Collecting toy soldiers would hardly work without all the collectors who enjoy it so much. I am grateful to all those with whom I have, over the years, discussed so ardently, and from whom I have learned so much. If I have left anyone out, forgive me for forgetting the names that go with the faces in remembering what a good time we had, it might well have been decades ago!
Peter Abbott, Daniel Agnew, Stuart Asquith, Walter Badusche, Steve Balkin, Roland Bamford, Colin Barber, John Begg, Georges Biettron, Charles Biggs, Mike Blake, Christian Blondieu, Barrie Blood, Robin and Elke Boyes, Sally Bowes, David and Margaret Bracey, Giles Brown, Bertel Bruun, Mike Buckwell, Jenny Burley, Pierce Carlson, Bill Carman, Ian Carrick, Peter Cole, Paul Collett, Bill Conolly, Richard Conte, Cyril Couts, Peter Cowan, David Cowe, Bill Cranston, Derek Cross, Neal Crowley, Ron Dawson, Bud Day, Jeremy de Souza, Philip Dean, Roy Dilley, Henri Doizy, David Ednam, Burtt Erhlich, Jay Facciolo, Peter Flateau, Colonel Sam Floca Jr, John Franklin, Gisbert Freber, John Garratt, Lionel Gaurier, Leigh Gotch, Freddie Green, Peter Greenhill, Ged Haley, James Hammond, John Hanington, Gus Hansen, Peter Harris, Brian Harrison, John Harwood, David Hawkins, Philip Haythornethwaite, Alan Hickling, Andrew Hilton, Bill Hocker, Brian Hornick, Bill Jackey, Jack Jenkinson, Peter and Anne Johnson, Verne Johnson, Peter Jones, Norman Joplin, Lenore Josey, Hilary Kay, Edgar Kehoe, Harry Kemp, Lynn Kenwood, Henry Kurtz, Philip Lane, Richard Lane, Lionel Leventhal, Allen Levy, Adrian Little, James Luck, Hugo Marsh, Ernie Marshall, Frederic Mathieu-Bloise, Michael Maughan, Sally Manson, Bill McDade, Bill Miele, Warren Mitchell, Andy Morant, Paul Morehead, Scott Morlan, Stephen Naegel, Andy Nielson, Bill Nutting, Richard OBrien, George Palmer, Ted Pearce, Frank Perry, Alfred Plath, Don Pielin, Bill Pierce, Ken Pizey, Reggie Polaine, Jim Poulton, David Pressland, Julian Pritchard, Colonel Donald Pudney, Steve Pugh, John Randolph, Len Richards, Alex Riches, Edmund Roche-Kelly, Hans Henning Roer, Arnold Rolak, Andrew Rose, Ed Ruby, John Ruddle, Stewart Saxe, David Scheinmann, Michael Schreter, Max Schulman, Irving Seligman, Roy Selwyn Smith, Joe Shimek, Arthur Smith, Jo and Steve Sommers, Brian Starling, Peter Sturgeon, Edward Suren, John Teychener, Luigi Toiati, Hermione Todd, Ted Tookey, John Tunstill, Walter Vernon, Shamus Wade, Derek Wailen, Bob Walker, Richard Walker, Joe Wallis, John West, Kemble Widmer, Patrick Willis, Rob Wilson, John Norris Wood.
There is also a publishing team involved in the preparation of a book such as this, so my thanks must go to my editor and erstwhile colleague Phil Sidnell, my tireless copy editor Henry Hyde, the man who also made my pictures come out with suitable clarity, and Charles Hewitt, the man who put up the money. Long may the people at Pen and Sword continue to publish real books in support of the guys like us who so much need them.
Picture acknowledgements
Bonhams 2, 3, 36, 38, 45, 131, 161, 210, 217, 219, 220
Philip Lane 79
John West 111
Harry Kemp 107
First Gear Inc. 25, 75, 105
King and Country 76, 106, 221
New Toy Soldier manufacturers
Current manufacturers will usually have a website. For a snapshot of 180 manufacturers c.1991, see Stuart Asquiths book in the Bibliography. This selective list of past and present manufacturers since 1973 (some were even active earlier) is by no means definitive, and is inclined towards those I know by personal contact or by reputation. I should stress that the choice of a New Toy Soldier maker to collect is highly subjective, and there is no substitute for going to shows, shops or websites to make a decision.
All these terms are used advisedly as the authors opinion only. Some manufacturers produce ranges in more than one category. The listing gives the shortened name by which collectors call the maker, rather than the official title. Where a particular well-known individual is connected with a make, his name is given in brackets. Where no terms are in use, my information is not sufficient for assessment.
- CWB = Compatible with Britains Traditional Hollowcast Toy Soldiers. ***You would need to look hard to see it isnt an old Britains. **Nice fit with old Britains. *Looks OK at a reasonable distance
- ISO = In a style of their own, usually of a toy soldier nature. These manufacturers will generally not fit well with anything much but other figures of their own making, but it is always possible to find some which are compatible with each other, and many look splendid massed in a grand display of their own. Some of the illustrations in this book show how far compatibility can be stretched, and this is anyway very much a matter of taste. ***Great standalone display potential. **Very acceptable. *Display with caution.
- TTM = Tending towards a Model. The more realistic the figure, the more they will fit with other models, assuming that the scale is similar. Many in this category are spoiled by not having ground modelled bases, but unless one is worried by altering them, this can easily be rectified with modelling materials! Obviously in this category, matt painted finish is an advantage, but gloss painting can always be covered with matting agent or repainted. ***Stands comparison with (and looks good alongside) models from the masters. **Will fit in well with models. *May or may not be to your taste.
- Major, Medium, Minor = Scale of production.
- Accurate plastic TTM**
- Alexanders (Nic Biberovik) UK ISO*
- All the Queens Men (Derek Cross) UK 51mm Major TTM**
- Alymer Spain 56mm to 60mm Major ISO** TTM**
- Arkova (Allan Over) UK (Medievals) Minor ISO**
- Asset (Anne and Colin Randall) UK 52mm Medium ISO**
- BG of GB (Brian Gildea) UK Minor CWB*
- Bandsmen (John Ruddle) UK 54mm Minor CWB**
- Bastion (Andrew Rose) UK Medium ISO**
- Beau Geste Argentina Medium ISO**
- Blenheim (Jan and Frank Scroby) UK 55mm Major ISO*** (also Marlborough)
- Britains USA 54mm to 60mm Major CWB*** ISO*** TTM***
- British Bulldog (Mike Drewson and Peter Jones) UK 55mm Medium ISO**
- Bussler USA TTM*
- Caberfeidh (Graham Hilditch) UK 55mm Medium ISO**
- Campaign (Peter Johnstone) UK Minor ISO*
- Charles Hall (Charles Hall) UK Medium ISO**
- Conte (Richard Conte) USA 56mm to 58mm Major TTM*** also plastic
- Cranston (Bill Cranston) UK ISO***
- DB Figurines (Derek Brown) Australia Minor ISO*
- Del Prado 58mm Major TTM**
- Dorset (Giles Brown) 54mm to 56mm Major ISO*
- Ducal (Jack and Thelma Duke) 55mm Major ISO**
- East of India Company Hong Kong 60mm TTM***
- Frontline (Howard Swales) Hong Kong Medium TTM**
- Fusilier 56mm Medium ISO***
- GNM Miniatures (Graham Mollard) UK TTM**
- Good Soldiers (Alan and Susan Goodwin) UK Minor ISO*
- Great Britain and the Empire (Andrew Humphries) UK Minor ISO*
- HECO (Tony Williams) UK Medium 54mm ISO**
- HM of Great Britain UK Medium ISO**
- Hocker (William Hocker) 54mm Major CWB**
- Hornung Art (Bob Hornung) USA (Medievals etc.) Medium ISO**
- Imperial Productions (David Cowe) New Zealand 55mm Major ISO***
- Irregular Miniatures (Ian Kay) Medium ISO* TTM*
- Jankers (Hardiman) 55mm Minor ISO***
- King and Country Hong Kong 60mm ISO*** TTM***
- Lancer (David Bracey) 54mm Minor CWB***
- Little Legion (Mike Norris) UK Medium TTM*