Coyote and Raven
Go Canoeing
Bruce G. Trigger, Editor
1 When the Whalers Were Up North Inuit Memories from the Eastern Arctic Dorothy Harley Eber
2 The Challenge of Arctic Shipping Science, Environmental Assessment, and Human Values Edited by David L. VanderZwaag and Cynthia Lamson
3 Lost Harvests Prairie Indian Reserve Farmers and Government Policy Sarah Carter
4 Native Liberty, Crown Sovereignty The Existing Aboriginal Right of Self-Government in Canada Bruce Clark
5 Unravelling the Franklin Mystery Inuit Testimony David C. Woodman
6 Otter Skins, Boston Ships, and China Goods The Maritime Fur Trade of the Northwest Coast, 17851841 James R. Gibson
7 From Wooden Ploughs to Welfare The Story of the Western Reserves Helen Buckley
8 In Business for Ourselves Northern Entrepreneurs Wanda A. Wuttunee
9 For an Amerindian Autohistory An Essay on the Foundations of a Social Ethic Georges E. Sioui
10 Strangers Among Us David Woodman
11 When the North Was Red Aboriginal Education in Soviet Siberia Dennis A. Bartels and Alice L. Bartels
12 From Talking Chiefs to a Native Corporate Elite The Birth of Class and Nationalism among Canadian Inuit Marybelle Mitchell
13 Cold Comfort My Love Affair with the Arctic Graham W. Rowley
14 The True Spirit and Original Intent of Treaty 7 Treaty 7 Elders and Tribal Council with Walter Hildebrandt, Dorothy First Rider, and Sarah Carter
15 This Distant and Unsurveyed Country A Womans Winter at Baffin Island, 18571858 W. Gillies Ross
16 Images of Justice Dorothy Harley Eber
17 Capturing Women The Manipulation of Cultural Imagery in Canadas Prairie West Sarah A. Carter
18 Social and Environmental Impacts of the James Bay Hydroelectric Project Edited by James F. Hornig
19 Saqiyuq Stories from the Lives of Three Inuit Women Nancy Wachowich in collaboration with Apphia Agalakti Awa, Rhoda Kaukjak Katsak, and Sandra Pikujak Katsak
20 Justice in Paradise Bruce Clark
21 Aboriginal Rights and Self-Government The Canadian and Mexican Experience in North American Perspective Edited by Curtis Cook and Juan D. Lindau
22 Harvest of Souls The Jesuit Missions and Colonialism in North America, 16321650 Carole Blackburn
23 Bounty and Benevolence A History of Saskatchewan Treaties Arthur J. Ray, Jim Miller, and Frank Tough
24 The People of Denendeh Ethnohistory of the Indians of Canadas Northwest Territories June Helm
25 The Marshall Decision and Native Rights Ken Coates
26 The Flying Tiger Women Shamans and Storytellers of the Amur Kira Van Deusen
27 Alone in Silence European Women in the Canadian North before 1940 Barbara E. Kelcey
28 The Arctic Voyages of Martin Frobisher An Elizabethan Adventure Robert McGhee
29 Northern Experience and the Myths of Canadian Culture Rene Hulan
30 The White Mans Gonna Getcha The Colonial Challenge to the Crees in Quebec Toby Morantz
31 The Heavens Are Changing Nineteenth-Century Protestant Missions and Tsimshian Christianity Susan Neylan
32 Arctic Migrants/Arctic Villagers The Transformation of Inuit Settlement in the Central Arctic David Damas
33 Arctic Justice On Trial for Murder Pond Inlet, 1923 Shelagh D. Grant
34 Eighteenth-Century Naturalists of Hudson Bay Stuart Houston, Tim Ball, and Mary Houston
35 The American Empire and the Fourth World Anthony J. Hall
36 Uqalurait An Oral History of Nunavut Compiled and edited by John Bennett and Susan Rowley
37 Living Rhythms Lessons in Aboriginal Economic Resilience and Vision Wanda Wuttunee
38 The Making of an Explorer George Hubert Wilkins and the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 19131916 Stuart E. Jenness
39 Chee Chee A Study of Aboriginal Suicide Alvin Evans
40 Strange Things Done Murder in Yukon History Ken S. Coates and William R. Morrison
41 Healing through Art Ritualized Space and Cree Identity Nadia Ferrara
42 Coyote and Raven Go Canoeing Coming Home to the Village Peter Cole
Coyote Raven Go Canoeing
Coming Home to the Village
Peter Cole 2006
ISBN 0-7735-2819-9 (cloth)
ISBN 0-7735-2813-9 (paper)
Legal deposit first quarter 2006
Bibliothque nationale du Qubec
Printed in Canada on acid-free paper that is 100% ancient forest free (100% post-consumer recycled), processed chlorine free.
This book has been published with the help of a grant from the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, through the Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
McGill-Queens University Press acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts for our publishing program. We also acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP) for our publishing activities.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Cole, Peter
Coyote and raven go canoeing : coming home to the village /
Peter Cole.
(McGill-Queens native and northern series ; 42)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-7735-2819-9
1. Native peoplesEducationCanada. I. Title. II. Series. E96.2.C635 2006 371.82997071 C2005-903726-1
The image on page 2 is the work of Keith Smith from Samahquam.
Designed and typeset by studio oneonone in 10.2/12.3 Rotis Serif and sans Serif
for Pat ORiley
partner friend co-journeyer muse
thank you for everything and more
Kukwstum coyote
please dont take our stories our knowings our technologies away
this book is a conversation a canoe journey shaped out of words
with members of first nations communities in canada the usa mexico belize peru
indigenous and ab/orginal communities in other lands aotearoa australia malawi kenya
those who didnt go to school (but were educated anyway) those who went to residential school band school mission school public school
and got miseducated dyseducated antieducated transeducated propaganducated
this book is a decolonizing a decristobalcolonizing an aboriginalizing
of the epistemologies of academia and of the practices of western research methodology by honouring the wisdom of the first peoples their knowings protocols and practices
by aboriginalizing I mean rewrighting rather than repackaging
although canada is the principal site of conversation indigenous people from/in other
countries also shared their experiences of education and cultural regeneration
we decided together how our stories were to be told if we wanted to tell them
conversation rather than interrogation was how our words came to be woven together
how they came to dance and sing and drum
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