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Wilbur - Top secret recipes: sodas, smoothies, spirits, & shakes: creating cool kitchen clones of Americas favorite brand-name drinks

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Wilbur Top secret recipes: sodas, smoothies, spirits, & shakes: creating cool kitchen clones of Americas favorite brand-name drinks
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Table of Contents
Theres something almost magically compelling about the idea of making such foods at home...The allure is undeniable, and [the books are] stuffed with tidbits and lore youre unlikely to find anywhere else.
Boston Herald

The mission: Decode the secret recipes for Americas favorite junk foods. Equipment: Standard kitchen appliances. Goal: Leak the results to a ravenous public.
USA Today

This is the cookbook to satisfy all your cravings.
Juli Huss, author of The Faux Gourmet
TODD WILBUR is the author of Top Secret Recipes , More Top Secret Recipes , Top Secret Restaurant Recipes , Top Secret Recipes Lite!, and Low-Fat Top Secret Recipes (all available from Plume). When not taste-testing recipes on himself, his friends, or TV talk-show hosts,Todd lives in Las Vegas.
The trademarked brand names used in this book should not in any way be - photo 1
The trademarked brand names used in this book should not, in any way, be considered an endorsement of this book, or any of the recipes in this book by the trademark holders.This book was not prepared, approved, licensed, or endorsed by any of the owners of the trademarks or brand names referred to in this book. The author acknowledges that all of the recipes have been created and kitchen tested independently of any food manufacturers mentioned here. Terms mentioned that are known or believed to be trademarks or service marks have been indicated as such. See the section on Trademarks.

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Copyright Todd Wilbur, 2002
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eISBN : 978-1-101-11696-8

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For Pamelashes the real thing. Beautiful inside and out. Shes my proof that soul mates do exist.
T oday Ive been drinking the worlds number one beverage but I cant give you the recipe. Unless you already know how to combine two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen atom in abundance, youll have to settle for drinking it out of a bottle or straight off the tap.
What I can give you, though, is a bunch of recipes to duplicate the taste of the other drinks we hold dear, including several iced versions for the second most popular beverage in the world: tea. Youll recognize many of these products, because it would be nearly impossible to exist in civilization on this planet without being reminded several times each day that you absolutely must drink these wonderful drinks. And that you will enjoy them. And that when you are thirsty again you will come back for more.
Its true that this book includes clone recipes for some of the most successful products in the worldthose drinks youve enjoyed since birthwith long, remarkable histories and huge profits. But a collection such as this would not be complete without also including copycat formulas for the newer, trendier drinks that have garnered more recent worship.
Sure, Ive got recipes in here for sodas, milk shakes, smoothies, lemonades, coffee drinks, and punches, but this book isnt just for the teetotalers. If you, uh, total more than tee, Ive got some of the coolest cocktail, mixer and liqueur-making recipes ever assembled. Spirits were around a long time before fizzy flavored sodas and grande Frappuccinos, and this book recognizes that delicious cocktail recipes are just as fun to re-create at home as are recipes for famous foodstuffs found in previous Top Secret Recipes volumes.
This book is divided into two major sections, with the first half consisting of clone recipes for famous sodas, milk shakes, and smoothies, plus a section for drinks that dont fit into those three categories. This is where you learn how to re-create your favorite sodas using the old soda fountain technique: adding flavored syrup to cold soda water.This is also where you get the secret to mixing a Dairy Queen Blizzard clone of your own at home so that the ice cream wont get too runny when you stir in all the chunks. If you like coffee, youll find out what secret ingredients will copy a Starbucks Frappuccino and the instant General Foods International Coffees. Youll find out how to make the perfect lemonade from scratch and how to duplicate the taste of Sunny Delight using more fruit juice than the real things got in it.
The second half of the book is devoted to spirits.This is where you find clone recipes for famous brands such as Kahla, Baileys Irish Cream, and Grand Marnier.Youll find out how to add flavorings and fruit to inexpensive vodka to create a variety of delicious liqueurs. In this section youll also get dozens and dozens of recipes for the most popular cocktails from Americas largest restaurant chains. If youve ever been to Applebees, Chilis, T.G.I. Fridays, Planet Hollywood, or Outback Steakhouse and have seen the glossy table cards with beautiful photos of delicious and colorful cocktails on them and wished you could make drinks that good at home, this is where you learn how. And right at the end youll get the secrets to making the delicious mixers that go into those awesome drinks, all from scratch.
So grab a straw and dive on in. As with all the other Top Secret Recipes books, measure carefully and follow the directions precisely. In no time at all youll soon be downing a duplicate of your favorite drink, from your favorite glass, while sitting in your favorite chair.

If youd like to try some clone recipes for solid food, check out the other books in the Top Secret Recipes series or come to the web site at www.TopSecretRecipes.com.

If you have suggestions for other drinks to clone, drop me some e-mail at Todd@topsecretrecipes.com.

Ill be back again to uncover more of your most requested clone cuisine secrets in the next book, Even More Top Secret Recipes , coming soon. Until then, cheers to you.
Todd Wilbur
W hen America figured out how to mix carbon dioxide gas with water in the early 1800s a monumental industry was born. The fizzy fluid, invented to clone carbonated water found in natural springs, was originally thought to be a magical curative for a variety of ailments ranging from indigestion to arthritis. Ambitious pharmacists looking to strike it rich with their own new patent medicines added custom mixtures of herbs, flowers, fruits, berries, and bark to the soda water, creating a wide range of flavors with a variety of claimed health benefits.Their background in medicine and chemistry made these pharmacists perfectly suited for such a task, despite the many dubious claims of miracle cures provided by the new formulas. It is these pharmacists who are responsible for launching todays monumental soft drink industry.
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