
Cosa and the Colonial Landscape of Republican Italy (Third and Second Centuries BCE)
Cosa and the Colonial Landscape of Republican Italy (Third and Second Centuries BCE)
Andrea U. De Giorgi, Editor
University of Michigan Press
Ann Arbor
Copyright 2019 by Andrea U. De Giorgi
All rights reserved
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Published in the United States of America by
the University of Michigan Press
Manufactured in the United States of America
A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: De Giorgi, Andrea U., editor.
Title: Cosa and the Colonial Landscape of Republican Italy (Third and Second Centuries BCE) / Andrea U. De Giorgi, editor.
Description: Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, [2019] | Includes index. | Identifiers: LCCN 2019037385 (print) | LCCN 2019037386 (ebook) | ISBN 9780472131549 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780472125951 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Cosa (Extinct city)Congresses. | ItalyAntiquities, RomanCongresses. | RomeColoniesCongresses. | RomeHistoryRepublic, 510-265 B.C.Congresses. | RomeHistoryRepublic, 26530 B.C.Congresses.
Classification: LCC DG70.C63 L36 2014 (print) | LCC DG70.C63 (ebook) | DDC 937dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019037385
LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019037386
Andrea U. De Giorgi
Russell T. Scott
Mario Torelli
Seth Bernard
Luisa Balandat, Christian Hbner, Stefan Giese, Richard Posamentir, and Maximilian Rnnberg
Ann Glennie
Stefania Quilici Gigli
Alessandro Launaro
Paolo Liverani
Gary D. Farney
Sophie Crawford-Brown
Allison Smith
Tesse D. Stek
Digital materials related to this title can be found on the Fulcrum platform via the following citable URL https://doi.org/10.3998/mpub.9996038
Page vii
This book grew out of the 2014 Langford Conference The Colonial Landscape of Republican Italy (3rd and 2nd centuries BCE) which I co-organized with Russell T. Scott of Bryn Mawr. His encouragement and scholarship drove the event. Daniel Pullen, then Chair of the Classics Department at the Florida State University, offered unflagging support as well as financial assistance through the Langford endowment. Patrick Byrne at Florida State was particularly generous in sharing his time for the organization of the conference and finding the resources for the publication of the proceedings. As for this collection of essays, I am particularly grateful to Sophie Crawford-Brown who helped with the translation and revision of texts in Italian. Alex Lee read the manuscript and arranged the sources with admirable care. Ellen Bauerle, Anna Pohlod, and Marcia LaBrenz at the University of Michigan Press made the publication process seamless: their consideration, patience, and guidance were nothing short of extraordinary.
Two anonymous readers also contributed to the discussion, and I would like to express my profound thanks to them. Countless conversations coalesced in the making of this book, and not least in its introduction, hence my gratitude to Fabio Colivicchi, Jeremia Pelgrom, Nicola Terrenato, Jaque Collins-Clinton, Lisa Fentress, Marcello Mogetta, Elaine Gazda, Giulio Ciampoltrini, Elena Chirico, Monika Trmper, Inge Nielsen, Vincent Jolivet, Vassilis Tsiolis, Sandro Sebastiani, and Anne Laidlaw to mention but a few. Ultimately, the 2013 resuming of the excavations at Cosa gave momentum to the conference and its proceedings. The former Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, the current Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Siena, Grosseto e Arezzo, and the Polo Museale della Toscana made it possible to further the work of Frank E. Brown and thus usher in a new chapter in the history of the archaeological exploration of the site and its cultural corollary. Many thanks indeed to Pamela Gambogi, Andrea Pessina, Maria Angela Turchetti, Valentina Leonini, Matteo Milletti, and Michele Bueno. Page viii Support by Landon Thorne, the Thorne Foundation, Ellen Harris, John and Evan Malone, Jill Weber, and the late Eleanor Leach ensures the continuity of fieldwork at the site.
More than anyone, however, I would like to thank the authors for their efforts and good will; I include Bernie Frischer and Matthew Brennan who at the conference helped us visualize the colonial landscapes that this book takes up.
Page ix
ActaAArtHist Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia
AE LAnne pigraphique (Paris, 1888)
AFLS Annali della Facolt di Lettere e Filosofia, Universit di Siena
AIIN Annali dellIstituto Italiano di Numismatica
AION Annali dellIstituto universitario orientali di Napoli
AJA American Journal of Archaeology
AJP American Journal of Philology
AnalRom Analecta Romana Instituti Danici
Analysis Archaeologica Analysis Archaeologica: An International Journal of Western Mediterranean Archaeology
AncSoc Ancient Society
AnnArchStorAnt Annali del Seminario di studi del mondo classico: Sezione di archeologia e storia antica
Antiquity Antiquity: A Quarterly Review of Archaeology
ArchCl Archeologia classica
ArchLaz Archeologia Laziale
ArchS Archologie der Schweiz: Mitteilungsblatt der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fr Ur- und Frhgeschichte = Archologie suisse: Bulletin de la Socit suisse de prhistoire et darchologie
ASNP Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Lettere e Filosofia
Athenaeum Athenaeum: Studi periodici di letteratura e storia dellantichit, Universit di Pavia
ATTA Atlante tematico di topografia antica
BABesch Bulletin antieke beschaving: Annual Papers on Classical Archaeology
BdA Bollettino darte
Page x BJb Bonner Jahrbcher des rheinischen Landesmuseums in Bonn und des Vereins von Altertumsfreunden im Rheinlande
CIL Kniglich Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Corpus inscriptionum latinarum (Berlin, 1893)
CPAM Cuadernos de prehistoria y arqueologa. Madrid: Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueologa.
CQ Classical Quarterly
CW Classical World
Decennio 1990 Un decennio di ricerche a Roselle: Statue e ritratti (cat. della mostraRoselle 1 luglio5 agosto 1990) (Florence, 1990)
DGRG W. Smith, ed. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols. (London, 1873)
DialArch Dialoghi di archeologia
DNP Der Neue Pauly
EDREpigraphic Database Rome
Epigraphica Epigraphica: Periodico internazionale di epigrafia
tCelt tudes
celtiques FA Fasti Archeologici
FRH H. Beck and U. Walter, eds., Die Frhen Rmischen Historiker. 2 vols. (Darmstadt, 2005)
Gallia Gallia: Fouilles et monuments archologiques en France mtropolitaine
GGA Gttingische gelehrte Anzeigen
Historia Historia: Zeitschrift fr alte Geschichte
IG M. Fraenkel, Inscriptiones graecae (Berlin, 1895)
II A. Ferrua and A. Garzetti, Inscriptiones Italiae
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