This book is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical manual.
The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent medical help.
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Internet addresses and telephone numbers given in this book were accurate at the time it went to press.
2014 by Keren Gilbert
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file with the publisher.
ISBN 9781623362935 hardcover
eISBN 9781623362942
We inspire and enable people to improve their lives and the world around them.
To my boys: Jonathan, Jake, Derek, and Kane
T here are many people to acknowledge for their unwavering encouragement and advice in making The HD Diet a reality.
First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my agent Melissa Flashman. Your enthusiasm and vision for The HD Diet means the world to me. I felt a connection with you the moment I met you.
To Valerie Peterson: You just got me from the start and for that I will be forever appreciative.
To my team at Rodale: It has truly been an honor to work with you. To my editor Ursula Cary, your continued support, expertise, and guidance have been cherished throughout this journey. Thank you also to Jess Fromm, Marilyn Hauptly, Susan Turner, and Anastasiya Ganeeva for all of your assistance.
To Megan Hustad: Thank goodness for your exceptional organizational skills, continuous support, and, of course, your calming voice.
To Brad Behar: Its so nice to have a lawyer you trust and adore. Thank you for all of the hard work you have done for Decision Nutrition and The HD Diet.
To Dave Concannon: The best fitness trainer around and the one who helped me name my practice Decision Nutrition during one of our sessions. Thanks for the direction.
To Randy: Thank you for your vision and all the hours in the kitchen supporting Decision Nutrition.
To Harvey and Debra: I am so thankful for your food manufacturing expertise, honesty, and hard work.
To Susan and Jon: I am so appreciative for your enthusiasm and loyalty.
To Pam and Justin Fries: I thank you for conceptualizing with me the vision I had for my practice on a park bench. You never know when there will be a turning point in your life and you were there.
To Jennifer Goldberg: I have always been in awe of your entrepreneurial spirit. I thank you for always believing in me.
Barbra Berwald Dietz: I value you and your advice. You are infectious to be around. Your work ethic is inspiring. I thank you for all your support in this process and always.
To the best in-laws a girl can have: Jerry, you have always had faith in me and knew I can make a success of Decision Nutrition. Your support has been invaluable, not to mention you are the finest chia bagel delivery boy in the tri-state area. Gilda, you are an exceptionally modern woman who by her actions has shown me how to be a strong, tenacious woman.
To Sharone: Thank you for always being so creative and an abstract thinker, which has made me think out of the box many times.
To my mom: You have always been there to encourage me to reach for the stars and always love me unconditionally. You have taught me the true definition of selfless love. To my dad: I am so thankful for your advice, guidance, and support on this journey. Your thirst for knowledge and passion for Decision Nutrition and the HD plan has been my saving grace. Your faith in me has been a precious gift I will cherish forever. I love you, mom and dad!
To all of my clients who have made the decision to walk through my office door: Thank you for inspiring me at work each and every day. You gave me the courage to write this book and taught me what it is to live my life in HD. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. A special thanks to all the clients that have contributed to The HD Diet. I know your stories will inspire others to live their life in HD.
Finally, I must acknowledge the boys in my life. To my amazing husband, Jonathan: Words cant express my love and gratitude for you. Like on one of our long jogs together, you always have my back, push me forward and I go to places I never imagined I was capable of. I am blessed I found my best friend and soul mate to live decisively withforever. And to the three boys we created: Jake, Derek, and Kane, you give me inspiration to better myself each and every day and fill my life with love and laughter. You can do anything in this lifeyou just need to decide!
Y ou wouldnt dream of buying a new television that wasnt in HD, right? Its only natural to want everything clear and sharply detailed. I believe we should all be living our lives in high definition, experiencing every moment in focus. But sometimes we can feel like fuzzy little dots meshed together, a grainy picture that only reflects a semblance of who we are. While everybodys issues are different, many of us feel that extra pounds are what fuzz us up. When were not at our best weight, our best selves seem somehow obscured. We dress to hide, not to impress; we shrink into the background rather than shine the way we should. And even our best moments arent as clearly enjoyable as they could be if we were more comfortable with ourselves.
If youve made the decision to open this book, its likely because youre looking to lose weight. Perhaps you have been labeled the fat one in the family and have long struggled with extra pounds. Maybe youre in one of those tough transitional phases, like postbaby or premenopause. Or you could be experiencing the temptations of college dorm life. Maybe the stress of your family responsibilities is weighing you downliterally. Or maybe youve always been athletic and now you dont know why the beer belly isnt coming off.
As a nutritionist with a specialty in weight loss, Ive learned from years of working with clients that everyones struggles are different. As a working mother of three, I can tell you what my own are, and each person who comes into the Decision Nutrition office experiences her own personal journey. Like fingerprints and snowflakes, no two are exactly alike. But what my successful clients all have in common is this: Once theyve made the first important