This book exemplifies exactly why Cyndy was like a big sister to me. Her wit, charisma and common sense always characterized her ability to see through the peripheral and collateral nonsense that goes on in a big league locker room and environment. Her stories are filled with tears of joy and tears of sadness and allow us all to relive a transition time in Red Wings history. Red Wings fans and hockey fans will love this read.
Keith Primeau, former Detroit Red Wings player
Cyndy Lambert, as we all knew her, was a trailblazer in the newspaper business. Our Detroit Red Wings may have had the largest collection of varied characters of any NHL hockey team ever and this youthful pup reporter A WOMAN recounts her unique perspective of those times.
Colin Campbell, NHL Senior Executive Vice President of Hockey Operations; former N.Y. Rangers Head Coach, Detroit Red Wings Assistant Coach and NHL player
When reporter Cyndy Lambert entered an NHL dressing room for the first time in 1984-85, noted tough guy Tiger Williams made it clear that he didnt believe a woman belonged there. Lambert proved Williams wrong for many years as a respected NHL beat writer. Now she has penned an entertaining, insightful and thought-provoking book about what she learned as one of a handful of female hockey writers of that era.
Kevin Allen, NHL Reporter, USA Today
Cyndy Lamberts book brings back a lot of memories of the pioneering years when only a handful of women were NHL beat writers. Cyndy takes you into that world with a collection of personal stories that reveal it wasnt easy, but very rewarding. From her love of a good hockey fight to standing up to Scotty Bowman to the touching story of a Red Wings player surprising her dying mom, Cyndy weaves these stories into a book you wont want to put down.
Cammy Clark, former NHL Beat Writer
Witty, insightful and refreshingly candid. Cyndy not only recreates the path to and through her stellar journalism career, but she does so with the same forthrightness and conviction she exhibited every day on the job. I often took cues from her covering the Wings, as she was a true professional (with a great sense of humor) who always got it right and continually advocated for fairness for all reporters with integrity and grace.
Jennifer Hammond, Sports Reporter, Fox 2-TV, Detroit

Copyright 2017 Cynthia Lambert.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-8852-8 (sc)
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-8853-5 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017914826
Balboa Press rev. date: 11/07/2017
This book began as a pet project, one where I could write about cool stories of my life as a sports reporter then print off and distribute the finished product to friends and family members. But as I wrote, and wrote, and wrote it evolved into what you are holding (or viewing) right now: a real book.
I couldnt have done this without the encouragement and input from a team of wonderful people. I am humbled that they took the time to offer suggestions and support for this endeavor. From Tim Reinman and Bob Montgomery who first planted the idea seed to Barbara Fatima Clark who had a clear vision for this book many years ago. I need to thank my team of unofficial editors: Dianne Pegg, John Niyo, Ron Bernas, Kate DeSmet, Corrine Auty, Bret Lambert, Gretchen Schock and Mary Kachnowski.
I am indebted to Elizabeth Wagenschutz, my editor extraordinaire, who found time somehow, someway to read my words and offer refinement to them. Likewise, Cammy Clark, my intrepid alternate universe sister who loves sports, Maui, coffee and laughing just as much as I do. Thank you for seeing the truth in the words and asking for more. I am so incredibly grateful to Colin Campbell, Kevin Allen, Keith Primeau, Jennifer Hammond and Bob Wojo Wojnowski for taking an interest in my story and offering words and support to make it that much better. The final touch came from a chance meeting with another former colleague of sorts, Sal Giacona, who jumped in to help me see the opportunities for getting this book in the hands of readers like you.
The universe worked its perfect magic for the cover photo on this book by prompting longtime friend Paul Fayad to offer the use of East Side Hockeys brand new locker room as the perfect backdrop. What would a cover photo be without the person behind the camera? Dale Pegg, an incredible photographer who seemed more excited about taking the cover photo than I was of being in it, thank you for your expertise and for offering guidance along the way! Many of the photographs you see in the center of this book are the result of the kindness and searching by The Detroit News photo editor Pam Shermeyer and staff photographer Dale Young. A huge thank you to them for caring enough about this book to locate some of my favorite photos; and thank you to my former employer, The Detroit News , for allowing them to be reprinted here.
I am grateful to friend and Grosse Pointe Theatre colleague Kevin Fitzhenry for refining some of my older photos so that they could be included.
Thank you also to my brothers Jerry, John and Steve for searching our family archives to find a good mix of family photos. Furthermore, if it werent for you teaching me with great kindness, and sometimes unforgettable pranks, how to navigate the world of boys (and then men), Id have been lost and, possibly, may have given up on my dream. You all mean so much to me and I love you dearly.
I wish with all my heart that my mom and dad could be here to hold this book in their hands. Still, I felt their presence around me as I wrote these stories, sometimes tickling me with long-forgotten memories that begged for inclusion. You raised me to be independent, fostered (and tolerated) my strength and fed me a steady diet of humor and love. I am who I am because of you.
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