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Gilles Dorronsoro - Identity, Conflict and Politics in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan

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Gilles Dorronsoro Identity, Conflict and Politics in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan
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Series editors, Christophe Jaffrelot and Alain Dieckhoff
Series managing editor, Miriam Perier

The series consists of original manuscripts and translations of noteworthy manuscripts and publications in the social sciences emanating from the foremost French researchers.

The focus of the series is the transformation of politics and society by transnational and domestic factorsglobalisation, migration and religion. States are more permeable to external influence than ever before and this phenomenon is accelerating processes of social and political change the world over. In seeking to understand and interpret these transformations, this series gives priority to social trends from below as much as to the interventions of state and non-state actors.



Identity, Conflict and Politics in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan

Identity Conflict and Politics in Turkey Iran and Pakistan - image 2

Identity Conflict and Politics in Turkey Iran and Pakistan - image 3

Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and certain other countries.

Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States of America.

Gilles Dorronsoro, Olivier Grojean and the Contributors, 2018

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by license, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reproduction rights organization. Inquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above.

You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Gilles Dorronsoro and Olivier Grojean.

Title: Identity, Conflict and Politics in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan / Gilles Dorronsoro and Olivier Grojean.

ISBN 9780190845780 (print)

ISBN 9780190934682 (updf)

ISBN 9780190934903 (epub)


Gilles Dorronsoro and Olivier Grojean


Benot Fliche

Clmence Scalbert-Ycel

Christian Bromberger


Elise Massicard

Christine Moliner

Gilles Riaux

Hamit Bozarslan


Aminah Mohammad-Arif

Amlie Blom

Luc Bellon

Laurent Gayer

Chirine Mohsni

AKPAdalet ve Kalknma Partisi (Justice and Development PartyTurkey)
BIFTBangalore Islamic Foundation Trust
BJPBharatiya Janata Party (Idian Peoples Party)
BLABaloch Liberation Army
BLFBaloch Liberation Front
BLUFBalochistan Liberation United Front
BNDPBalochistan National Democratic Party
BNMBaloch National Movement
BNPBalochistan National Party
BPLFBaloch Peoples Liberation Front
BRABaloch Republican Army
BRPBaloch Republican Party
BSOBaloch Student Organisation
BUITMBaloch IT University
BWPBaloch Women Panel
CHPCumhuriyet Halk Partisi (Republican Peoples PartyTurkey)
CLGCommunities and Local Government
DEHAPDemokratik Halk Partisi (Democratic Peoples PartyTurkey)
DEPDemokrasi Partisi (Democracy PartyTurkey)
DSPDemokratik Sol Partisi (Democratic Left PartyTurkey)
DTPDemokratik Toplum Partisi (Democratic Society PartyTurkey)
DYPDoru Yol Partisi (True Path PartyTurkey)
FCFrontiers Corps
HADEPHalkn Demokrasi Partisi (Peoples Democracy PartyTurkey)
HEPHalkn Emek Partisi (Peoples Labor PartyTurkey)
HUTHizb-ut Tahrir (Party of Liberation)
ITUniversity see BUITM
JIJamaat-i Islami (Islamic Congress partyIndia, Pakistan, Bangladesh)
JWPJamhoori Watan Party (Republican National PartyBalochistan, Pakistan)
KDPIPartya Demokrata KurdistanIran (Kurdistan Democratic PartyIran)
MHPMilliyeti Hareket Partisi (Nationalist Action PartyTurkey)
PIBPunjabi Itehead Balochistan
PJAKPartiya Jiyana Azad a Kurdistan (Party of Free Life in Kurdistan)
PKKPartiya Karkern Kurdistan (Kurdistan Workers Party)
SAVAKSa-zma-n-e Ettela-a-t va Amniyat-e Keshvar (Organization of Intelligence and National SecurityIran)
SHPSosyaldemokrat Halk Partisi (Social Democratic Populist PartyTurkey)
TJTablighi Jamaat (Society for Spreading Faith)

Gilles Dorronsoro is Professor of Political Science at the University Paris IPanthon Sorbonne. A prominent expert on contemporary Afghan politics, he has lectured throughout the world and has been a non-resident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the author of Revolution Unending: Afghanistan, 1979 to the Present (London: Hurst, 2005). Co-founder of the European Journal of Turkish Studies and the South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ).

Olivier Grojean obtained his PhD in sociology from the French cole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris) and is currently Senior lecturer in political science at Universit Paris 1Panthon Sorbonne, a fellow of CESSP-CRPS. He was previously in charge of the CNRS International Relations chair at Aix-Marseille-University (CERIC). He is the author of La rvolution kurde. Le PKK et la fabrique dune utopie (Paris: La Dcouverte, 2017).


Luc Bellon is an independent researcher in anthropology, a documentary-maker and Head of Mission at Handicap International.

Amlie Blom is a political scientist at the Center for the Study of India and South Asia (CEIAS-EHESS, Paris). Her PhD research focuses on jihadism in Pakistan. Amlie is the co-editor (with Laetitia Bucaille and Luis Martinez) of The Enigma of Islamist Violence (London: Hurst, 2007).

Hamit Bozarslan is a historian and a political scientist at CETOBAC-EHESS, France, specializing in the study of the Middle Eastparticularly Turkey, Kurds, and violencethrough a historical- and political-sociological approach. His recent publications include

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