CBD Hemp Oil
Cannabis Medicine for a Healthier andHappier Life
Understanding Cbd Oil and Debunking MythsAbout Hemp Oil!
Xavier Nelson
2018 All Rights Reserved
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Table of Contents
When we hear the word Hemp the first imagethat comes to peoples minds is images of illegal drugs and gettinghigh. This is primarily because of the US Governments crack down onillegal drugs, cannabis and marijuana.
During the second Word War the U.S.Government started to take a closer look at hemp and its beneficialeffects. Through their research they discovered that Hemp didntcontain the psychedelic effects that its cousin Marijuana had. Theyalso discovered that hemp could be used for a multitude of purposessuch as clothing, rope and another health benefit of CBD.
CBD is a compound that can be found inmothers breast milk. This compound is essential to brain health aswell as emotional stability. Over the past decade scientists havediscovered that finding ways to add CBD into our diet is criticalsince our bodies crave this compound but are not given enough of itafter the first year of life.
This is where hemp seed oil comes in. Withhemp seed oil we can now begin to gain this valuable CBD elementinto our bodies. This CBD is non addictive and is actually legal inall fifty states.
In this book we are going to take a closerlook at hemp seed oil, CBD and the overall benefits of consumingthis in our diet. We will talk about the dos and donts of hempseed oil and why adding this into your diet will increase morebenefits than medical marijuana.
Chapter One The History of Hemp and otherCannabis Plants
Hemp vs Marijuana
To start off lets get a little bit of aneducation. When we start talking about hemp and marijuana and theincreasing legalization of Marijuana in the United States we wantto make sure that we are talking about the same thing.
Marijuana is the psychedelic version of thecannabis. The main chemical compound found in Marijuana that hasthe mind alter effects is called THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. ThisTHC is only one of 483 compounds that can be found in this plant.The remaining four hundred and eighty two of these compounds can betraced back to having some beneficial health effects when consumedbut with the THC being so prominent it has been labeled as theillegal drug of choice. This is quickly on the decline however withmore and more states coming together to legalize Marijuana formedical use.
Hemp is probably the most universal plantthat can be found in nature. In fact studies have shown that almost10,000 years ago humans were using hemp as a form of wovenmaterial. From that initial use hemp has been shown to be useful increating paper, rope, biodegradable plastics, paint products,biofuel, animal feed and even food for humans. With all of thesemany uses the government and others have condemned this plant forits association of THC when in fact studies have shown that hempcontains very little to zero THC. The main way that hemp containsTHC is through contamination of the Marijuana plant.
If you take a close look at the two picturesof the plants you can see that they look similar as well as havesubtle differences. The hemp plant leave are more pronounced andjagged. The marijuana leaves are more streamlined and smooth. Thehemp leaves are a lighter richer green where the marijuana leavesare a darker more pronounced shade.
When it comes to growing hemp you will findit is grown in most of the United States. However, there are a fewstates that are not currently growing hemp plants due to resistanceof the Food and Drug Administration. The following states arecurrently not growing hemp hence you may not find any plants orrelated products available for purchase.
North Dakota
West Virginia
Growing your own hemp plants
When it comes to growing your own hemp plantsto harvest the seeds doing so is fairly easy. You will need to havea fertile rich soil, good lighting conditions and ample water.Before you start growing your own hemp plants you will need tocheck the laws in your city, state and country. Although hemp is alegal substance in many states as shown above there are severalstates that are still in resistance for growing this crop.
As with anything that may have a commercialor illegal undertone to it basically stating you are growinghemp when you are actually growing something else, you will want tomake sure that you are in compliance with all state and localgovernmental rules.
Extracting Hemp Seed Oil
After growing your hemp, purchasing seeds oracquiring them in an assortment of other ways you will need to finda way to extract the oils for use. Now, for most people they willgo and purchase some hemp seed oil online from Amazon or otheronline resource but if you are looking to make fresh hemp seed oilhere are three ways that you can go about doing it.
Extracting Hemp Seed Oil #1 CO2
CO2 is a gas that can be found in fireextinguishers and other high pressure devices. When we use CO2 toobtain the oils we are collecting them in their purest forms. WithCO2 we remove all contaminants from the seeds allowing us to getthe purest form of the oils.
Extracting Hemp Seed Oil #2 EthanolMethod
CBD oil can be extracted by using Ethanolwhich is a high grain alcohol. This process does however destroymore of the beneficial health effects from the oil but is an easyway to extract the oil.
Extracting Hemp Seed Oil #3 The OilMethod
The oil method is the method that is growingin popularity. How this id accomplished is adding a carrier oilsuch as olive oil. When we add the olive oil or other healthy oilwe are gaining the added health benefits of these oils.
The Basic Process of making your own Hemp SeedOil
It is highly recommended that you find asource to purchase your hemp seed oil since you will obtain moreoil with less work and risk. However here is the basic process.
In a clean bucket pour in your dry hempseeds. Once your seeds are evenly added to the bucket you will wantto add your solvent in this case the alcohol. You want to pour injust enough alcohol to cover the top of the seeds and no more.
Next, using a clean wooden spoon that has nochemical processing or sealant start to crush the hemp seeds. Thisshould be fairly easy since the seeds will become softer from thealcohol.
After crushing the seeds for about threeminutes. Once this is done you will want to repeat the process bypouring the contents into a clean bucket and adding additionalalcohol to help break up the remaining plant material. Continuecrushing the seeds for another three to five minutes. Oncecompleted remove the remaining plant material and discard.
The bucket will now have the base oils thatwe will now need to purify. The purification process starts withyou straining the material through a coffee filter into anotherclean bucket. Make sure to do this slow and replace the filter ifneeded. Feel free to repeat this process two or three times toensure that you have strained out any additional plantmaterial.