Giftsfrom the Grandmothers TheWisdomkeeper Collection ByJohn Wisdomkeeper Digital ISBNs EPUB 9781772990379 Kindle 9781772990386 WEB 9781772990393 Print ISBN 9781772990409
Copyright 2016 John Makowski and Judith Pittman Cover Art Michelle Lee Illustrations Mike Brodie All rightsreserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reservedabove, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in orintroduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, orby any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, orotherwise) without the prior written permission of both thecopyright owner and the above publisher of this book. It istraditional for First Nations people to give thanks, andacknowledge our relationship, to the plants, animals, birds andcreatures from the water, to show respect for their giving theirspirits in order for others to survive. Traditionally elders sayprayers to commemorate this sacrifice at a feast gathering. Duringthese gatherings the people share their recipes and oftendemonstrate the preparation and cooking of food. Elders would passon ancient food gathering and preparation guides to the youngermembers of the tribe.
Because of this tradition of passing on thewisdom of the tribe from generation to generation, First Nationspeople became increasingly skilled in the art of drying andpreparing foods, herbs and berries with each passing generation.The Medicine men and women of the tribes were gifted healerstrained by generations of ancestors in the art of using the giftsof Mother Earth to heal the people of their tribes. The followingrecipes, shared with me by Grandmothers from many generationsare
Illustration by MikeBrodie Gifts fromthe Grandmothers. Native recipes, herbal remedies. Gifts thatwere shared with me by Grandmothers Native and non-Native I metduring my travels. Special recognition to Lillian Mack a veryspecial Grandmother who has now gone to the spirit world but whospent many hours updating these stories for me with ingredients andmethods that work in modern kitchens. TraditionalCeremonies. TalkingStories. Stories told to Native children around the campfire toentertain and teach them moral lessons. TalkingStories. Stories told to Native children around the campfire toentertain and teach them moral lessons.
Travels Along The RedRoad. A series ofstories sharing my experiences as I recovered from drugs andalcohol over 30 years ago and began my journeys on the RedRoad TRADITIONAL(UPDATED) RECIPES Buffalo OvenStew 2 lbs. ofbuffalo meat, cut into 1 inch cubes 1 T. fat 1-1/2 T.salt 1 tsp.pepper 1/2 tsp.paprika 1/4 cupflour 1 large onion,chopped 1 can stewedtomatoes 4 carrots,chopped 2 stalks ofcelery, chopped 4 potatoes,chopped Brown buffalo cubes and onion in fat on high heat. Reduceto simmer. Mix flour, salt, pepper and paprika sprinkle overbrowned meat; stir and gradually add water to form gravy. Placemixture in casserole dish.
Add tomatoes, carrots, celery andpotatoes and sufficient water to cover (leave room in the dish forthe biscuit topping to be inside the rim of the dish). Place intobaking dish, bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Cover with biscuit toppingand return to 425 oven to brown topping. BiscuitTopping 1-3/4 cups flour 4 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp.salt 1/4 cupshortening 1 egg 2/3 cupmilk Sift dry ingredients. Cut in shortening to consistency ofcornmeal. Beat egg with milk.
Make a well in the center of dryingredients. Pour in milk mixture. Stir until dough binds together.Place on floured board. Pat into circle, place on top of BuffaloStew fit to edges of pan until snug. Bake at 425 for 15 20minutes or until top is lightly browned. beef orgame (soup bones, shank, neck and ribs) 1 T Fat 2 quarts coldwater 1 large onion,1 carrot, 1 thin slice rutabaga 1 T. beef orgame (soup bones, shank, neck and ribs) 1 T Fat 2 quarts coldwater 1 large onion,1 carrot, 1 thin slice rutabaga 1 T.
Salt 3 wholecloves, 1 bay leaf 1/2 tsp.Celery salt or celery leaves 1/4 tsp.Thyme, savory or sweet marjoram Brown meat in fat. Add cold water, cover and simmer for1-1/2hours. Add vegetables and seasonings and cook for 1 hour.Stain through cheesecloth, cool and remove fat before using. Squamish CornSoup 1/2 lb. Saltpork 2 lg. onions,sliced 3 cups dicedboiled potatoes 2 cups boilingwater 2 cups cookedcorn, fresh or canned 4 cups hotmilk 1/2 tsp. Salt,pepper to taste Dice pork into 1/2-inch chunks, add onion, cook slowly 5-10minutes, stirring, until transparent but not browned.
Addpotatoes, corn, boiling water, hot milk. Season to taste, servewith garnish. To make thicker chowder, make a roux of 2 T. butterand 2 T. of flour, frizzled, stir this into 1 cup of the milk, cookand stir until thickened. Curried SquashSoup 3 acornsquash, cut lengthwise and seeded 2 carrots, chopped 1 onionchopped 1 T.
Vegetableoil 1 T. Currypowder 1 can chickenbroth 1/2 cup plainyogurt Pumpkin seedsfor garnish Fill large baking dish with 1 inch of water, arrange squashcut side down, cover and steam 10-12 minutes, until tender, letcool. Saut carrots and onion in oil 10 min., add curry powder,cook 1 min. Longer. Scoop pulp from squash and add to carrotmixture, add chicken broth and 1 cup water, bring to boil, reduceheat and simmer 20 minutes. Put soup in bowls and swirl yogurt intosoup.
Garnish with pumpkin seeds. Pea Soup withWild Rice 3 quarts ofwater to one lb dried peas soaked overnight if whole, 1/2 lb saltpork, chopped carrots, onions, turnips, rutabagas Add vegetablesafter bringing peas and pork to a boil and skimming, simmer covered4 hours. Stir in cooked wild rice the last 15 minutes. PheasantSoup Pieces fromseveral pheasants 1 tsp. saltand pepper to taste 1 bay leaf 1/2 cup rawrice 1 cup rawcarrots, sliced 1 very smallonion Clean and wash bony pieces of pheasant well. Put inkettle with enough water to cover pieces add salt and bay leaf.Cook until meat is tender enough to fall from bones. Remove meatand bay leaf from broth.
Discard bay leaf. Remove meat from bonesin pieces as large as possible. Return meat and add a dash ofpepper. Add uncooked rice and carrots. Cut onion in quarters andadd. Simmer mixture for about one hour or until carrots and riceare tender and have soaked up most of the broth.
Roundhouse PeaSoup 1/2 cup driedsplit peas, 4 cups water 1 lb. Hamshank or 2 hocks 1 cup gratedcarrot 1 tsp.salt 1 onion,minced 10peppercorns, 1 bay leaf 1 cup milk 2 T. flour Wash peas and soak overnight in water. Place ham shank inslow cooker, add peas and water in which they were soaked, add saltand seasonings, set to high, and allow to cook several hours. Ifcooking in stew pot, bring to boil, reduce to simmer and allow tocook several hours. MoosejawChili 4 lbs. Courseground lean beef/venison/moose 2 clovesgarlic, minced 8 T.
Chilipowder 8 T. Flour 4 tsp.Salt 2 T. Cumin(Comino) 1/2 cup beefsuet 1/4 lb.Butter 2 cups onion,diced 2 quarts hotwater 1 pint tomatopuree 3 cups cookedbeans (optional) Season meat with garlic, chilli powder, flour, salt andcumin, using your hands to work into meat. Heat suet and butterin heavy kettle and saut onions until soft but not brown. Stir inmeat mixture and cook 20 minutes, stirring often. Add water andtomato puree.
Simmer 1 hour, stirring often. Stir in beans and cook15 minutes longer. Make 1-1/2 gallons of chilli. Shuswap CornChowder 1/2 cup dicedpotatoes 3 cups boilingwater 2 T. choppedonion 2 T. 1 cup cookedcorn 1/4 cuptomatoes 1/2 tsp. salt1/4 tsp. salt1/4 tsp.
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