The Complete Penny Stock Course
First Edition
Jamil Ben Alluch
Foreword by Timothy Sykes
Millionaire Publishing LLC.
80 SW 8th St, Suite 2000, Miami, FL, 33130, USA
First Published 2018
Copyright 2018 Millionaire Publishing LLC., Jamil Ben Alluch. All rights Reserved.
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First Edition
Book design by: Jamil Ben Alluch
Edited by: Lisa VanDyke Brown
Foreword by: Timothy Sykes
Ben Alluch, Jamil; The Complete Penny Stock Course: Learn How to Generate Profits Consistently by Trading Penny Stocks
To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury, and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein.
ISBN-10: 0-692-99267-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-692-99267-8
eBook ISBN: 978-0-692-04560-2
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As I write this, its been one decade to the month since my breakout role in the first season of Wall Street Warriors, a TV show that became such a hit that it was the #1 most downloaded TV show in the early days of the iTunes store.
Filmed over several months, viewers saw my crazy life as a stock trader and start-up hedge fund manager in New York City. I was only in my mid-20s, but had already made several million dollars, so I was living pretty well. Despite everyone telling me not to do the show, I figured at best it might get my story out there and at worst it might be fun, so it was worth a shot, but I had no idea that it would single-handedly shape my career.
Wall Street Warriors was a classic wannabe-dramatic reality TV show, but it was entertaining enough, and the producers also tried to educate viewers about the financial industry, which I appreciated. Within days of the shows first airings, I was pleasantly surprised to receive several emails from interested viewers, and within a few months it became clear that Wall Street Warriors was a hit as thousands of people contacted me wanting to learn exactly how I had turned my few thousand dollars of Bar Mitzvah gift money into millions, all thanks to the greatly misunderstood niche of penny stock trading.
At the time, my focus was on trying to grow my small hedge fund, but it was going nowhere fast as due to strict industry rules. My lawyer told me to ignore anyone who contacted me if they were not accredited investors, meaning anyone who didnt have a net worth of at least $1 million, excluding the value of their primary residence, or have income at least $200,000 each year for the last two years ruling out just about everyone!
The good news was that something about that quirky little TV show really caught on and I found an ever-growing audience of sadly non-accredited investors hungry for more information about me and my stock trading strategy. So I had a decision to make: either continue to try to make it in the fast-growing hedge fund industry filled with the richest people in the world, or shift gears completely and go with the far more speculative option of teaching my stock trading strategy to regular people.
At first, I diligently obeyed my lawyers warnings, doing my best to ignore the roughly 100-200 emails per day that were piling up in my inbox, which was an insane amount of attention for me, as over the previous three years in the hedge fund industry and despite all my hard work, I was averaging a mere 5-10 emails per day, so already this was 20x anything Id previously accomplished. Because as I reminded myself, and everyone else reminded me too, these emails were from people who were the complete wrong audience for my hedge fund.
Then, both The New York Times And The New York Observer wrote feature articles on Wall Street Warriors, and both mentioned me in particular. The upstart HDTV network that the show was on lacked content (because HDTV was a brand new technology back then) and began re-airing the show up to six times per day, which led to me receiving 300-500 daily emails all basically asking the same thing: Can you show me how to do this?
Forget about the damn hedge fund industry rules; these people needed my help! Not to mention it made my blood boil that many of these people claimed my main strategy of short selling penny stocks was illegal and that what I was doing was impossible; that simply wasnt true! Incompetent brokers had lied to them to make up for the fact that they couldnt find shares to short on these stocks and didnt want to be exposed for their shortcomings, so they kept spreading lies. Someone had to step in and break this cycle of misinformation, and I seemed like the perfect choice to make it happen.
And so, I officially exited the hedge fund world and entered the financial education business.
It was a difficult decision to make, but it got easier the more I thought about it, as my $3 million hedge fund was puny by Wall Streets standards and I was fed up with the ridiculous rules prohibiting advertising my fund and performance in any way. Did I mention you had to have a pre-existing relationship with potential investors? For me, that was impossible because at the time I was just 25 years old and had spent the past few years trading stocks non-stop, not developing relationships with any high net-worth individuals like most other hedge fund managers. And worse, I hated schmoozing with the superficial wealthy elite at charity events, Ive always gotten along with average people far better, probably due to my personality and the down-to-earth manner in which I was raised.