what readers are saying
If you want creative ways to save serious money, buy this book.
A great resource for information on making your own baby products, extending the life of what you have, and how to get the best deals on new items.
This book is an absolute must-have for mothers and mothers-to-be! Jam-packed with tons of money-saving ideas on what to buy, what not to buy, and where the best deals are.
I have a nine-week-old daughter and this book has really proven to be a great resource on everything there is to know about saving money and being frugal now that I am a mom. I will definitely be including this book in baby-shower gifts in the future.
If you are on a budget, this is the book to buy.
I love it! I would recommend this to any parent, not just parents with babies. There are a lot of great frugal ideas in here that ANY parent could benefit from!
Great ideas for how to shop for maternity clothes that will last, homemade wash cloths and crafts for baby, and safety tips that will help ease your concerns.
While many books told me all the things Ill need when our baby comes, I appreciated a book that told me what we wouldnt need! This book is super easy-to-read, broken down into easy-to-access topics/chapters, and full of easy-to-implement tips.
My husband and I are on a tight budget right now and this book has been very helpful, especially for first-time parents.
Every time I flip this book open I manage to find a few new ideas or am reminded of something that we should, or could, be doing to save money or help simplify my life as a busy stay-at-home mom! I highly recommend this book!
A quick, easy read packed with truly GREAT ideas, information, and suggestions.
I am pregnant with my third child and this is still a wonderful resource to be used with every pregnancy, not just the first. I recommend this book to everyone who is trying to save money.
Copyright 2010 by Kimberly Danger
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Danger, Kimberly.
The complete book of baby bargains : 1,000+ best ways to save money every day / by Kimberly Danger.
p. cm.
Rev. ed. of: 1000 best baby bargains. c2005.
1. Infants suppliesPurchasing. 2. Consumer education. I. Danger, Kimberly. 1000 best baby bargains. II. Title.
RJ61.D227 2009
Printed and bound in the United States of America.
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Congratulations! Youre about to embark on the adventure we call parenthood. Awaiting your new arrival is an exciting time, but one that can be frightening for any family on a budget. A walk through a baby superstore could leave any soon-to-be parent with a serious case of sticker shock. Whoever thought such a tiny creature would need so many things?
When my daughter was born in 1999, I stopped working full-time to become a stay-at-home mom. Money was tight, to say the least. Since I wasnt making as much money as I previously had, I decided that saving money would be my job. I read countless books and magazine articles, and visited Internet sites. I had always been thrifty by nature, but now I had to take it to a whole new level. I decided to share my knowledge with other parents by creating my own website. Thus, in April of 2000, Mommysavers.com was born.
Mommysavers.com began with a couple dozen pages, primarily just tips on how to save money on baby items and household expenses. Now it encompasses over a thousand pages on every aspect of frugality. In our community, parents support each other through discussion boards, shopping tips, articles, and a weekly newsletter.
This book is a collection of all the best money-saving baby advice that has been shared on the website and newsletter over the last ten years. With two little ones of my own and tips from hundreds of other moms, this book encompasses the best tried-and-true tips from real parents. Included are some great suggestions for do-it-yourself baby products, advice on what not to buy, and tips on how to find new things at rock-bottom prices.
The good news is that you can raise an infant on modest means without depriving yourself or your baby of anything. While retailers would have you believe otherwise, what babies need most is love, attention, and nurturing care, all of which are free. With a little time and creativity, any parent can learn to get by on even the strictest budget. Financial struggles shouldnt get in the way of you enjoying your little one.
Have a question or comment regarding this book? Visit the website Mommysavers.com and post a message on our discussion board.
things to think about now
Once you become pregnant, your doctor will prescribe prenatal vitamins. Even if you have a reasonable co-pay, they can be expensive. Look for generic over-the-counter prenatal vitamins at discount stores and pharmacies to save even more money.
Pregnancy books, workout videos, etc., are great to have, but dont pay full price for them. They often wind up at secondhand stores, thrift shops, eBay, and consignment stores.
Better yet, borrow books and DVDs from the library before purchasing them. If you dont see what you want, request it via interlibrary loan.
Dont buy an expensive body pillow from a maternity store. Wal-Mart carries a full-length pillow for under $10. If you find it to be too overstuffed for your liking, just open a seam and remove some of the fiberfill.
Steer clear of expensive creams that say they can prevent or erase stretch marks. While they sound wonderful, they cant live up to their claims. Heredity gave you stretch marks, and no amount of cream will erase them. On the upside, stretch marks do tend to fade with time.
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