Estate Planning For Dummies
by N. Brian Caverly and Jordan S. Simon
Estate Planning For Dummies
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About the Authors
N. Brian Caverly, Esq., is a practicing lawyer in Northeastern Pennsylvania with his principal office in Wilkes-Barre. He has practiced law since 1968 and in his practice emphasizes wills and estates, estate planning, and elder law. He is a graduate of Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, with an AB degree in economics, and from the Dickinson School of Law in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, with a JD degree. He serves on the board of directors of the Angeline Elizabeth Kirby Memorial Health Center in Wilkes-Barre, a charitable organization. Brian is also chairman of the Luzerne County Planning Commission. He presents lectures and writes articles and papers about various legal topics, including those related to estate planning.
Jordan S. Simon is vice president of asset management at Venture West, Inc., a Tucson, Arizona-based investment firm, where he has worked since 1988. Jordan focuses on real estate investments. He received his bachelors degree from the University of Arizona and his MBA from the University of Southern California, where he was the recipient of the Quon Award for outstanding university and community service. Jordan is the co-author of The Computer Professionals Guide to Effective Communications.
To my wife Anne; my children Jessica, Kelly, and Brenna; and my grandchildren Collin, Diarmid, and Fiona (and those to come)
N. Brian Caverly
To my parents Sandra and Bernard Simon; Credit; and Meghan for their time, love and support.
Jordan S. Simon
Authors Acknowledgements
We would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their invaluable assistance with this book:
Our agent Matt Wagner of Waterside Productions
Cathy Levi for administrative assistance with the books manuscript
Lewis W. Wetzel, Esq., John C. Eichorn, Esq., and David J. Harris, Esq., for their sage counsel and advice
Our anonymous technical reviewer (an attorney from Indiana who emphasizes estate planning) whose comments and suggestions helped us shape the books contents
Alan Simon (Jordans brother), the author of Stock Options For Dummies and Data Warehousing For Dummies, who helped us create an engaging and sometimes entertaining book (at least we hope so!) about an often dry and occasionally sobering subject
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