2017 U.S. Navy Illustrated Encyclopedia ofWeapons, Ships, and Equipment: Updated Program Guide - Aircraft,Jets, Carriers, Submarines, Missiles, Electronics, SurfaceCombatants, Science, Technology
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Progressive Management
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This is a privately authored news service andeducational publication of Progressive Management. Our publicationssynthesize official government information with original material -they are not produced by the federal government. They are designedto provide a convenient user-friendly reference work to uniformlypresent authoritative knowledge that can be rapidly read, reviewedor searched. Vast archives of important data that might otherwiseremain inaccessible are available for instant review no matterwhere you are. There is no other reference book that is asconvenient, comprehensive, thoroughly researched, and portable -everything you need to know, from renowned experts you trust. Forover a quarter of a century, our news, educational, technical,scientific, and medical publications have made unique and valuablereferences accessible to all people. Our books put knowledge atyour fingertips, and an expert in your pocket!
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The U.S. Navy is ready to execute theNation's tasks at sea, from prompt and sustained combat operationsto everyday forward-presence, diplomacy and relief efforts. Weoperate worldwide, in space, cyberspace, and throughout themaritime domain. The United States is and will remain a maritimenation, and our security and prosperity are inextricably linked toour ability to operate naval forces on, under and above the seasand oceans of the world.
To that end, the Navy executes programs thatenable our Sailors, Marines, civilians, and forces to meet existingand emerging challenges at sea with confidence. Six prioritiesguide today's planning, programming, and budgeting decisions: (1)maintain a credible, modern, and survivable sea based strategicdeterrent; (2) sustain forward presence, distributed globally inplaces that matter; (3) develop the capability and capacity to windecisively; (4) focus on critical afloat and ashore readiness toensure the Navy is adequately funded and ready; (5) enhance theNavy's asymmetric capabilities in the physical domains as well asin cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum; and (6) sustain arelevant industrial base, particularly in shipbuilding.
Our mission begins with these priorities inconsonance with our overall charge "to conduct prompt and sustainedcombat incident to operations at sea." In today's securityenvironment, we find ourselves looking ahead to a new reality of amore globalized world, with myriad state and non-state actors onthe stage, and global forces that directly relate to our efforts atand from the sea. These forces include increased traffic in allaspects of the maritime world, including open oceans, constrictedseas, and other waterways from the sea floor to space. The returnto great power competition, accompanied by our competitors'increased capabilities and high-end warfighting systems, and theincreasing capabilities of international terrorist groups threatenour forces ashore and in the littoral.
We will continue to faithfully serve ourNation along with our primary joint partner, the U.S. Marine Corps.Together we are America's "force in readiness," prepared topromptly respond to contingencies, crises, and conflicts anywhereAmerica's people, interests, and partners are at risk.
Since 2014, we have continued our rebalanceto the Pacific while maintaining our global commitments in everysea and ocean. Our partnerships in the Asia-Pacific region arecrucial to safeguarding the free flow of goods, services, ideas,and access to the global maritime commons on which our Nation,allies, and partners rely. Throughout the Middle East, ourforward-deployed naval forces assist our partners maintain peace,manage change, deter aggression, and address threats to stabilityin one of the world's key energy-producing regions. In Europe, ourforward-deployed forces have supported partners throughout theregion with afloat and ashore missile defense, and participate inexercises across the European region to ensure maritime securityand stability.
Some of the program highlights since the lastProgram Guide was published in 2015 include the commissioning ofthe first DDG 1000, the USS Zumwalt; continued production ofVirginia-class nuclear-powered fast-attack submarines; sea trialsfor the Gerald Ford, our next nuclear aircraft carrier classleader; and continuing progress in capabilities such as AegisAshore in Romania, NIFC-CA From-The-Sea, SM-6 missiles in multiplemodes, F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, P-8A Poseidonmulti-mission maritime patrol aircraft, and many others.
We will balance future investments in theseand emerging programs to ensure we are prepared to execute today'smissions and unknown tasks in the future, all while maintaining thediscipline of budgetary responsibility. We have aligned strategicand fiscal choices to achieve optimal warfighting capabilitywithout compromising the mission. The 2017 Navy Program Guidereflects those values. It is our duty to ensure that our Fleet willcontinue to meet the Nation's needs with people, platforms, andpayloads ready for today and as far into the future we can see.
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CVN 68 Nimitz-Class and CVN 78 Ford-ClassAircraft Carrier Programs
AH-1Z and UH-1Y Helicopter Upgrades
AV-8B Harrier 11+ Vertical/Short Take-Off andLanding (V/STOL) Aircraft
C-2A Greyhound Logistics Support Aircraft
C-40A Clipper Navy Unique Fleet EssentialAirlift (NUFEA)
C-130T Hercules Intra-Theater AirliftAircraft
CH-53E Super Stallion Helicopter
CH-53K King Stallion Heavy-Lift Replacement(HLR) Helicopter
CMV-22B Osprey Tilt-Rotor Aircraft
EA-6B Prowler Airborne Electronic Attack(AEA) Aircraft
EA-18G Growler Airborne Electronic Attack(AEA) Aircraft
F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter(JSF)
F/A-18A-D Hornet Strike-Fighter Aircraft
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Strike-FighterAircraft
KC-130J Hercules Tactical Tanker andTransport
MH-60R/S Seahawk Multi-mission CombatHelicopter
MH-53E Sea Dragon Airborne MineCountermeasures (AMCM) Helicopter
MQ-25 Carrier Based Aerial RefuelingSystem
MV-22B Osprey Tilt-Rotor Aircraft
P-3C Orion Modification, Improvement, andSustainment.
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