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Susanna Soojung Lim - China and Japan in the Russian Imagination, 1685-1922: To the Ends of the Orient

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Throughout the centuries, as Russia strove to build itself into an imperial power equal to those in the West, China and Japan came to occupy a special place in Russians view of the orient. Never colonised by Russia or the West, China and Japan were linked not only to the greatest of Russian imperial fantasies, but also, conversely, to a deep sense of insecurity regarding Russias place in the world, a sense of insecurity which deepened as China and Japan began to modernise in the later nineteenth century. Drawing on a wide range of works by Russian writers and thinkers, Lim sets out how Russian perceptions of China and Japan were formed from Muscovys first contacts with China in the late seventeenth century, through to the aftermath of Russias defeat by Japan in the early twentieth century.

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China and Japan in the Russian Imagination, 16851922
Throughout the centuries, as Russia strove to build itself into an imperial power equal to those in the West, China and Japan came to occupy a special place in Russians view of the Orient. Never colonized by Russia or the West, China and Japan were linked not only to the greatest of Russian imperial fantasies, but also, conversely, to a deep sense of insecurity regarding Russias place in the world; a sense of insecurity which deepened as China and Japan began to modernize in the later nineteenth century. Drawing on a wide range of works by Russian writers and thinkers, Lim sets out how Russian perceptions of China and Japan were formed from Muscovys first contacts with China in the late seventeenth century, through to the aftermath of Russias defeat by Japan in the early twentieth century.
Susanna Soojung Lim is an Assistant Professor of Literature at the University of Oregon, USA.
Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia
1.The Police in Occupation Japan
Control, corruption and resistance to reform
Christopher Aldous
2.Chinese Workers
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3.The Aftermath of Partition in South Asia
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4.The AustraliaJapan Political Alignment
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5.Japan and Singapore in the World Economy
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6.The Triads as Business
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7.Contemporary Taiwanese Cultural Nationalism
A-chin Hsiau
8.Religion and Nationalism in India
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Harnik Deol
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Historical and cultural perspectives
Ian Inkster
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Noriko Yokoi
13.Japanese Army Stragglers and Memories of the War in Japan, 19501975
Beatrice Trefalt
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Ang Cheng Guan
15.The Development of the Japanese Nursing Profession
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Aya Takahashi
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17.The Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 19021922
Phillips Payson OBrien
18.The United States and Cambodia, 18701969
From curiosity to confrontation
Kenton Clymer
19.Capitalist Restructuring and the Pacific Rim
Ravi Arvind Palat
20.The United States and Cambodia, 19692000
A troubled relationship
Kenton Clymer
21.British Business in Post-Colonial Malaysia, 195770
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Nicholas J. White
22.The Rise and Decline of Thai Absolutism
Kullada Kesboonchoo Mead
23.Russian Views of Japan, 17921913
An anthology of travel writing
David N. Wells
24.The Internment of Western Civilians under the Japanese, 19411945
A patchwork of internment
Bernice Archer
25.The British Empire and Tibet
Wendy Palace
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If the people are with us
Nicholas Tarling
27.Women, Work and the Japanese Economic Miracle
The case of the cotton textile industry, 19451975
Helen Macnaughtan
28.A Colonial Economy in Crisis
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29.A Vietnamese Royal Exile in Japan
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31.USChina Cold War Collaboration, 19711989
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32.Rural Economic Development in Japan
From the nineteenth century to the Pacific War
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34.Intra Asian Trade and the World Market
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35.JapaneseGerman Relations, 18951945
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36.Britains Imperial Cornerstone in China
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39.Regionalism in Southeast Asia
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40.Changing Visions of East Asia, 194393
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42.Beijing A Concise History
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45.Indias Princely States
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47.The Quest for Gentility in China
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48.Forgotten Captives in Japanese Occupied Asia
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