
Table of Contents
Cyber Smart
Five habits to protect your family, money, and identity from cyber criminals
Bart R. McDonough
Cyber Smart: Five habits to protect your family, money, and identity from cyber criminals
Published by
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Copyright 2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-1-119-55961-0
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ISBN: 978-1-119-55964-1 (ebk)
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I dedicate this book to my mother, Kaye Gigi McDonough. My intelligent, thoughtful, caring, and beautiful motheryour unconditional love and encouragement coupled with your unwavering demand of excellence propelled me forward in my life and career. THANK YOU, Momma!
About the Author
Bart R. McDonough is CEO and founder of Agio, a hybrid managed IT and cybersecurity services provider specializing in the financial services, healthcare, and payments industries. Bart has deep institutional knowledge of the investment world, with more than 20 years of experience working in cybersecurity, business development, and IT management within the hedge fund industry. His core strengths are assessing, defining, advocating, and driving the adoption of risk management strategies, controls, and models, which enable organizations to advance cybersecurity resiliency while successfully complying with evolving regulatory requirements and behavioral transformations.
Harnessing his expertise in alternative investments, Bart and his team of more than 240 employees have developed cybersecurity and managed IT tools tailored to protect financial businesses' most precious assets: money and reputation. Just one example of Agio's industry-changing work included finding and repairing a Bloomberg Professional Services setting that could have compromised more than 300,000 subscribers. As CEO, Bart has grown Agio's roster of clients to exceed 300, spanning hedge funds, private equity firms, asset managers, investment banks, and healthcare providers.
Bart is a board member of several cybersecurity companies. Prior to founding Agio, he worked at SAC Capital Advisors, BlueStone Capital Partners, OptiMark Technologies, Sanford Bernstein, and American Express. Bart attended the University of Oklahoma and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Connecticut. He is married to the two-time Emmy Awardwinning television producer Cheryl McDonough, and he has three incredible children: Russell, Ava, and Kya.
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Cover Image
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I'd like to start by thanking the team that helped me get this book published and ultimately distributed: Jim Minatel, Gary Schwartz, and Barath Kumar Rajasekaran at Wiley.
I'd also like to thank the thousands of Agio clients who kept asking me questions at my Cybersecurity Awareness Seminars, which led me to writing this book. I can't wait to share it with all of you.
A huge thank-you to my researcher, Kelly Eley, for all of your valuable time on this projectyou were simply a delight to work with, and I can't wait to collaborate with you again. In addition, I'd like to thank Kimberly Peticolas for all of her coaching and advice on getting this idea into a published book.
Next, I have to thank so many of my amazing colleagues at Agio (https://agio.com/
) for refining so much about what I know about cybersecurity, management, and life. I have to give a big personal shout-out to Ray Hillen for coining the phrase Brilliance in the Basics. A special thanks to Lori Rabin for her amazing editing capabilities. Others I want to thank personally include Chris Harper, Mark Fitzner, Miten Marvania, Garvin McKee, Kate Wood, Nick Mancini, Jessica Golle, Heather Matthews, Josh Bentley, Greg Blattner, Marina Mirchevskaya, Kaitlin Boydston, Jason Price, Andrew Werking, Eva Lorenz, Laurie Leigh, Emily Ellis, Carrie Bowers, Donato Lalla, Tim Steiner, Steve Foster, Joe McCusker, and the rest of the amazing organization at Agio (
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