Sleep Disorders For Dummies
by Max Hirshkowitz, PhD, DABSM and Patricia B. Smith
Foreword by William C. Dement, MD, PhD
Founder and Director of Stanford Sleep Research & Disorders Center
Sleep Disorders For Dummies
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About the Authors
Dr. Max Hirshkowitz is an associate professor at Baylor College of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Medicine. He earned his PhD from Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts in 1978 and moved to Houston where he remains. With more than 25 years experience in clinical sleep disorders, Hirshkowitz is an internationally known researcher and clinician, a popular lecturer, an active researcher, and an American Board of Sleep Medicinecertified sleep specialist.
Currently he directs the Sleep Disorders and Research Program at the Veteran Affairs Medical Center and is clinical director of the Methodist Hospital Diagnostic Sleep Laboratory (two of the four accredited programs in Houston). He serves on the editorial boards of the journals Sleep Medicine and Sleep and the board of the World Association for Sleep Medicine. He chairs the National Veterans Health Administration Sleep Field Advisory Group and also the Positive Airway Pressure Technical Advisory Group; is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Standards of Practice Committee; and is a senior site visitor for the Academys Accreditation Site Visit Task Force.
Hirshkowitz served as a member and principal author of the Healthcare Analysis and Information Center Sleep-related Breathing Disorders Sourcebook, helped orchestrate national contracting for positive airway pressure devices for veterans, served as president of the Southern Sleep Society, chaired the American Sleep Disorders Association Education Committee, helped develop the scoring atlas for Cyclic Alternating Patterns, and was a member of the American Sleep Disorders Association Standards for Polysomnography Task Force. Finally, he was a member of the team that wrote the International Classification of Sleep Disorders and has hundreds of publications concerning sleep and its disorders.
Patricia B. Smith is an award-winning journalist who specializes in medical reporting. Shes the author of nine published books. Ms. Smith wrote for People Magazine for six years and currently works as a healthcare producer for Fox News.
This book is dedicated to the sleepless, not just in Seattle, but everywhere the midnight oil is burning. Our hope is that reading this book will encourage you to find the cause of your sleeplessness and get the help you need to restore peaceful slumber. Now, go to bed!
From Max: To my daughters, Amy and Abby, who I love dearly. In the past, they taught me firsthand about sleep deprivation; currently their sleep patterns epitomize the difference between larks and owls; and in the coming years theyll undoubtedly prove that the future isnt what it used to be.
Authors Acknowledgments
From Max: Ive always found it a great joy to thank people for their help and support. Professionally, my colleagues and students play major roles in my thought-process development about sleep. Most notable among my colleagues is Marietta Bellamy Bibbs with whom Ive worked side-by-side for nearly 25 years. Im fond of saying that Marietta is the best sleep technologist on the planet, which I actually believe is true. (She has won about every award that exists for technologists, which supports my contention.) Her knowledge, dedication, and help in countless projects allow me to still honestly say that I enjoy coming to work every day. I also must thank Catesby Ware, who as my roommate at Tufts University taught me how to make sleep recordings, how to score sleep stages, and introduced me to sleep research. Upon arrival in Houston and continuing to the present I was fortunate to have brilliant mentors and collaborators from whom I learned a great many things; in this regard I thank Robert L. Williams, Ismet Karacan, Constance A. Moore, Glenn Cunningham, and Amir Sharafkhaneh. I am also grateful for academic support and sage advice over the years from Jim Lomax and Alex D. Pokorny.