Simon StephensPlays: 4Three Kingdoms, The Trial of Ubu, Morning, Carmen Disruption Olivier-Award-winner
Simon Stephens is one of the most prolific contemporary playwrights and his work is produced across the world. The author of more than twenty stage plays, he is a former tutor on the Royal Court Young Writers Programme. His plays for theatre include
Bluebird (Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, London, 1998);
Herons (Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, 2001);
Port (Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester, 2002);
One Minute (Crucible Theatre, Sheffield, 2003, and Bush Theatre, London, 2004);
Christmas (Bush Theatre, 2004);
Country Music (Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, 2004);
On the Shore of the Wide World (Royal Exchange Theatre and National Theatre, London, 2005);
Motortown (Royal Court Theatre Downstairs, 2006);
Pornography (Deutsches Schauspielhaus, Hanover, 2007; Edinburgh Festival/Birmingham Rep, 2008, and Tricycle Theatre, London, 2009);
Harper Regan (National Theatre, 2008);
Sea Wall (Bush Theatre, 2008/Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, 2009);
Punk Rock (Lyric Hammersmith, London, and Royal Exchange Theatre, 2009);
The Trial of Ubu (Schauspiel Essen/Toneelgroep, Amsterdam, 2010);
A Thousand Stars Explode in the Sky (co-written with David Eldridge and Robert Holman: Lyric Hammersmith, 2010);
Marine Parade (co-written with Mark Eitzel: Brighton International Festival, 2010);
T5 (Traverse Theatre, 2010);
Wastwater (Royal Court Theatre Downstairs, 2011);
I Am he Wind (a new English version of John Fosses play: Young Vic, London, 2011);
Three Kingdoms (Teater NO99, Tallinn, and Die Kammerspiele, Munich, 2011; Lyric Hammersmith, 2012);
A Dolls House (a new English version of Henrik Ibsens play: Young Vic, 2012);
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (adapted from Mark Haddons novel: National Theatre, 2012);
Morning (Traverse Theatre and Lyric Hammersmith, 2012);
Blindsided (Royal Exchange Theatre, 2014);
Birdland (Royal Court Theatre, 2014);
The Cherry Orchard (a new English version of Anton Chekhovs play: Young Vic, 2014);
Carmen Disruption (Deutsches Schauspielhaus, Hamburg, 2014; Almeida Theatre, London, 2015);
Song from Far Away (Toneelgroep, Mostra Internacional de Teatro So Paulo and Young Vic, 2015);
The Funfair (a new English version of dn von Horvths play
Kasimir and Karoline: Home, Manchester, 2015); and
Heisenberg (Manhattan Theatre Club, New York, 2015). His radio plays include
Five Letters Home to Elizabeth (BBC Radio 4, 2001) and
Digging (BBC Radio 4, 2003). His screenwriting includes the two-part serial
Dive (with Dominic Savage) for Granada/BBC (2009); and a short film adaptation of
Pornography for Channel 4s Coming Up series (2009).
by the same author Birdland Blindsided Christmas Country Music Herons Motortown One Minute Pornography Port T5 Wastwater STEPHENS PLAYS: 1 (Bluebird, Christmas, Herons, Port) STEPHENS PLAYS: 2 (One Minute, Country Music, Motortown, Pornography, Sea Wall) STEPHENS PLAYS: 3 (On the Shore of the Wide World, Marine Parade, Harper Regan, Punk Rock)
with Mark Haddon The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
with David Eldridge and Robert Holman A Thousand Stars Explode in the Sky
Three Kingdoms: An inconsolable mood of dread, abandon, violence and suspicion lurks beneath the shows skin of arty insouciance, and at times the script attains a lyrical pitch of accusation against the West that quite overrides the flippancy.
by the same author Birdland Blindsided Christmas Country Music Herons Motortown One Minute Pornography Port T5 Wastwater STEPHENS PLAYS: 1 (Bluebird, Christmas, Herons, Port) STEPHENS PLAYS: 2 (One Minute, Country Music, Motortown, Pornography, Sea Wall) STEPHENS PLAYS: 3 (On the Shore of the Wide World, Marine Parade, Harper Regan, Punk Rock)
with Mark Haddon The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
with David Eldridge and Robert Holman A Thousand Stars Explode in the Sky
Three Kingdoms: An inconsolable mood of dread, abandon, violence and suspicion lurks beneath the shows skin of arty insouciance, and at times the script attains a lyrical pitch of accusation against the West that quite overrides the flippancy.
Theres something of value here. Daily TelegraphThe Trial of Ubu: The play certainly gets at the banality of evil, and evokes the slow, sometimes dull, often uncertain slog of justice. Sunday TimesMorning: Its power comes from its absolute authenticity... atmospheric and grimly compelling. IndependentCarmen Disruption: You cant help but be moved by the circumstances facing the five main characters. Theres an understanding and a compassion amid the bleakness.
And a fierce sense that something needs to change. Guardian SIMON STEPHENS Plays: 4Three KingdomsThe Trial of UbuMorningCarmen Disruptionwith a foreword by Sebastian Nbling,
and an introduction by the author Bloomsbury Methuen Drama
An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Bloomsbury Methuen Drama
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www.bloomsbury.comBloomsbury is a trademark of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc This electronic edition published in 2015 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc First published 2015
Three Kingdoms first published by Bloomsbury Methuen Drama 2012 2012, 2015 Cursing and Sobbing Ltd
The Trial of Ubu first published by Bloomsbury Methuen Drama 2012 2012, 2015 Cursing and Sobbing Ltd
Morning first published by Bloomsbury Methuen Drama 2012 2012, 2015 Cursing and Sobbing Ltd
Carmen Disruption first published by Bloomsbury Methuen Drama 2015 2015 Cursing and Sobbing Ltd Introduction 2015 Cursing and Sobbing Ltd Skydiving Blindfolded first published 2011 on 2011, 2015 Cursing and Sobbing Ltd Foreword 2015 Sebastian Nbling Simon Stephens has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the authors of this work A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library All rights reserved. You may not copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce or otherwise make available this publication (or any part of it) in any form, or by any means (including without limitation electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, photocopying, printing, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. No responsibility for loss caused to any individual or organization acting on or refraining from action as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by Bloomsbury or the author. should be made before rehearsals by professionals and by amateurs to Casarotto Ramsay & Associates Ltd, Waverley House, 712 Noel Street, London W1F 8GQ (). should be made before rehearsals by professionals and by amateurs to Casarotto Ramsay & Associates Ltd, Waverley House, 712 Noel Street, London W1F 8GQ ().
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