by Craig S. Davis, PhD
The Middle East For Dummies
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About the Author
Craig S. Davis earned a dual PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures and in Religious Studies from Indiana University in 2002. He has conducted research in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India on contemporary primary education and medieval history. In the spring of 2002, he published an article on images of violence in Afghan primary education textbooks entitled A is for Allah, J is for Jihad in World Policy Journal. His dissertation focused on a textual analysis of medieval Persian texts from the Mughal Empire. He studied Arabic in Jordan, Urdu and Pashtu in Pakistan, as well as Persian and other regional languages in the United States. Today, he works for the International Child Labor Program at the U.S. Department of Labors Bureau of International Labor Affairs. Craig lives in Maryland with his wife Mirna and their four children: Helen, Trevor, Tellie, and Cassie.
I dedicate this book to two very important individuals who helped to shape my understanding of freedom and justice during my formative years. The first is Scud McCrary, my middle school history teacher, who taught me the values of democracy and civil liberties that have stuck with me to this very day. The second is my high school Latin and German teacher, Lester Kerns, who influenced my teen years as much as anyone. I will never forget either.
Authors Acknowledgments
Without the patience and understanding of my wife, Mirna, and my children, Helen, Trevor, Tellie, and Cassie over the past six months, this book would not have been possible. I would also like to thank Kevin Farris and Nick Levintow who lent their support. Jamsheed Choksys unwavering direction, both technical and otherwise, is always appreciated. I am grateful to Pam Mourouzis who provided assistance in the initial stages of the project. I also wish to thank Tim Gallan and Chad Sievers.
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For nearly two decades now, I have dedicated myself to the study of the history, languages, and culture of the region loosely called the Middle East. Its been a fascinating journey. Ive lived, traveled, studied, and/or conducted research in Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kashmir. For most of my adult life, Ive taught or explained that violence, militancy, and religious extremism are only a small, albeit politically significant, part of everyday life in the region.