Cake Decorating For Dummies
by Joe LoCicero
Cake Decorating For Dummies
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About the Author
Family lifestyle expert Joe LoCiceros obsession with cakes and instruction began with the Flintstones-themed cake his mom served for his fifth birthday. Before the cake was doled out, Joe explained to everyone the importance of embellishing a cake with frosting and figures. He developed an immediate interest in deconstructing and designing desserts, and by the time he was in seventh grade, his carrot cakes had become such a hit that local organizations auctioned them off at fundraisers.
More recently, the Southern-bred LoCicero has spent the last 15 years in Los Angeles working in the entertainment industry as a party planner, writer, columnist, and marketing consultant. He also works wonders as a cake decorator, accomplished home chef, creative instructor, and entertaining guru.
Having organized big-budget parties for network, studios, agents, and stars, Joe founded Chartreuse Cake in 1999, which specializes in themed, fantastically crafted cakes for large gatherings such as birthday parties, bridal and baby showers, signature events, and private screenings. His Red Velvet Cake and its wide variety of decorations is his most requested. Chartreuse Cake has also catered meals for independent films, and dessert buffets for celebrities. LoCicero also continues to offer one-on-one home cooking instruction.
In 2004, Joe and his wife founded Practical Whimsy (, a company that celebrates family style with products, recipes, party tips, and of course ideas for cakes. Joe and his wife champion the importance of family supper and celebrations and have given presentations on those topics to corporations, organizations, and educational institutions including MTV, Paramount, Viacom, Turner Broadcasting, Loyola Marymount University, and Southern Californias Discover Conference.
Joes column on entertaining, Practical Whimsy: Southern Hospitality, Hollywood Style, is a regular feature in YALL: The Magazine of Southern People, and hes the author of a number of books, including The Complete Idiots Guide to Clear Thinking and Streetwise Meeting and Event Planning. Additionally, Joe is the Food Contributor for
LoCicero has been featured in Cosmopolitan,Womans World, several daily newspapers in the U.S. and Canada; radio outlets including Sirius Martha Stewart Living Radio; and network affiliate news programs.
LoCicero lives in Los Angeles, where he cooks dinner every night for his wife, Lori, and their two young children. They have cake as often as possible.
To Dalton, whose love for cakes, zest for life, and ever-burgeoning outpouring of new ideas provide a happy, constant source of inspiration.
Authors Acknowledgments
I truly regard cake decorating as a way to celebrate the infinite number of happy occasions that can bring friends, colleagues, relatives, and immediate family together. In that spirit, Im so thankful to my nieces and nephews Eli, Mary Elle, Samuel, Tucker, Savannah, Ethan, Paulina Jane, and Alex who take cake and celebrating very seriously and have fueled my passion for cakes, served as excellent taste testers, and proved to be unending idea factories. And to my delightful daughter Garcy, who has already shown me that I was, in fact, prepared to have a girl, particularly one who has such fabulous, discriminating taste.
Ive realized that people can be just as passionate about enjoying cake as I can be about making and decorating them. Jill and Mark Illsley, Maureen FitzPatrick and Doug Armstrong: Your unending support and encouragement, your graciousness, and your ever-present humor humble me.
Id also like to thank Kristy Wylie and Shari Kaufman, two champions of my cakes who never missed the chance to express their sheer delight, spread the word, and show me the importance of never making light of a talent youve been given And I appreciate all my friends and colleagues at Paramount, Disney, Turner Broadcasting, and Sony who heaped praise on myriad confections, instilling more pride, happiness, and publicity than theyll ever know.