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Hicks - How to Make Millions in Real Estate in Three Years Starting with No Cash

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A fully revised BusinessWeek bestseller that will help even beginning investors cash in on the 21st-century real estate boom.

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Table of Contents

TYLER G. HICKS is president of International Wealth Success Inc. and director of a large New York-based full-service lender. A consultant to real estate wealth builders around the world, he is the author of numerous books on real estate, including How to Make Big Money in Real Estate and How to Borrow Your Way to Real Estate Riches.
209 Fast Spare-Time Ways to Build Zero Cash Into
7 Figures a Year in Real Estate
How to Make Big Money in Real Estate
How to Make a Quick Fortune: New Ways to Build Wealth Fast
Magic Mind Secrets for Building Great Riches Fast
How to Borrow Your Way to a Great Fortune
How to Start Your Own Business on a Shoestring and
Make Up to $500,000 a Year
Smart Money Shortcuts to Becoming Rich
How to Build a Second Income Fortune in Your Spare Time
How to Borrow Your Way to Real Estate Riches
Tyler Hickss Encyclopedia of Wealth-Building Secrets
Copyright Itzy 1976 1989 2000 2005 All rights reserved LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - photo 2

Copyright Itzy, 1976, 1989, 2000, 2005 All rights reserved
eISBN : 978-1-591-84097-8
1. Real estate investment. I. Hicks, Tyler Gregory, 1921- How to make millions in real
estate in 3 years starting with no cash. II. Title.
HD1382.5.H54 2005
332.6324dc22 2004065480
The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the authors rights is appreciated.


To Real Estate Wealth Builders everywhere, with many thanks for your letters, telephone calls, faxes and e-mails describing your many accomplishments in providing shelter and work spaces for humanity. Your activities are an inspiration to Beginning Wealth Builders throughout the world and your author is grateful you share them with him.
Special Notice for All Readers
Business examples given in this book are based on: (a) letters, faxes, or e-mails voluntarily sent to the author by readers of his books, newsletters, or courses; (b) real estate investments studied by the author in various areas of the world using local media and similar sources; and (c) telephone calls voluntarily made to the author by readers describing their real estate investments and the financial results obtained with these investments. Letters, faxes, and e-mails from readers are available in their original form for inspection by any interested reader. The author requests that he be given several days notice by any reader seeking to view the correspondence so he can arrange comfortable desk space in his office for the reader.

They tell you what this book will do for you. And these pages could lead you into a world of borrowed money thats available to almost anyoneespecially you!
Between the time the third edition of this book was written and todayabout eight yearsa studio condo apartment a beginning wealth builder (BWB) paid $98,000 for, using borrowed money, was sold for $1.2 million! This means that he earned nearly $138,000 a year from the appreciation, or rise in value, of this studio apartment. And, of course, he had full use of the condo apartment during those years. This real-life examplejust one of hundreds I can cite for youshows you what you might do in real estate today.
During the several editions of this book, many readers wrote me to tell me how theyre using the ideas in each edition to build their wealth in real estate. For instance, one delighted reader writes:
In the past six months we bought four pieces of real estate totaling $2.6 million for $4 down payment$1 on each deal. And we have just gained control of another piece of property (via option with no expiry date) valued at $5.8 millionagain with no money down.

While I know that $4 down is not the starting with no cash in the title of this book, its so close to no cash that I say to you:
If you can equal the deals of the above reader, Ill be glad to supply 10 times the no cash to you free of any charge of any kindthat is, no strings! Just write or fax me, giving all the facts about the property. Ill get back to you the same day I receive your letter, fax, or e-mail. Or you can call me toll-free on my 800 number and Ill give you an instantaneous answer.

And, as another gesture of my desire to help you, youre free to inspect anyand alloriginal copies of every letter quoted in this book. All I need is a few days notice that you want to visit my office in New York City to look over the letters. Ill have them taken from the safe deposit box where theyre kept and put on display for your inspection.
Now that you know where Im coming fromas people so often say todaylets take a quick look at what this book does for you. To start, well look at our basic needs and how theyre served.
Every person in the world has two basic needsfood and shelter. There are thousands of firms supplying the food that we all need every day of our lives. Likewise, there are thousands of organizations supplying the shelter, or real estate, needs of individuals and firms of all kinds.
But of the two basic needs, the shelter need is probably served less efficiently. There are many reasons for this lower efficiency, such as: poor tenant relations leading to controversies, neglected maintenance, delayed upgrading of heating and air-conditioning systems, and so on. You can help improve the efficiency of the shelter, or real estate, business and build riches for yourself, using the magic power of borrowed money. This book shows you, step by step, exactly how to build significant wealth in real estate ventures without investing a cent of your own, while giving your tenants superior housing.
Now what do we mean by shelter? In this book shelter means:
Single-family homes
Apartment houses
Hotels and motels
Shopping centers
Mobile homes
Any other type of enclosure that provides protection for people and their possessions
Since every structure must be built on something, well also show you how to make significant profits from borrowed money that you invest in:
Vacant land
Developed land
Air rights
Offshore waters

Yes, theres a fortune waiting for every serious beginning real estate builder who:
Improves real estate
Offers better values
Capitalizes on his or her investments
Takes safe risks
Provides clean, neat, safe housing

So no matter what your background may beinside or outside real estatewhether youre a:
Beginner in property investments
Widely experienced professional
Real estate salesperson
Doctor, lawyer, minister
Bricklayer, plumber, plasterer
Homemaker, secretary, widow
Beginning wealth builder in any field
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