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Colin Wilson - The Atlantis Blueprint: Unlocking the Ancient Mysteries of a Long-Lost Civilization

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A spellbinding blend of history and science, scholarship and speculation, this landmark work presents startling new evidence that traces archaeologys most enduring mysteries back to the lost civilization of Atlantis....
The Great Pyramid. Stonehenge. Machu Picchu. For centuries, these and other sacred sites have inspired wonder among those who ponder their origins.
Conventional science tells us they were constructed by local peoples working with the primitive tools of a fledgling civilization. But these megaliths nonetheless continue to attract pilgrims, scholars, and adventurers drawn by the possibility that their true spiritual and technological secrets remain hidden.
Who could have built these elaborate monuments? How did they do it? And what were their incomprehensible efforts and sacrifices designed to accomplish?
Now comes a revolutionary theory that connects these mysteries to reveal a hidden global pattern -- the ancient work of an advanced civilization whose warnings of planetary cataclysm now reverberate across one hundred millennia.
International bestselling author Colin Wilson and Canadian researcher Rand Flem-Ath join forces to share startling evidence of a fiercely intelligent society dating back as much as 100,000 years -- one that sailed the oceans of the world, building monuments to preserve and communicate its remarkable wisdom.
The Atlantis Blueprint is their term for a sophisticated network of connections between these sacred sites that they trace to Atlantis: a sophisticated maritime society that charted the globe from its home base in Antarctica ... until it was obliterated by the devastating global changes it anticipated but could not escape.
Here is adventure to realms beyond our imaginings ... to shifting poles, changing latitudes ... into the world of ancient mariners who recharted the globe ... to astonishing discoveries about our ancestors. Here are the great mysteries ... the incredibly complex geography of the Temple of Luxor ... the startling sophistication of Egyptian science and math ... and tantalizing similarities among the Hebrew, Greek, and Mayan alphabets to the Chinese lunar zodiac.
The Atlantis Blueprint opens up a Pandoras box of ancient mysteries, lost worlds, and millennial riddles. It is a story as controversial, fascinating, dangerous -- and inspiring -- as any ever told.

Colin Wilson: author's other books

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In November 1982 Professor Charles Hapgood wrote to a young correspondent - photo 1

In November 1982, Professor Charles Hapgood wrote to a young correspondent, Rand Flem-Ath, adding an amazing postscript to his lifes work on ancient civilizations:

There is evidence that the last displacement of the crust moved both American continents southward about 30 degrees, and absolutely devastated life and civilization on them. Furthermore, in recent exciting discoveries I believe I have convincing evidence of a whole cycle of civilization in America and Antarctica, suggesting advanced levels of science that may go back 100,000 years.

Hapgood was, admittedly, a maverick, but he would not have placed his whole reputation in jeopardy with some crank theory. He evidently felt that he had found evidence of science dating back 100,000 years, at a time when, according to paleontology, the most advanced human being on earth was Neanderthal man.

Rand Flem-Ath replied immediately, asking for some hint of Hapgoods reasons for this amazing assertion. For weeks there was no reply, then his letter was returned, stamped deceased.

Hapgoods last letter led Flem-Ath to his own quest for the origin of science and civilization, of which this book tells the story.

Also by Rand Flem-Ath

(with Rose Flem-Ath)

Also by Colin Wilson



(with Damon Wilson)



For Rose for ever Rand Flem-Ath For my wife Joy Colin Wilson Contents - photo 2

For Rose, for ever

Rand Flem-Ath

For my wife, Joy

Colin Wilson

Analytical Table of Contents


Coins in a fountain earth dragons Feng shui geomancy cording the temple from priest-craft to science the blueprint Rand and Colins collaboration.

Chapter 1: Hapgoods Secret Quest for Atlantis

Hapgoods death his work Mu and Platos Atlantis earth crust displacement collaboration with Albert Einstein Einsteins death Professor Ma Captain Arlington Mallery Piri Reis Hapgood approaches President Kennedy Hapgood writes to Rand a civilisation 100,000 years old?

Chapter 2: The Blueprint

Rand writes a screenplay Donovans Hail Atlantis Athanasius Kirchers map of Atlantis ice-free Antarctica Platos true ocean and oceanographers world ocean the Hudson Bay Pole Rand and Rose begin correspondence with Hapgood William Fairfield Warren Bal Gangadhar Tilak Atlantis at Last! Thomas Kuhn John Anthony West and the Sphinx the golden section When the Sky Fell other books misaligned Mesoamerican and Middle East sacred sites linkage by latitude to the Hudson Bay Pole.

Chapter 3: Giza Prime Meridian

1884 Washington DC conference on the prime meridian Charles Piazzi Smyth opts for Giza conference settles on Greenwich Tiahuanaco 100 degrees west of Giza 10 phi sacred sites Lubaantum and the crystal skull Portuguese bandeiristas in the Amazon Percy Fawcetts Amazon quest for Atlantean cities Easter Island, Teotihuacan, Tula, Copan, Quirgua, Lubaantum and Quito on the Giza prime meridian locating Fawcetts Atlantean cities using the blueprint Canterbury Cathedral on a sacred site.

Chapter 4: Thoths Holy Chamber

Herodotus and the Great Pyramid Al-Mamums break and entry Christopher Dunn and the pyramid a magical spell cast upon Thoths Holy Chamber The Secrets of Alkazar misdirection David Furlong and phi at Giza a Fibonacci spiral running through the tips of the pyramids red granite in front of the Sphinx 28 degrees at Giza breaking the spell that hides Thoths Holy Chamber.

Chapter 5: 6,000 Degrees Celsius

Nine skeletons in the Libyan Desert the mystery of tektites bore holes and high temperatures Lord Rennell contacts Hapgood 6,000 degrees Celsius powdered metallurgy Shawn Montgomery introduces Rand to Browns Gas alchemy and glass Jules Vernes prediction Yull Brown escapes the Iron Curtain Shawn interviews Brown gold mining in the Americas portable forges Dr Oswaldo Rivera and the age of Tiahuanaco.

Chapter 6: Ancient Voyagers

Stone balls of Costa Rica ley lines ancient Japanese pottery in America David Kelley and the Mayan calendar trans-Pacific voyagers James Bailey and ancient mining operations Chatelain and the amazing Ninevah number Jane Sellers on Egyptian precession John Lash on the Dendera zodiac Homo erectus crosses the sea when did civilisation begin?

Chapter 7: Fallen Angels

Enoch is abducted James Bruce seeks the source of the Nile the Ark of the Covenant the Book of Enoch Watchers Angels with measuring cords the OBriens write The Genius of the Few ancient geological survey the Shining Ones the Kharsag Saga Uriels machine as a seismic device From the Ashes of Angels Seven Sages Baalbek at 7N during Yukon Pole.

Chapter 8: Golden Section Sites

Rennes-le-Chateu Lincolns Key to the Sacred Pattern Berenger Saunires fabulous wealth the Knights Templar excavate King Solomons Temple Gothic architecture King Philip destroys the Order Lincolns quests Priory of Sion the pentagram Cornford and Poussins painting German miners near Rennes-le-Chateu in 1156 the orbit of Venus Nanking and Rennes at a golden section division The mummies of Urumchi Bruce Cathie locates the Chinese pyramids Geneset aligned churches on Bornholm the underwater pyramid at Yonaguni Berrimans ancient measures.

Chapter 9: What the Templars Found

Rosslyn Chapel and the Hiram Key Critchlows Time Stands Still origins of Freemasonry Tintagel, Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Avebury and ancient latitudes Korean pyramids at Pyongyang the Yukon Pole Jacques De Molay Jesus in France? Carthage at 30N during the Hudson Bay Pole the golden wand and Cuzco Viracocha involved in measurements links between Cuzco and Quito links between Baalbek and Ollantaytambu Rosslyn as a 50/50 sacred site Templars in America?

Chapter 10: The Legacy

Bill Denevan over the jungles of Bolivia Thor Heyerdahl and the Canary Island pyramids tomb robbers of the Sipan pyramid the cocaine mummies Robert Temple and the Hadji Ahmad map the Yukon Pole the X event anatomically modern humans in South Africa ocean currents of 100,000 years ago the Atlantis Channel Uriels machine in the south satellite over Antarctica the location of the city of Atlantis.

Appendix 1: Blueprints from Atlantis

A fax from John Anthony West 10,500 versus 9,600 BC friendly debate with Bauval Dr Anthony Aveni and the misaligned Mesoamerican sites sacred sites linked to former poles geological markers and time capsules.

Appendix 2: Letter to Rand Flem-Ath from Charles Hapgood, 16 October 1982

Role of earth crust displacement in evolution catastrophe myths origins of agriculture article elevation not a safe bet 100,000-year-old civilisations a new edition of Earths Shifting Crust timescale for displacements regions of maximum displacement.

Appendix 3: Sacred Sites Linked to the Hudson Bay Pole (60N 83W)

The half a degree (30 nautical miles) margin of error sacred sites by latitude sacred sites by distance to the Hudson Bay Pole.

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