130 Mouthwatering Whole Food Recipes
and Tips for a Plant-Based Life
with Whitney Campbell
Photos by Colin Campbell
Copyright 2017 by Kim Campbell
Foreword 2017 by T. Colin Campbell
Oh, Nuts by T. Colin Campbell reprinted with permission from the April 2016 issue of PlantPure Magazine
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
10440 N. Central Expressway, Suite 800 | Dallas, TX 75231
First E-Book Edition: January 2017
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Campbell, Kim (Nutritionist), author. | Campbell, Whitney, 1991- author. | Campbell, Colin, 1993- photographer.
Title: The Plantpure Kitchen : 130 mouthwatering Whole Food recipes and tips for a plant-based life / Kim Campbell with Whitney Campbell ; photos by Colin Campbell.
Description: Dallas, TX : BenBella Books, Inc., [2017] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016037698 (print) | LCCN 2016049924 (ebook) | ISBN 9781944648343 (trade paper : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781944648213 (electronic)
Subjects: LCSH: Cooking (Natural foods) | Vegan cooking. | Nutrition. | LCGFT: Cookbooks.
Classification: LCC TX741 .C354 2017 (print) | LCC TX741 (ebook) | DDC 641.5/636dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016037698
Editing by Leah Wilson and Madison Heim-Jinivisian
Copyediting by Karen Wise
Proofreading by Cape Cod Compositors, Inc. and Jenny Bridges
Indexing by WordCo Indexing Services, Inc.
Text design by Aaron Edmiston
Text composition by Silver Feather Design
Front cover by Kit Sweeney
Full cover by Sarah Dombrowsky
Printed by Versa Press
Photos by Colin Campbell unless otherwise noted.
Photo on iStockPhoto/Denio Rigacci
Photo on iStockPhoto/Janine Lamontagne
Photo on iStockPhoto/Barbara Helgason
Photo on iStockPhoto/Steve Debenport
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T hat I have been asked to write this foreword suggests I am somewhat of an expert in the contents of this bookeven though, normally, I hardly know what is in a kitchen, let alone how to make a meal in one! But I will claim expertise because I have many times eaten the food that this books author, my daughter-in-law Kim Campbell, prepares, made according to the recipes in this book. Kim is simply a very good cook. She is a natural who goes into the kitchen, looks to see what food she has in the fridge, and then just imagines what could go together to make a good meal. Her food is just plain goodwith the added value of being exceptionally healthy.
Kims food was used in the immersion meal programs in the 2015 documentary film, PlantPure Nation (now on Netflix), which shows the positive impact on health people get when eating food from this book. For those who have come to this book without having seen the film, I invite you to watch the film, too, so that you may see just a few of these amazing health benefits.
I am a scientist doing experimental research on food and health, and have gradually come to know, over these past six decades of my research career, the whole food, plant-based diets awesome capacity to make people wella capacity far beyond what I ever thought possible. I am talking not only about preventing disease but treating or actually reversing disease.
I know that, for many people, transitioning to this dietary lifestyle may be difficultfor a variety of reasons. Its not easy to change lifelong eating habits when we have taste preferences to which we have long been accustomed. But know that our customary preferences for food can actually change within a period even as short as a month or two, during which time the health benefits become obvious.
For anyone truly interested not just in preventing future health problems but also in reversing present health problems, I suggest that you treat yourself to this book. Stick with these recipes for at least a couple months and you will see for yourself the benefits. I believe youll be pleasantly surprised.
T. Colin Campbell
September 2016
I n 2015, The PlantPure Nation Cookbook was published, and the film PlantPure Nation was released in theaters in over 100 cities and towns across North America. Since then, life has been a whirlwind. As part of the team behind the film and the grassroots community spreading the message of plant-based nutrition, my husband, Nelson Campbell, and I have had the opportunity to travel to many cities, meet wonderful people, hear inspiring stories, and grow our PlantPure family. Here are just a few of the other happenings at PlantPure in the year since the films release: the creation of hundreds of active PlantPure Pods across North America and overseas that are helping to spread the message of plant-based nutrition and build community; groundbreaking partnerships with large healthcare systems in Florida and Texas; development of a 21-day Jumpstart program that enables people to learn about and experience the benefits of a plant-based diet; and the creation of a line of plant-based frozen entres, a second Kitchen Starter line of products for the preparation of fresh meals, a stream of inspiring and educational videos, a magazine, a smartphone app, a new film project, and more. Its been a fun and rewarding adventure, and I truly love the role I have been given within our organization: culinary education and recipe development.
As I do this work, teaching people about the benefits of plant-based eating and helping them change their diets, I always try to remember how my own family got to this point. We have practiced a whole food, plant-based lifestyle for nearly 30 years, but it was never without struggles and mistakes. Nelson and I raised three kids and led busy lives, and we fell short in the diet department more times than I care to admit. But whenever we made unhealthy decisions, they were because of habit or the kind of neglect that comes from feeling stressed and rushed. I believe that no one is perfect; to err is human!
My kids often remind me, Mom, remember when you made that cake with gelatin and oil? Or, Mom, remember the candy in our Easter baskets and Christmas stockings? I cringe a little, but I share the same memories.
It is these memories that remind me of the importance of humility. I feel strongly that a judgmental, extremist attitude can be an impediment to building a plant-based world. Every day that this lifestyle becomes more accepted by physicians, researchers, and regular people everywhere, it becomes easier for everyone. But we need to remember that as others begin this journey, many will make mistakes. And if you are one of those people just starting, its okay if you dont always do as well as you would like. Just try your best, and as you gain knowledge and experience, over time you will get where you want to go. I remember exactly how we too just jumped in, fingers first at times, without knowing exactly what we were doing. As a community we need to encourage, not judge.