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Additional photo credits: pp. iv, x by Molly Absolon; p. 112 by Allen O'Bannon
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Absolon, Molly.
Basic illustrated winter hiking and camping / Molly Absolon.
p. cm.
Summary: Richly photographed and information-packed tools for the novice or handy reference for the veteran, BASIC ILLUSTRATED books distill years of knowledge into affordable and visual guides. Whether you're planning a trip or thumbing for facts in the field, the BASIC ILLUSTRATED series shows you what you need to know. BASIC ILLUSTRATED Winter Hiking and Camping Discover how to: Prepare for your trip Choose proper equipment Select safe and warm clothing Make snow shelters and set up tents on snow Cook delicious winter cuisine Stay safe in the snowy backcountry Make a winter camping repair kit Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-0-7627-7866-9 (pbk.)
1. Snow camping. 2. Snow campingEquipment and supplies. 3. Hiking. 4. HikingEquipment and supplies. I. Title.
GV198.9.A27 2012
Printed in the United States of America
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The author and Globe Pequot Press assume no liability for accidents happening to, or injuries sustained by, readers who engage in the activities described in this book.
I did not begin winter hiking and camping the way I recommend you begin. My first experience was a nine-day trip in western Wyoming in January 1991. It was an instructor-training course, so we were worked hard. Plus there was a glitch in our rations, and we ran short of food. Most of my memories are of being hungry, shoveling snow, struggling to pull a sled up hills and then avoid being knocked over by it on the way down, more shoveling, and generally being miserable. But there were moments even then when I caught a glimpse of why you might want to go.
A few more trips, a few more tricks, and a few more years later, winter has become one of my favorite times to be in the outdoors. Once I figured out how to stay comfortable in the cold and snow, I found myself enjoying the environment and seeing the beauty. And it is beautiful.
Winter is a beautiful, magical time to explore. JERAMIE PRINE
Rime-coated trees glow in the early morning light. ALLEN O'BANNON
They say the Inuits have a hundred words for snow (they also say that is not true, but I still like the idea). That won't surprise anyone who has spent time out in the winter. Snow transforms the world in so many ways, you need an expanded vocabulary to explain it. Flat feathery crystals of surface hoar form like dew during clear nights, leaving behind glittering fields of diamonds that hiss as you ski through them. Rime frost coats everything, transforming trees into ghostly forests and blades of grass into shards of glass. Powdery snow piles up into rounded mounds, softening nature's hard edges and muting its palette.
Besides the beauty of the winter environment, the physical and mental challenge it provides is incredibly rewarding. You have to work to take care of yourself. You can't just fill your water bottle in a stream; rather, you need to start your stove to melt snow to drink. You can't leave your boots out overnight, or you'll have frozen blocks to put on in the morning. If you drop a mitten on the ground, it can disappear under the snow. And even walking often means wallowing, sweating, and groveling through deep powder.
Snow allows you to play, build, and have fun outdoors. MOLLY ABSOLON
That said, the opposite is also true of winter. It is the one environment in which you can truly play. Snow is malleable, so you can build things: forts, houses, kitchens, toboggan runs, jumps, sculptures. You can roll around in it, wrestling with friends to get warm. You can fall back and land with a plop, snow spraying up around you as you wave your arms and legs to create a snow angel. And you can slide down it, on skis, on a sled, on your feet.
Getting out in the winter can begin with building a snow fort in your backyard. MOLLY ABSOLON
So what does it mean to go out in the winter? It can mean just about anything really. It can mean building a snow shelter in your yard after the first big dump. It can mean hiking up a well-worn path for an hour or two. It can mean cross-country skiing on a snowmobile trail. It can mean skinning up a peak to ski back down. It can mean loading up and heading out for an overnight trip into the wilderness. These are all ways to get outside, feel the bite of the cold on your cheeks, see the transformed landscape, bond with friends, and have some fun.
And your first experience doesn't have to be like mine. In fact, I encourage you to avoid such a deep initial immersion into winter recreation, as it is likely to turn you off forever. I might have avoided going out in the cold again after that trip if it hadn't been for the fact that, having just been trained as an instructor, I had a winter course to work two weeks after my return to civilization. On that course I realized you don't have to be hungry if you bring enough food, and food goes a long way in helping to keep you happy. I also learned that every day doesn't have to be a death march. You can make short moves or no moves. You can base camp and go day touring. You can even go back to your house to sleep after a long day outside.
This book is designed to help you catch the winter bug without too many bumps along the way. You'll find tips on how to choose a destination, what kind of gear you need, travel and camping techniques, and a section on backcountry hazards. Ultimately, no book can replace experience, but as my friend Buck Tilton once wrote, Experience is a good teacher, but it also can be cruel, heartless and, in some cases, deadly.
So read this book, gather information, find a mentor, and then choose your partners and destinations with care. Be conservative in the beginning and up the challenge slowly as you gain competence. Consider taking a course or seeking out more experienced friends to guide you. Remember, the point is not to suffer unduly, but to have fun.
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