GET SKINNY! THE ORGANIC WAY Eating your way to a stronger, leaner, healthier you. Andrew J. Fox HHP, MS, CSCS
No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. iUniverse 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 1-800-Authors (1-800-288-4677) Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,
and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only. Certain stock imagery Thinkstock. date: 08/25/2016 CONTENTS ANDREW FOX Andrew J. date: 08/25/2016 CONTENTS ANDREW FOX Andrew J.
Fox is the founder of TrueLife Fitness & Wellness, Inc., a corporation that for the last 15 years has offered personal training, nutritional counseling and wellness coaching. He holds a degree as a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, a B.S. in Sports Management with a minor in Fitness and Wellness, a Masters in Exercise Science and Health Promotion, is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach and a Performance Specialist. His education matches his experience to bring results to his clients. Andrew is an advisory board member and consultant for non-profit cancer organizations, the UCLA Psychology and Oncology departments, as well as other well-known clinics and schools. He is a Director for the National College of Exercise Professionals, teaching and certifying health professionals for top fitness facilities.
His clientele includes professional athletes, cover models, celebrities, as well as a broad spectrum of people of different ages and needs, from rehabilitation and weight loss to performance and sports specific training. Author of Balanced Life , Andrew cares about each and every person he works with. By utilizing the proper foundations of health, exercise and wellness, he educates and motivates his clients to achieve true healththe health we were designed and created to enjoy. For more information on Andrew Fox or TrueLife Fitness & Wellness, Inc. please visit his website at truelifefitnes . On the cover with Andrew NICOLE OCHOA Nicole Ochoa is an accomplished fitness trainer, athlete, actress and humanitarian who embodies the full notion of living life to its fullest.
A native of Los Angeles, Nicole was a student athlete at UCLA and after attaining her degree in sociology turned her passion for health and fitness into first a stint as a professional wrestler and stuntwoman and for the past 16 years as a NASM-certified personal trainer and fitness model. During much of that time, Nicole has also been engaged with the entertainment community both in front of the lens as a member of the Screen Actors Guild and behind the camera as writer and producer. Nicoles life would not be complete without her devotion to those less fortunate and toward that end she has worked tirelessly with the Special Olympics, the homeless throughout Los Angeles, and orphans around the world including personal humanitarian and spiritual visits to Brazil, Africa, Israel and Guatemala. You may contact her at nicoleochoa .com Thanks to God for any and all insight, wisdom, and desire to help and encourage others. Thanks to my Mother and Father for giving me every ounce of love and support. Special thanks to my Mother who helped me with the cooking and baking, and for her experience and advice.
I see how fortunate you are to have been brought up on a farm and to have learned how things should be properly grown, raised and prepared. Thanks to the clients who made it all possible, the Usell family, who provided the idea for this book, encouraged me to share my knowledge with others, and their endless belief and support in my passions. I am so blessed that God brought you all into my life. May I be the same blessing to you. To every person who has ever looked for the right way to be fit and feel great. I wanted to call the book TRUE NUTRITION after my nutritional company because this is the way to health.
Use it as a guide and follow it as closely as you can. Take the 3-month Get Skinny (GS) Challenge , and you will love how you look and feel. You will learn how easy it is to cook healthy meals and help our environment at the same time.
Protein Packed Granola
Smoked Salmon with Eggs
BBC Breakfast Bake Casserole
Simple Chewy Cereal Protein Bars Get the body youve always wanted, TRULY. The GET SKINNY cookbook is about achieving your best body through good nutrition. The ultimate goal is to get you HEALTHY so that you can get the lean, toned, muscular, athletic, vibrant, and beautiful body that you have always wanted.
This is the way your body wants to be and how you were created to be. We were meant to eat food as close to nature as possible: whole, fresh, organic. The following recipes are intended for adults, children, seniors, and anyone who wants to achieve health in its truest form. It is a new way of living that will lead you to not only loving the way you look, but the way you feel. For the best results, make the recipes as described or use them as guidelines to make your own. Feel free to add a little more of this or less of that, and to make them your own.
Just make them healthy by using the highest quality fresh, local, organic ingredients that you can find. By choosing natural ingredients, you are benefitting your health, your digestive system, your metabolism and the Earth that gave us all of these wonderful things to eat and enjoy. Being a Nutritionist, a Certified Personal Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, I created these recipes for true results no matter what your goals are. These are close to the recipes that I make professionally for clients. Over the years I have refined them to obtain the perfect balance of nutrition to achieve their goals. We want this cookbook to introduce you to a world of cooking and creating healthy food that once was a part of everyones lives.
We want to help you take charge of what you choose to eat and to take ownership in how its prepared. This will empower us to get the best out of our minds and bodies. Cook for yourself, your family, and loved ones, and give the gift of your time and health to yourself and others! GET SKINNY! The Organic Way. To Get SkinnyWe Need To Get Healthy Its really not about getting skinny but getting healthy. Getting Skinny is a byproduct of being healthy. Over the years, society has conditioned us to be lazy when it comes to food, slaves to convenience, being sold tasty food and treats with little to no real nutritional value.
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