Arduino :
2019 Beginner's Guide to Learn Arduino Programming Step by Step.
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n 1808, French weaver, Jseph Mare Jacquard nvented a punched card fr the weavng machne. Whle t was stll nt a rbt but rather, an analg f mdern autmated lnes, t was there that, fr the frst tme n the ndustry the prncple f prgrammng n whch mdern rbtcs rests, was mplemented.
ver tme, cntrl methds were mprved, n partcular wred and rad wave. n 1898, Ncla Tesla demnstrated a self-prpelled bat, remtely cntrlled by rad, fr the frst tme. At the same tme, nstead f cmplex mechancal drves, ther devces began t acqure smpler and mre pwerful, mnature electrc mtrs.
Already by the begnnng f the 20th century, all the cndtns that led t the creatn f the frst rbts were frmed. Electrc current had becme nt nly a pwer surce but als a means f recevng, transmttng and prcessng nfrmatn. t s dffcult t say when the frst rbt, n the mdern sense f the wrd, appeared. Many cmpanes and ndvdual develpers f thse tmes dd wrk n the feld f creatng such machnes. n the 20s-30s f the last century, mre than 30 mechansms were develped that stll meet the requrements f hgh-grade rbtcs.
And yet t s beleved that the man wh created the frst peratng rbt s an Amercan engneer, Ry Wensley frm the Westnghuse Electrc Cmpany. The mechansm called Herbert Televx, develped by hm n 1928, was a humand machne capable f penng drs and wndws, turnng ff the ven, electrc mtrs, etc. The mst mprtant dfference f ths nventn frm autmata was the ablty t respnd and wrk t cmmands sent t t by the telephne . Hwever, the rbt was nt cnnected t the phne lne drectly - t, lke a man, lstened t rders wth the help f ts bult-n mcrphne. Due t the mperfectn f the technlges f the tme, these rders were nt n rdnary speech, but a certan sequence f beeps, squeaks, rattles and ther sunds f dfferent tnalty.
The champnshp f Ry Wesley s challenged by Makt Nshmura, a Japanese blgst wh created the frst actve rbt n Japan (1929). Ths wre-cntrlled anthrpmrphc mechansm was capable f executng varus manpulatns wth ts hands, n partcular wrtng. Anther cntender fr the rle f rbt pneer was called Erc. t was als develped n 1928 by the Brtsh mltary, Wllam Rchards. The mechansm culd nt nly mve ts lmbs, but als ntellgently answer a number f questns, even managng t make jkes.
Hwever, these and many ther rbts were ntended t demnstrate scentfc achevements, rather than fr specfc practcal actvtes. The emergence f rbtcs n manufacturng r agrculture ccurred later, because such wrk requred a qualtatvely new level f technlgy. Althugh t s wrth ntng that the frst prttype f an ndustral rbt appeared n 1898, t was the manpulatr created by the Amercan engneer Babbtt, that pulled the blanks frm a red-ht furnace.
The full develpment f rbtcs n the ndustry ccurred nly after the end f the Secnd Wrld War.
n 1948, n the Unted States, General Electrc created the frst ndustral rbt t perate n a nuclear reactr. ts feature was the presence f feedback - the peratr culd nt nly see ts mvement n the wrkng space, but als feel the frce develped by the grpper f the manpulatr, whch made t pssble t cntrl the mechansm mre accurately.
n the md-50s, Amercan Gerge Devl funded the cmpany Unmatn, whch was engaged n the release f the frst seral ndustral rbts, prgrammed usng punched cards. By the md-60s n develped cuntres, there were several dzen cmpanes that had establshed the prductn f such machnes. Japan has partcularly succeeded n ths - havng bught the frst rbts frm Unmatn n 1968.10 years later ths cuntry had becme the wrld leader n prducng ts wn analgs and equppng them wth prductn facltes.
Tday, rbts have penetrated almst all areas f actvty. ndustry, scentfc research, energy, medcne, entertanment, mltary peratns and even space - mdern autmatc r remtely cntrlled mechansms are used very wdely and are even gradually crwdng ut human labr. The develpment f rbts prceeds n several drectns - the mprvement f mechansms and drves, the mprvement f algrthms, the ntrductn f self-learnng cntrl systems (weak artfcal ntellgence), and the develpment f new human-cmputer nterfaces. Rbtzatn s clsely entwned wth btechnlgy and cybernetcs, resultng n the creatn f cybernetc rgansms (cybrgs), functnal bnc prstheses, fully autnmus cars, shps, spacecraft and arcraft (ncludng mltary). S ur scety has mperceptbly entered nt the future that Karl Capek descrbed n hs play nly a century ag.
Nw a rbt can even be assembled at hme. Fr ths task, Ardun s great.
Chapter 1: What s Ardun and Why Shuld Yu Buy t?
Ardun s a hardware cmputng platfrm.
What s a cntrller?
Fr thse wh knw a lttle abut the tpc: nt t be cnfused wth a mcrcntrller - s atmega, the PC and ther chps are ne crystal mcr-cmputer, the mcrcntrllers, and the cntrller s the bard fr whch ths same s sldered.
Fr thse wh d nt knw at all: the cntrller s an electrnc devce that cntrls smethng - that s, t reacts t changes n sme parameters by changng thers. Fr example, take the ar cndtner n the wall. There s a smart cntrller bard n t that turns heatng/clng/dehumdfcatn/humdfcatn f the ar n r ff when needed. Smlarly, a mcrwave cntrller cntrls varus functns n yur mcrwave ven.
Ar cndtners, mp3 players, bke cmputers, alarm systems, mble phnes, navgatrs - all these (generally speakng) have specalzed cntrllers. But the desktp cmputer s a unversal cntrller, that s even expandable, and wth ts help all f the abve devces can be mplemented and utlzed. nly apprprate expansn cards and the sftware wll be needed.
S Ardun s als a unversal cntrller that can be sharpened fr any task and turned nt a cmplete electrnc devce fr any purpse, frm an alarm clck t a rbt. r just fr play - cllectng all srts f thngs. Ths can be called a knd f rad cnstructr.
Varus cmpnents can be cnnected t the bard tself - buttns, sme types f sensrs (temperature, pressure, lght, acceleratn, etc.), LEDs, lqud crystal dsplays (alphanumerc, but yu cant cnnect an LCD mntr) nteract all ths as yu please.
Data acqustn systems (black bx fr the aquarum - t wrtes the temperature every 5 mnutes).
Tmers-Event cunters (hw many tmes dd the dg apprach the empty bwl?).
Alarms-Annuncers (the dg exceeded the allwed number f appraches t the bwl, the temperature n the aquarum s belw 0, smene left the tlet wthut turnng ff the lghts and much mre).
f curse, ths s all bvus, lke the frst cmputer, but t can be very nterestng.
We can als cnnect varus devces t the Ardun wth shelds we add fr varus functns. Ths way yu can cntrl all knds f engnes, and even yur netwrk lad at last (lght, heater, kettle, etc.). Yu can cnnect a GPS r GSM mdule and receve crdnates frm the satellte r send data t yur phne; the crdnates f yur car that the spuse tk ut, r use t when yu g n a busness trp t fnd ut that nbdy s waterng yur favrte flwer, r that the cat has nt been fed fr tw days Gd frbd. Yu can plug n the Ethernet mdule and release yur devce n the nternet - let t send data t yur webste, r let t wrte everythng t the SD card, whch s cnnected t specal shelds. Yu can add cmmuncatn channels - a rad channel, r even Bluetth n general.
Ardun s a gd thng. Wth ths yu can have an: