternal Friend and Beloved on the inner planes whose company and nondual embrace sustain me.

I wish to acknowledge my parents, who are no longer available for hugs, and my brother for being a constant support. My four daughters and seven grandchildren are precious jewels shining in my maternal heart. A warm thank you to my life partners and beloved friends who have gifted me with your love and presence. Heartfelt gratitude to my large spiritual family for all the championing encouragement and tangible support which has manifested this book into the earthplane. Thank you, dear Virginia Essene (who has since passed on), for following your inner guidance and choosing to publish Annas messages in 2002.

We are all fortunate at this time to have Annas story being told through a new format and expanded outreach. Immense gratitude to Hay House Publishers in the UK! Thank you for hearing the call and bringing your collective creativity and resource together for this purpose. And thank you for always inviting my input.

A heartfelt thank you, dear friend, for calling Anna forth in this form. May her words of love bring you deep inner peace and her life of wisdom inspire your way. May you realize your own nondual nature which you will find Anna always pointing out. Who you truly are is beyond your limited intellect, so please pause often, go within, and find an expansive warmth in the centre of your heart space. Allow your heart of love to open to all that is showing up in your ordinary life in this and every here and now. In this effortless way, youll realize the enlightenment you seek has been here all along! Blessed journey without distance!

Thanks to one and all!

There are those among us who serve as celestial historians and storytellers - photo 5

There are those among us who serve as celestial historians and storytellers - photo 6

There are those among us who serve as celestial historians and storytellers, bringing to light inner perceptions long hidden within the human psyche, as well as information that helps explain our life on Earth with its mysteries great and small. If it is higher consciousness you seek, we invite you to bring your spiritual nature and an open mind as we go journeying into nontraditional concepts that continue to influence human lives today.

Anna was first introduced by S.E.E. Publishing Company part of the nonprofit SHARE Foundation. She was an extraordinary, powerful woman, who light conceived her daughter, Mary, and taught her the Essene way of life so Mary could fulfil her role as mother for the expected Messiah, Jesus.

Although readers of the Edgar Cayce materials may know something of the Essenes and Annas spiritual importance to Mary, her grandson Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and others, one must wonder why bibles and history books rarely mention her essential role. How is it possible that Anna has been forgotten or ignored by two major religions for so long? It is for this reason that we introduce you to Anna and a small, secretive group of Jews who deliberately created a holy community of light servers capable of supporting the divine plan known as the greatest story ever told.

In looking at Judaic literature for an answer, we find that it totally ignores the vital role Anna played in those profound biblical times before the birth of Jesus. Whether earlier mainstream Jews rejected the importance of the entire Essene group at large, or just Anna because she was a woman, is not known. Perhaps, like the Roman Catholic Church that eventually sainted Anna as St. Anne, they were both merely ignorant of her true role in the Holy Land events of 2,000 years ago. Unbelievably, the recent Catholic Encyclopedia dismisses Anna with the following comment: Of the mother of Our Lady nothing is certainly known: even for her name and that of husband Joachim we have to depend upon the apocryphal Protevangelium of James which, though in its earliest forms is very ancient, is not a trustworthy document.

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