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Valerie Bertinelli - Enough Already: Learning to Love the Way I Am Today

Here you can read online Valerie Bertinelli - Enough Already: Learning to Love the Way I Am Today full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2022, publisher: Harvest, genre: Home and family. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Valerie Bertinelli Enough Already: Learning to Love the Way I Am Today
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Enough Already: Learning to Love the Way I Am Today: summary, description and annotation

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Beloved actress, Food Network personality, and New York Times bestselling author Valerie Bertinelli reflects on life at sixty and beyond.

Behind the curtain of her happy on-screen persona, Valerie Bertinellis life has been no easy ride, especially when it comes to her own self-image and self-worth. She waged a war against herself for years, learning to equate her value to her appearance as a child star on One Day at a Time and punishing herself in order to fit into the unachievable Hollywood mold. She struggled to make her marriage to Eddie Van Halen the true love of her life work, despite all the rifts the rock-star lifestyle created between them. She then watched her son follow in his fathers footsteps, right up onto the stage of Van Halen concerts, and begin his own music career. And like so many women, she cared for her parents as their health declined and saw the roles of parent and child reverse. Through mourning the loss of her parents, discovering more about her familys past, and realizing how short life really is when she and her son lost Eddie, Valerie finally said, Enough already! to a lifelong battle with the scale and found a new path forward to joy and connection. Despite hardships and the pressures of the media industry to be something shes not, Valerie is, at last, accepting herself: she knows who she is, has discovered her self-worth, and has learned how to prioritize her health and happiness over her weight. With an intimate look into her insecurities, heartbreaks, losses, triumphs, and revelations, Enough Already is the story of Valeries sometimes humorous, sometimes raw, but always honest journey to love herself and find joy in the everyday, in family, and in the food and memories we share.

This thoughtful, bighearted book is sure to be a hit with Bertinelli fans and those with an appetite for stories of hard-won self-acceptance. A warmly intimate memoir.

Kirkus Reviews

In a series of brutally frank essays, Bertinelli looks back on the emotional struggles and triumphs of her life. By turns raw and inspiring, this contains a little bit of wisdom for everyone.

Publishers Weekly

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Contents MAY 2021 A BOUT A YEAR AGO after an online cooking demonstration - photo 1

MAY 2021

A BOUT A YEAR AGO, after an online cooking demonstration, a friend of a friend reached out to me about a difficult situation. At sixty years old, she had finally met a man who, she said, was the love of her life and then he was diagnosed with neck and throat cancer. It had just happened, and they were gearing up to fight it. She asked if I could connect them to my former husband, Edward Van Halen, so they could get the latest and best information on where to go and whom to see for treatment. Ed knew quite a bit about this particular type of cancer from his own long battle with the disease.

I was happy to help.

But something about my tone of voice must have hinted at my own troubled state of mind, because at the end of our conversation, in a tone of voice that was slightly softer and more intimate than before, she said, Hey, if you ever need to talk, and she gave me her number. I thanked her, but I later wondered which of the issues bothering me she had heard in my voice, and I thought, No way, Im too private, I dont know her that well, and this stuff I am thinking about is all too personal, anyway.

Then I caught myself. I went on the Today show and sobbed my eyes out. I shared my heart on Instagram. Why was I putting up walls?

Consider the walls down. Lets talk. I have been on a journey with many of you since I was a teenager. I have dated, married, become a mother, divorced, remarried, battled with my weight, and struggled with my self-esteem and mental health. I have also become an empty nester, helped my mother and father through their golden years, and said tearful goodbyes to the people closest to me. I suspect all of you reading this book have gone through many, if not all, of these same issues. I feel like we have done it together as we have grown up.

For you, this book may seem like a new message from me. I see it as a deeper understanding of what I was and still am trying to achieve.

In the past, I have shared my efforts to lose weight and encouraged many of you to do the same. I set certain goals, believing that I would be happier once I lost those ten, twenty, or thirty poundsor whatever the number was at the time. Then I hit a wall. I was about to begin 2020 resolved to lose ten poundsthe same ten or so pounds I had been trying to lose for more than forty yearsand one day, as I embarked on the same morning path from bed to bathroom to scale, I stopped, looked at myself in the mirror, and in a before coffee moment of sanity, I said, No. Stop. I cant be doing this again. And I didnt.

I have come to realize there is no magic number. The scale doesnt light up and set off bells and whistles the way a slot machine does when you hit the jackpot in Las Vegas. The thing I have been looking for cant be quantified. I want to feel true joy inside, and that is very different from wanting to feel thin or see a certain number on the scale.

These days, instead of controlling what I put into myself, I am trying to embrace the many choices I have. My previous books have reflected the mindset of someone who always felt broken. I looked in the mirror and saw flaws and imperfections. I was always trying to fix something about myself. I was always telling myself No or Dont or You were bad today or You cheated. Why couldnt I see the best of me instead? Why couldnt I see all the good things about myself? Why couldnt I bring myself to say, Yes!

This book is about letting go of certain behavior that no longer serves me, recognizing that perhaps it never did, and trying to find new ways of channeling my thoughts and emotions. Its about my efforts to, at sixty-one years old, set aside the landmines of denial, negativity, and self-hate and instead identify values like joy, gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness and try to align with them every day. As I will tell you more than once, these feelings dont find you. You have to go in search of them, knowing some days will be better than others, none will be perfect, but that is life.

And this book is about griefa topic I didnt intend to write about and hoped not to, and yet it was unavoidable. Any search for joy has to include the reverse side of the picture, and that is grief. The two are partners in this dance of ours.

To write this book, I looked inside myself the way I do the fridge when I have an idea for a new take on a favorite recipe and I began to pull out ingredients. They werent necessarily all the ingredients that I intended or thought I was going to use, so when everything was on the counter, my original idea took on a momentum of its own. It became a collection of thoughts, essays, and storiesroughly chronological but connected by the frazzled threads of my lifethat eventually, after much pulling and tugging at my heart, made sense to me.

My hope is that they make sense to you, too. I wrote about the things that I have gone through and continue to deal with as I got to where I am today at age sixty-one, topics that I think will be familiar to many of youbeing a mom, making midlife career changes, caring for aging parents, asking why the hell have I been so hard on myself for so long, saying goodbye to those I love, recognizing mistakes, and searching for meaning. Anything sound familiar?

I endeavored to share my experiences and thoughts about growing older with the emphasis on the effort to grow. I believe we are here to learn lessons. Its not all sunny days and roses. But there is enough warmth and perfume to remind us that life is a giftand too short to waste.

You are going to find me frequently using the words me and I in this book. They appear far too often for my taste, but, hey, my name is on the book. What I would like you to do, though, is substitute yourself in various places. Where it says me or I, think of how these stories are like your own. Our lives may be different, but I sense that the situations we face and the questions we ask ourselves are very similar.

I draw strength from knowing so many of you are out there supporting me. You should know that I am there for you, too. I really hope this book provides you with the comfort I have found while writing it. Hug the people you love. And hug yourself. (Dont put it off. Do it today. Right now. Ill wait.)

This is a love story. Ive tried to share experiences that have taught me about hope, joy, happiness, forgiveness, kindness, and love. Most of all love. As I move forward in life, I continue to learn its only and all about love in the end.


Studio City California My Try To-Do List SEPTEMBER 2019 Drink a lot of - photo 2

Studio City, California

My (Try) To-Do List


  1. Drink a lot of water
  2. Eat a big breakfast, an average lunch, and a tiny dinner
  3. Eat more vegetables and fruits
  4. Avoid processed food
  5. Go for a walk, swim, or bike ride
  6. Dont forget to stretch
  7. Read a book
  8. Go to bed earlier
  9. STOP thinking negative thoughts about yourself and other people
  10. Dont judge or compare yourself to others
  11. Enjoy the little things in life
  12. Begin yoga or meditation
  13. STOP procrastinatingdo not put things off
  14. Live in the moment
  15. Dont dwell on the past
  16. Listen to peaceful music
  17. Live in a tidy place
  18. Wear clothes that make you happy
  19. Donate or throw away things you dont need
  20. Breathe
  21. Exhale
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