Previously released under the title The Jesus of the Bible.
2009 by Stephen M. Miller
The author is represented by The Steve Laube Agency LLC, Phoenix, Arizona.
ISBN 978-1-61626-914-2
eBook Editions:
Adobe Digital Edition (.epub) 978-1-62029-686-8
Kindle and MobiPocket Edition (.prc) 978-1-62029-685-1
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I m a tad blue as I write today. If you read this book from front to back, this is the first of my scribbling youll see. But its the last Ive writtenat the end of a year I spent with Jesus.
Now dont worry. Im not getting metaphysical on you. Jesus didnt suddenly appear in my home office, as he did inside the locked house where his disciples were hiding after the Crucifixion. I didnt get to look Jesus in the eye, shake his hand, or talk with him over a cup of coffee. He probably wouldnt like coffee anyhow. But I did get to study his life, his teachings, and the world in which he lived. For an entire year. And the publisher paid me to do it.
The gent who said you cant have your cake and eat it, too, was crazy. I just did. That gentleman, by the way, was playwright John Heywood. Writing a collection of proverbs in 1546in the Old English style of the original King James Version of the Biblehe put it this way: Wolde you bothe eate your cake, and haue your cake?
I think that translates: Would you both eat your cake, and have your cake?
Yes, I wolde.
But now the year is hanging in my rearview mirror. And Im sad about that. If I were J. K. Rowling saying good-bye to Harry Potter, Id be crying. But I expect to see Jesus again.
Over the past 12 months, I read his story in the Bibles four GospelsMatthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I read stories about him in other ancient writings by early church leaders, Jewish writers, and Roman historians of his century. I read, too, what some of the brightest Bible scholars today make of all this history.
Ive read more words this past year than a redbud has red budsmaybe more than an orchard of redbuds has red buds. I know that sounds like an exaggeration, but Im not a preacher.
I did it all with just one question in mind: How can I paint a picture of Jesus for people who dont know much about him?
Thats who I write for.
Bible-savvy Christians are certainly allowed to read this book. I wont thump them if I catch them; that would be unkind. If they do read it, I wish them well and hope they find insights and inspiration in the story of Jesus. But I didnt write for them.
I wrote for some folks in my extended family who think Jesus is a myth. And for some of my friends who admire the teachings of Jesus but who never took the time to get to know the man behind the teachings. And for neighbors in my community who want to learn more about Jesus but dont want to fall asleep while theyre doing it.
The last thing I want to do is kill a tree to make another boring book. Especially about Jesus. That would be so not green, magnified to celestial proportions.
My names on the cover, but Im just one guy in the choir singing this song. A few of the others singing shoulder to shoulder beside me:
My family. Linda, my wife, along with our children, Becca and Brad. Theyve let me work at home as a full-time freelance writer. They never once kicked me out.
Steve Laube, my agent, who wont take notes during our meetings because he thinks its important to look people in the eye when theyre talking. Its his only bad habit, far as I can tell. How he manages to get his notes right is beyond me.
Paul K. Muckley, my editor, one of the most gracious people I know. A rarity among editors; trust me, I know this. As for you other writers of lavishly illustrated Bible reference books, I saw him first.
Shalyn Sattler, my publishers marketing maven. Shes probably the best in the choir at living the Golden Ruledoing for others what she wishes they would do for her. She sends people free stuff, copies of my books among them. (But you have to be on the list. Theyll tell you that at the Pearly Gates, too, Ive heard.)
David Lindstedt, Kelly McIntosh, Annie Tipton, and Ashley Schrock also played key roles in the production process.
God bless each one of these people.
And God bless you as you read this bookand more importantly, as you read his Book.
Stephen M. Miller
37 BCAD 4 Herod the Great rules as historys last king of the Jews; appointed by Rome |