To Darrdlyn
The First Rose Window ..................................... ii
Charts ................................................... x
Figures .................................................. X
Paran Maps .............................................. xi
Star maps ................................................ xii
Acknowledgments ......................................... xiv
PART 1: IN THE BEGINNING ............................ 1
Introduction .............................................. 3
The Background to the Astrological Decline of Fixed Stars .......... 9
Parans: The Foundations .................................... 15
Planets and Orbs .......................................... 28
Deciding What Stars to Use ................................. 30
The Four Angles and the Fixed Stars ........................... 33
The Effect ofStars on Natal Planets ........................... 38
Summary: How to Work with Parans and Fixed Stars .............. 43
PART 2: THE CONSTELLATIONS ......................... 45
The Canvas in the Sky ...................................... 47
Andromeda, the Princess .................................... 47
Aquila, the Eagle .......................................... 56
Ara, the Altar ............................................. 61
Argo, the Ship ............................................ 62
Auriga, the Charioteer ...................................... 69
Bootes, the Hunter Who Now Farms .......................... 75
Canis Major, the Dog ...................................... 80
Canis Minor, the Lesser Dog ................................. 89
Canes Venatici, Bootes' Hunting Dogs ......................... 92
Cassiopeia, the Queen ...................................... 93
Centaurus, the Centaur ..................................... 97
Cepheus, the King ......................................... 103
Cetus, the Whale .......................................... 105
Coma Berenices, Berenice's Hair .............................. 109
Corona Australis, the Southern Crown ......................... 114
Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown ......................... 115
Corvus, the Crow ......................................... 119
The Crater, the Cup ....................................... 120
Crux, the Cross ........................................... 123
Cygnus, the Swan ......................................... 126
Delphinus, the Dolphin .................................... 130
Draco, the Dragon ........................................ 133
Equuleus, the Little Horse ................................... 137
Eridanus, the River ........................................ 138
Hercules, the Phantom or the One Who Kneels .................. 143
Hydra, the Serpent ........................................ 148
Lepus, the Hare ........................................... 153
Lupus, the Wolf ........................................... 154
Lyra, the Harp ............................................ 155
Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder, and Serpens, the Serpent .......... 159
Orion, God on the Equator .................................. 163
Pegasus, the Winged Horse .................................. 177
Perseus, the Prince ......................................... 185
Piscis Australis, the Southern Fish ............................. 194
Sagitta, the Arrow ......................................... 199
Triangulum, the Triangle .................................... 200
Triangulum Australe, Southern Triangle ........................ 201
Ursa Major, the Great She-Bear ............................... 202
Ursa Minor, the Little Bear .................................. 206
The New Constellations .................................... 208
PART 3: THE ZODIAC, THE RING OF LIFE ................ 221
The Zodiac Constellations .................................. 223
Aries, the Ram ............................................ 224
Taurus, the Bull .......................................... 229
The Pleiades ......................................... 237
The Hyades ......................................... 241
Gemini, the Twins ......................................... 243
Cancer, the Crab .......................................... 253
The Manger ......................................... 257
Leo, the Lion ............................................. 259
Virgo, the Virgin .......................................... 270
Libra, the Scales .......................................... 278
Scorpius, the Scorpion ..................................... 284
Sagittarius, the Archer ...................................... 293
Capricorn, the Goat ....................................... 300
Aquarius, the Water Carrier ................................. 305
Pisces, the Fishes .......................................... 311
PART 4: STAR PHASES .................................. 317
The Sun and the Stars ...................................... 319
Determining the Phase of a Star .............................. 319
Summary of Definitions .................................... 331
Star Phases in Natal and Mundane Astrology .................... 333
Working with Fixed Stars ................................... 345
Using Fixed Stars as a Predictive Tool .......................... 363
APPENDICES .......................................... 367
Appendix A Locating, Measuring, and Naming the Stars ......... 369
Appendix B Stars That Rise and Set for Any Given Latitude ....... 374
Appendix C Heliacal and Acronychal Zodiac Maps .............. 377
Appendix D Mundane Heliacal Rising Maps ................... 412
Appendix E Ecliptical Degrees: Ptolemy's Method Versus the Modern System ....................... 417
Appendix F Birth Data ................................... 432
Appendix G Star Guide ................................... 437