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Warren - All the Things I Should Have Known

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Warren All the Things I Should Have Known
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    All the Things I Should Have Known
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    Kensington Books
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    La Vergne
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Intro -- Also by -- Title Page -- Table of Contents -- Copyright Page -- Acknowledgments -- Chapter 1 -- Chapter 2 -- Chapter 3 -- Chapter 4 -- Chapter 5 -- Chapter 6 -- Chapter 7 -- Chapter 8 -- Chapter 9 -- Chapter 10 -- Chapter 11 -- Chapter 12 -- Chapter 13 -- Chapter 14 -- Chapter 15 -- Chapter 16 -- Chapter 17 -- Chapter 18 -- Chapter 19 -- Chapter 20 -- Chapter 21 -- Chapter 22 -- Chapter 23 -- Chapter 24 -- Chapter 25 -- Chapter 26 -- Chapter 27 -- Chapter 28 -- Chapter 29 -- Chapter 30 -- Chapter 31 -- Chapter 32 -- Chapter 33 -- Chapter 34 -- Chapter 35 -- Chapter 36 -- Chapter 37

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Table of Contents Acknowledgments Ive gotten to another the end and I - photo 1
Table of Contents

Ive gotten to another the end and I couldnt be more thankful for this journey. This book reflects on relationships with the men in our lives and the sister friends that hold us together in between the love affairs. Hahna, Kimberly, and Twila are fictional representations of all the sister friends Ive known over my forty-plus years. Their bond is incredible, and I would be proud to call any one of them my bestie.
First, as always, I must thank my husband, Brent, and my children. I always thank them because they help write these stories. Their patience and support while I opt out of housework and movie night is impressive. My youngest child only knows me as a writer. I published my first book shortly after she was born. My writing career is part of their journey too.
To my team at Dafinayou are amazing! Tara, thank you for your patience and encouragement. Thank you for sticking with me as I write the stories that are in my heart. Samantha, thank you for helping me get the word out about my books and coming up with the coolest giveaways. Sara, I live for our talks which run the gamut from the state of politics in our nation, to racism, to raising childrenand oh... sometimes we get around to talking about books.
Next, Id like to thank Kandi and Todd Tucker from the Real Housewives of Atlanta. No, I dont know them at all (cause I know some of yall gonna ask me). Their love story played out on national television and gave me hope for the characters in this novel. Many blessings on your continued success and happiness.
I couldnt have crafted this story without all the sister friends in my life. I think of our conversationshow we call each other out, how we pray for one another, how we have one anothers backs. These relationships are fundamental to my views of sisterhood and how the stories unfold. So, a toast to the lovely ladies who hold me down at all timesShawana, Afrika, Leah, Brandi, Cybil, Staci, Victoria, ReShonda, Renee, Helen, and Robin. Love yall to the entire moon and back. Thank you to my work sister friends (Lorraine, Ronnie, Heather, Lauren, and Annie) who read my books and share them with everyone (even when I dont talk about them in the office, LOL).
Thanks goes out to the wonderful women of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Gamma Rho, and Zeta Phi Beta. Although I am not in a sorority, I love the support and ride-or-die fierceness of these organizations. I hope my fictional sorority, Gamma Phi Gamma, exemplifies all of the best characteristics of these ladies I admire.
There are a couple scenes in my book where I blow kisses to all my book club readers, friends, and supporters. Your support by purchasing books, showing up for signings, writing reviews, and sharing what I write with your avid reader friends is appreciated so much. It humbles me when I get your kind words, and even when you get mad and throw the book. Ha. Your passion for the written word ignites my passion for creating stories. I would name some of you, and then I would inevitably leave someone out, so I wont do itbut you know who you are, you fierce sharers of Facebook posts! I love you all!
And finally, I give all thanks and honor and praise to God who is the source of all good thingsincluding my vivid imagination.
Hope you all enjoy this book, and maybe even see yourself in there. Happy reading!
Also by Tiffany L. Warren

Dont Tell a Soul
The Replacement Wife
The Favorite Son
The Pastors Husband
Her Secret Life
The Outside Child

The suggested questions are included to enhance your groups reading of Tiffany L. Warrens
All the Things I Should Have Known .
At the beginning of the story, Hahna, Kimberly, and Twila make a pact to go out with the next man who asks them on a date, regardless of their previous dating rules. Have you ever thrown away your dating rules? Does breaking the rules equal settling?
Can a financially successful woman have a solid relationship with a man who makes substantially less money than she does?
Kimberlys date with Shawn was a complete nightmare from the start. What is your most hilarious first date story? Did it end in a love affair?
When Hahna runs into her ex at her current boyfriends event, she feels conflicted. Did this bother you? Was Hahna wrong for having these feelings?
Twila decides to have a no-strings-attached fling with her Instagram model. Is this even possible? Can two people have amazing sex without catching feelings?
Is Hahna materialistic? Does her boyfriend have a point, or should he just get over it and let her enjoy the finer things in life?
Is Kimberly racist? Would helping to raise your mans biracial children be a deal breaker? Why or why not?
Which characters back story would you like to see explored?
What things did you discover as a woman at 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, and beyond that you feel you shouldve known? What has been your lifes biggest a-ha moment?
Chapter 1
A year ago today, Torian was a ghost.
Hahnas Facebook page reminded her of this fact. Was there a filter on Facebook to delete the bad memories and only remind you of the good ones? She slowly scrolled the page and remembered. That fateful morning, shed woken up to a note. Five words had changed her life.
Baby, I cant do this.
Hahna had no idea what this one thing was that Torian couldnt do, because his note wasnt specific. She had a few ideas, though. He couldnt be faithful. He couldnt commit. And he damn sure couldnt tell the truth.
Or maybe it wasnt just one thing. Maybe Torian couldnt do any of the things she wanted him to door be any of the things she wanted him to be. Just because he was a chocolate-covered demigod who made her quiver with a glance; and just because hed showered her with expensive shoes and jewelry and vacations; and just because theyd probably make cute kidsit didnt mean that Torian Jackson truly wanted to have a life with her.
So, hed disappeared, and hed left a note as a good-bye.
Hahna placed her phone facedown on her huge cherry-wood desk. The desk shed splurged on when her consulting firm, the Data Whisperers, exceeded twenty-seven million dollars in annual revenue. The desk that made her office smell like old money, even though the money that bought it was brand-new.
Hahna walked over to the large bay window that shed had custom-installed to give her a panoramic view of the lake and magnolia trees behind the old-style Buckhead mansion that shed renovated and turned into her companys main office. She met with clients there and gave them gracious Southern hospitality. Sweet tea, biscuits and honey, and proposals that opened their eyes to all the ways their small companies could use the data they hoarded on laptops and tablets.
Hahna gazed out the window, twirled her right index finger through her honey-colored curls, breathed, and found her peace. Those small actions had become muscle memory for her. Shed made it a habit to calm herself when anxiety threatened to consume her spirit.
Sylvia, Hahnas assistant, stepped into her office. Hahna, I ordered the car service to take you to the airport. Is there anything else you need me to do before I get out of here for the weekend?
Hahna looked over at Sylvia and smiled. It was only Thursday, but Hahna was giving Sylvia a long weekend because she was taking one. Her annual spa retreat with her best friends, Twila and Kimberly. They would make her forget Torian, the ghost, and make new memories for her Facebook timeline.
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