Summer with theLeprechauns
A True Story
![by Tanis Helliwell Summer with the Leprechauns A True Story by Tanis Helliwell - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/400891/tmp_34735efaf807fd515165a326eb5cc4c2_yAZR4h_html_56a14c64.png)
by Tanis Helliwell
Summer with the Leprechauns: A True Story
by Tanis Helliwell
Published by Wayshower Enterprises atSmashwords
Copyright Tanis Helliwell 1997
The authorized edition copyright TanisHelliwell 2011
A True Story, revised Tanis Helliwell2021
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ISBN: 9781476041582 (Smashwords edition)
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Cover photograph by Tanis Helliwell
This book is dedicated to all worldservershuman, angelic and elementalwho are working to heal theEarth and to bring love, harmony, and understanding to allbeings.
Table ofContents
Although only my name appears as author, Iwish to acknowledge my indebtedness to my leprechaun friend andother beings who taught me about elementals. A special thank you tomy Irish friends who befriended me and whose identity I keep silentto ensure their privacy.
For their help in bringing this book tofruition, I thank Patrick Crean, Joe Fisher, and Jean Houston, whourged me to tell my story of the little people, as well as BobSilverstein who encouraged me to republish the updated authorizededition.
I thank David Suzuki, Tara Cullis, Ann andHarper Graham for generously providing peaceful seaside cottageswhere I could write.
Lastly, I thank my mother, MargaretHelliwell, who gave me Irish blood and love of all things Irish,and whose listening to the story being read aloud polished the booklike a jewel.
![Preface In 1985 I spent a summer in Ireland livingin an old cottage occupied - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/400891/tmp_34735efaf807fd515165a326eb5cc4c2_yAZR4h_html_116cefdb.png)
In 1985 I spent a summer in Ireland livingin an old cottage occupied by leprechauns. These seldom seen beingstaught me about the evolution of elementalsthe race to whichleprechauns, elves, goblins, gnomes, trolls, faeries, and devasbelong. They explained their interdependence with humans and urgedme, through this book, to promote an awareness of how humans andelementals need to work together in healing the Earth. Although myinitial experience with the leprechauns took place in Ireland, theyand other elementals have become part of my ongoing life. Summerwith the Leprechauns has been published in eight countries andI receive emails daily, by young and old alike who are moved bythis story.
Summer with the Leprechauns: A TrueStory is my true story, complete with a new preface and amessage from the leprechaun, re-edited so that you can hear theleprechauns speaking voice in the way I do. This new edition flowsnicely into a second book, Pilgrimage with the Leprechauns: a truestory of a mystical tour of Ireland, where, if you like, you canread about my ongoing adventures with the leprechaun and hiselementals friends.
At this point, the reader may have somequestions about my mental stability. After all, have not most of usbeen taught that elementals, angels, and anything that isntanchored in third-dimensional reality do not exist? I understandthis dilemma and believe that we need a well-developed criticalawareness so that we can separate truth from fantasy. However, ifwe are open to look, there is overwhelming evidence for theexistence of elementals. A hundred years ago, W.B.Yeats, in hisintroduction to Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry,wrote of faeries, saying, In Ireland they are still extant, givinggifts to the kindly, and plaguing the surly. While gathering hisstories, he asked Paddy Flynn, Have you ever seen a fairy or suchlike? Paddy responded, Amnt I annoyed with them, and thencontinued to recount his various true experiences.
Its not only in Ireland that we haveelementals. Almost all cultures around the world have legends andstories about them. In Iceland, a survey that was quoted in theGlobe and Mail, Canadas leading newspaper, indicated thattwenty-two percent of Icelanders believe in elves. Mayor IngvarViktorsson of Hafnarfjordur, said, We have known for a long timeof another society coexistent with our human one, a communityconcealed from most people with its dwellings in many parts of thetown and the lava and cliffs that surround it. We are convincedthat elves, hidden people and other beings living there arefavourably disposed towards us.
And its not just people from Europeanbackgrounds who maintain a belief in elementals; native cultures doas well. The Maori in New Zealand call their oldest elementals theChildren of the Mist, or Patupairehe. The Children of theMist, flaxen-haired and slender, are said by Maori elders to havebeen in New Zealand long before the coming of their people. TheMaori also believe in other kinds of elementals, such as the onesthey call Nanakia, who, similarly to elves, are associated withtrees and most often encountered in forests.
In my life I have had too much proof of theexistence of these beings to deny their reality. As a child, Ilived in many worlds simultaneously, and was aware of voices on thewind and elemental beings glimpsed out of the corner of my eye. Atthat time, I was unaware that others did not see and hear thesebeings, and so I never questioned or spoke of it.
I dont think my story is unique. Manychildren see elemental beingslike faeries and elvesand many ofthese beings are the special friends, which their parents thinktheir children imagine. The story of Peter Pan illustrateschildrens connection to the magical world of elementals and themessage that, as adults, they will have to forfeit this connection.Still, some adults remain open to seeing and hearing angels andelementals. These individuals are called mystics or clairvoyantsand it is my belief that a great many more of us can open to hearand see again as we did when we were children.
During my childhood and teenage years Ienjoyed astral travel; prophetic messages emerged when I spoke inmy sleepinstances I downplayed in my attempt to be seen asnormaluntil I had a near-death experience at age nineteen. Soonafter that incident, I started meditating and fully opened to otherrealities again.
My inner journey of working with spiritualbeings to develop consciousness spanned fifteen years, but I seldomspoke of it and then only to trusted friends. I was fortunateduring that time to find a career which enabled me to use my socalled intuition legitimately. In Toronto, I conducted a privatepsychotherapy practice specialising in spiritual transformation. Ioffered workshops internationally, where I taught individuals howto develop the qualities which I had acquired naturally. My focuswas teaching individuals to develop their abilities to perceiveother realities, rather than operating as a psychic for them.
This led, in the year 2000, to founding theInternational Institute of Transformation (IIT) to assistindividuals to develop spiritual intelligence to become co-creatorswith the spiritual and natural laws to serve all beings and theEarth.