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Rules for WRITERS
Rules for WRITERS
Ninth Edition
- Nancy Sommers
- Harvard University
For Bedford/St. Martins
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ISBN 978-1-319-17249-7 (ePub)
ISBN 978-1-319-17250-3 (ePub with Writing about Literature)
Adler, Jonathan H., excerpt from Little Green Lies: The Environmental Miseducation of Americas Children, Policy Review, Summer 1992. Copyright 1992. Reprinted by permission of the Heritage Foundation.
Berger, Michelle, excerpt from Volunteer Army, Audubon Magazine, NovemberDecember 2010. Copyright 2010 by the National Audubon Society. Reprinted by permission.
Rothman, Joshua, What Amazons Purchase of Whole Foods Really Means, New Yorker, June 24, 2017. Copyright 2017 Cond Nast. Reprinted by permission.
Rudloe, Jack, and Anne Rudloe, excerpt from Electric Warfare: The Fish That Kill with Thunderbolts, Smithsonian, vol. 24, no. 5, 95105. Copyright 1993 by Jack and Anne Rudloe. Reprinted by permission of Jack Rudloe.
Taylor, Betsy, Big Box Stores Are Bad for Main Street, from David Masci, The Consumer Culture, CQ Researcher, vol. 9, no. 44, November 19, 1999. Copyright 1999 by CQ Press Researcher. Reprinted by permission of CQ Press Researcher, an imprint of SAGE Publications, Inc.; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
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Preface for Instructors
Dear Colleagues:
Welcome to the ninth edition of Rules for Writers. When you assign Rules for Writers, you send an important message to your students: Writing is worth studying and practicing. And you make it easy for students to find answers to their writing questions quickly and efficiently. The more comfortable students become using their handbook, the more confident and successful they become as college writers.
As I developed the ninth edition, I listened to students talk about the new expectations and new freedoms of college writing. Students quickly learn that they are expected to experiment with new genres and structures, take positions in academic arguments, learn how to use MLA in humanities classes and APA in social science and health science classes, read and respond critically to multimodal texts, and move away from formulaic rules. What became clear in all my conversations with students is that having a handbook a trusted resource with guidance for answering questions helps students meet the new expectations of college writing and gives them the confidence to experiment and succeed as college writers.
I worked with my editors at Bedford/St. Martins to learn as much as I could from students about the ways in which they use textbooks and handbooks. That research small student focus groups and surveys informed our thinking about terminology and about the placement of certain navigational aids. For example, in response to student feedback, we moved the lists of documentation models so that they are easier to find, and weve included references to these critical research tools right on the inside front cover of the book. We made this change in response to your feedback as well; many instructors told us in reviews and in surveys that the research and documentation materials were among the most frequently used sections of the handbook.
Rules for Writers is designed to be a students companion throughout the writing and researching processes, of course, but it is also designed for you so that all your students are on the same page, with access to the same trusted answers to common questions and practical solutions to common problems. You and your students will also have access to practice tools in LaunchPad Solo; instructors tell me they find LearningCurve, the research exercises, and the writing prompts especially valuable. Whats more, Ive developed a series of new video tutorials to help you teach common assignments such as argument, analysis, and annotated bibliography but also to help you teach MLA and APA citation. These are conveniently located in LaunchPad Solo.
I tell my students Everything you need to become a successful writer in any college course is in Rules for Writers. Buy it, and become friends with it. I am eager to share the ninth edition with you, confident that you will find everything here that you and your students trust and value about Rules for Writers.
I am grateful for the expertise, enthusiasm, and classroom experience that so many individuals brought to the ninth edition.
Nasreen Abbas, The George Washington University; Rian Acklin, Los Angeles Trade Technical College; Cameron Bentley, Augusta Technical College; Suzanne Biedenbach, Georgia Gwinnett College; Victoria Bowman, Camden County College; Jennifer Boyle, Davidson County Community College; Frances Burt, Hill College; Cathy Chaney, Northern Virginia Community College; Jonathan Cook, Durham Technical Community College; Dana Crotwell, El Camino College; Hugh Culik, Macomb Community College; Jill Darley-Vanis, Clark College; Crystal Edmonds, Robeson Community College; Bonnie Feeser, Hutchinson Community College; Wendy Fields, Robeson Community College; Ulanda Forbes, North Lake College; Lisa Ford, Tompkins Cortland Community College; Jacqueline Goffe-McNish, Dutchess Community College; Robert Goldberg, Prince Georges Community College; Sherry Goodyear, Luna Community College; Sarah Gottschall, Prince Georges Community College; Odile Harter, Harvard University; Anne Helms, Alamance Community College; Sara Hillin, Lamar University; Laura Jeffries, Florida State College at Jacksonville; Geri Lawson, California State University, Long Beach; Rebecca Lorenz-Schumacher, University of WisconsinStevens Point; Harry Manos, Los Angeles City College; Carol McCarthy, Delgado Community College; Duygu Minton, Augusta University; Kylowna Moton, Los Angeles City College; Danielle Nielsen, Murray State University; Ellen Olmstead, Montgomery College; Jeanne Purtell, Harrisburg Area Community College; Rosalie Roberts, Clark College; Art Schuhart, Northern Virginia Community CollegeAnnandale; Rashidah Shakir, Los Angeles Trade Technical College; KT Shaver, California State University, Long Beach; Katherine Silvester, Indiana University; Jenny Simon, El Camino College; Susan Slavicz, Florida State College at Jacksonville; Nancy Staub, Lamar University; Anthony Stevens, Los Angeles Trade Technical College; Gail Upchurch, Dutchess Community College; Lykourgos Vasileiou, LaGuardia Community College; Erin Whitford, Howard College; Natasha Whitton, Southeastern Louisiana University; Debbie Williams, Abilene Christian University.
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