![Picture 3](/uploads/posts/book/202789/Images/ch.jpg)
I AM grateful to many people and organizations who contributed to this biography, in particular to Audrey Alande, Susan Allison, Kevin J. Anderson, Peter Atkins, Helen Z. Ballew, Matt Bialer, Daniel and Vera Blanquie, Marcia Bromley, Charles N. Brown, California State University, Gary and Judy Blanquie, Pat and Kim Blanquie, Ron and Kathleen Blanquie, George Carlson, Barbara Castroni, Laurene Cayo, Hal and Jeanne Cook, Anna Cottle, Connie Delmore-Beals, Frank Dixon, Tom Doherty, Jennifer Duncan, Deloss (Si) Edwards, Patricia Elizabeth, Harlan Ellison, Erica M. Fitzroy, Alan Francescutti, E. J. and Morgan Gold, Frankie Goodwin-Richards, Robert Gottlieb, Lou Guzzo, Howard J. Hansen, Joanne Hansen, David Hartwell, Keith Hauer-Lowe, Beverly Herbert, Bruce Herbert, Eileen Herbert, Frank Herbert, Jr., Frank Herbert, Sr. (F.H.), Janet Herbert, Julie Herbert, Kimberly Herbert, La Rene Herbert, Louis Herbert, Margaux Herbert, Neda Herbert, Phyllis Herbert-Hart, Bart and Sheila Hrast, Darel Jenkins, Karen Jones-Wheeler, Mike and Margaret Kalton, Mary Alice Kier, King County Reference Center, Kitsap County Historical Society, Richard L. Kossen, Marie Landis-Edwards, Marguerite Landis-Forbes, Patricia Herbert Larson, Roy Larson, Hattie Mae Laxson, Lincoln High School, Philip M. Lindsten, Pat LoBrutto, Dan Lodholm, Oak Lodholm, Sandra Macomber, Dave McCarthy, Thomas McCarthy, Byron Merritt, David Merritt, Robert Merritt, Penny Merritt, Ron Merritt, Rebecca Moesta-Anderson, Johnny Moore, James P. Morrison, Joe Muoz, Mayme Semba Nishimura, Marilyn Niwao, Sharon OHara, Michael OLeary, Oregonian Publishing Company, Ed and Jeannie Pechin, The Peninsula Historical Society, Sharon Perry, Roy Prosterman, Bill Ransom, Steve Reece, Ken and Ruth Rowntree, Violet (Peg) Rowntree, St. Joseph Hospital, Doug Sandau, Santa Rosa Press Democrat , Bill and Zee Scheyer, Seattle University, Theresa Shackelford, Bill Sides, Kathleen J. and Nicholas Sidjakov, Catherine Sidor, Sonoma County Library, Rosemary Stein, Paul Stevens, Stewart Intermediate School, Roscoe Stuart, Dick Swift, Clyde Taylor, Jack and Norma Vance, Helen C. Wan, Washington State Historical Society, Washington State Patrol, Phil H. Webber, Duane Wilkins, Maura Wogan.
Special appreciation is also due to Daniel J. H. Levack, who (with annotator Mark Willard) compiled a bibliography of Frank Herberts writings, Dune Master: A Frank Herbert Bibliography . My mother and I provided them with assistance, as we submitted bibliographic information and the names of other people to be contacted. Their book contains summaries of published short stories and books, which aided me in analyzing the themes in the writings of my father. Other books which are useful in addressing these themes are Frank Herbert and The Maker of Dune , both by Timothy OReilly, and Frank Herbert , by William Touponce.
I have referred to the critical analyses of these writers in my fathers biography, and have added my own insights to theirs. In my work I have also included an analysis of many heretofore unknown and unpublished stories and poems written by Frank Herbert. The works of Levack/Willard, OReilly and Touponce include very sketchy biographical information, some of which was useful to me in the assembly of this more extensive biography. Special credit is also due to Ed Naha for The Making of Dune (a behind-the-scenes book about the Dune movie) and to the army of newspaper and magazine reporters who interviewed and wrote about my illustrious father.
Lastly, I wish to thank Sister M. Jeanne of the Saint Leo Convent in Tacoma, who led twenty nuns in prayers for my mother.