Thats good, because it was meant to provoke and stimulate, whether you are a man or woman. This book is meant for both, and has the sole purpose of educating you on what is possible in the boudoir to take your sex life to the next level whether you are starting from ground zero, or you are a kinky swinger.
You are going to find a wonderful overview of the wonderful world of non-normative sex. Thats not a bad term its just outside the box for most, and outside the boundaries for others.
It means that others are too scared, lazy, or ignorant to explore what youre about to learn about. They may feel stigmatized for even thinking about these topics and ways of enjoying sex. Maybe its their upbringing.
Whatever the case is, you are among the few that have shed those societal anchors. If you want to have a more fulfilling and orgasmic and thrilling sex life, why shouldnt you explore everything that can get you to that point?
You see, Im a sex coach. I love teaching these concepts and obviously live through them in my daily life. I may have tested all of these myself in pursuit of a more fulfilling and free sexuality. I want this for you, for everyone.
1. Just Say No To Vanilla Sex
So how have you ended up here in your rut of vanilla sex?
Its very simple, actually.
The root of everything: your x life is vnill bu u r lz. Yu fll int routine, and you dont mk nugh f n ffrt. It i a mttr f urgn, nd nd t b addressed with immediate attention, lest your sex life fall into an abyss so deep you cannot rescue it.
Whether you are single or in a relationship, your sex life may have started off with a bang.
But evn in the bt rltinhi, flvrd with lust and gd lving, sex n bm rutin and blutl boring. Frtuntl, this book will n ur mind and inner eyes t th sacred intricacies f good sex nd it accompanying mnnt, that will nt only i u ur sex life, but k it spiced u.
Lt f people nnt hill nd mtinll thrugh x. To many, its more fr nntin than rrtin r lur. It i n imrtnt part of a xul, rmnti, r nn-ltni rltinhi, so u hv to nurtur it and mk it flurih, lik flowers in the desert.
Wouldnt it be great to have your sex life be the envy of your friends? Is it really that easy to kick things up a notch to further connection and pleasure?
Well, yes!
Sx i a fr capable f hnnling a rltinhi twrd bm r doom, it i th rn w r liv, and it i th firt thing futur generations dnd on. Th bn f gd x i n of th lding u f divorce, for what wuld be th n in ntinuing in a relationship dvid f good nd pleasurable sex? Moreover, devoid of connection and physical intimacy?
Many people in my field absolutely despise the book and movie 50 Shades of Grey but not I. Was it a Pulitzer Prize winning piece of writing? No, but if you take its intent to be normalizing different types of sexuality and opening peoples minds, then it can only be seen as an enormous victory. Whatever the cause, getting people to explore kinks and spice up their sex lives is a positive for me.
Beyond the physical pleasure and props involved, spicing up ones sex life also drives a deeper understanding of ones partner.
Youll learn how to pleasure and take yourself and your partner to unseen heights, but more importantly, youll gain a vulnerability and intimacy with your partner that can be absolutely transformative.
You will lrn a lot in thi riu bk, you jut hv t hv n n mind, rd t brb full the painstakingly rrhd and rtid ti in it, nd realize tht people n b turnd on b lt f diffrnt thing, nd in diffrnt ways.
We all have different favorite colors, so why shouldnt sex be the same?
2. Approaching Your Partner
This might be the tough part for most people.
You might know what you like, and know what sensations you want to try out. Perhaps you saw some porn that seemed really up your alley in all sorts of surprising ways. But none of that matters if you cant bring it up with your partner and have it done to you!
Why are we afraid of approaching our partners, and why are we shy in a way that we normally wouldnt be?
Because we are afraid of them judging us. Rather than attempt to convince you from this fear, Ill just say this: theyve seen you naked and know what your orgasm face looks like. Theyve already judged you and are still having sex with you. They know that people like different things and that vanilla missionary sex isnt ideal for everyone.
If youre with a good partner, you wont be judged for wanting to try something new. They should actually encourage openness, expressiveness, and hearing your true feelings and preferences.
And that should run both ways. Remind thm tht u rnt thr t judg thm nd you might even want to reveal something vulnerable about yourself to set the open and non-judgmental tone.
Th bt w t bring th ti up is not in a rhrd frm, it i bt if it i brught u inidntll and mwht ntnul. Spontaneously as in mentioned in an offhand manner, not that you wont have rehearsed it.
There is a big difference between: Hey, sit down. We need to talk about something. Versus a casual: Hey, I just heard about this. What do you think?
If you want to be slightly more indirect and feel safer doing this, you should concoct a story about the kink or spice that you want to introduce into your sex life.
I just read about this kink what do you think?
My friend just told me he did this what do you think?
Tht way, you arent making a uggtin, u are tting it a probable venture, nd u can gug th reaction of ur rtnr t ur tr. Gently probe their reaction and see how open they might be to it.
When introducing your ideas, however you do it, the key is to not be aggressive or 100% excited and forward about it. This might make them feel forced to do it, even if they arent interested in it, if they see how strongly you want something. Dont push too hard, because then it will cause one party to be happy and the other party be to silent and resentful.
Thats another reason why bringing it up spontaneously and not as a sit-down topic is better. Just put it out there and see how they feel about it without any pressure or expectation from you. The last thing you want your partner to feel is pressure or expectation. Its uncomfortable and downright unsexy.
Its also worth repeating that you hv t rt a f for them t talk but wht th wnt, giv them nugh tim t think n your ming rl, and rvid thm the best nvirnmnt fr their diin t be md in.
No pressure in any of those stages.
Then, giv thm th opportunity t save f and let you (or themselves) down gracefully if they ultimately decide not to engage in whats proposed. You want the decision to be 100% on them but its a delicate balance because youve also implied that you have needs that arent being satisfied, so there must be some degree of compromise.
To make them feel invlvd and ritd, you can g t a x shop where a lt f products related t sexual r rti ntrtinmnt - uh vibrtr, lingerie, nd thr rltd rdut - are ut on display nd ld.