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Travis Nichols - Punk Rock Etiquette: The Ultimate How-to Guide for DIY, Punk, Indie, and Underground Bands

Here you can read online Travis Nichols - Punk Rock Etiquette: The Ultimate How-to Guide for DIY, Punk, Indie, and Underground Bands full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2008, publisher: Roaring Brook Press, genre: Home and family. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Looking to start an underground band? Dont make a move until youve read this book!
So you KNOW you are destined to rock... well youre in luck all you need is this book! (Please note musical talent, bandmates, a car for touring, and an uncle who owns a record label might also help.) An original blend of nonfiction how-tos about all things DIY rock created by an indie-circuit veteran with a knack for hysterical snark, PUNK ROCK ETIQUETTE teaches you everything from how to pick your bandmates and choose a name (Never deliberately misspell your bands name. C how lame it lookz?), to detailed guides on screenprinting your own merch, and interviews and advice from studio owners about the dos and donts of recording. PUNK ROCK ETIQUETTE is an unfiltered peek backstage that will appeal to aspiring musicians and anyone whos curious about what goes on in the hours between the last chord and the next big show.

Travis Nichols: author's other books

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Punk Rock Etiquette The Ultimate How-to Guide for DIY Punk Indie and Underground Bands - image 1
Punk Rock

The Ultimate How-to Guide for Punk, Underground,
DIY, and Indie Bands

Travis Nichols

Punk Rock Etiquette The Ultimate How-to Guide for DIY Punk Indie and Underground Bands - image 2

Roaring Brook Press New York

Text and Illustrations copyright 2008 by Travis Nichols

Flash Point is an imprint of Roaring Brook Press,
a division of Holtzbrinck Publishing Holdings Limited Partnership
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010
All rights reserved

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Nichols, Travis.

Punk rock etiquette : the ultimate how-to guide for punk, underground, DIY, and
indie bands/Travis Nichols.-;1st ed. p. cm.

ISBN-13: 978-1-59643-415-8 ISBN-10: 1-59643-415-5

1. Rock music-Vocational guidance. I. Title.

ML3795.N53 2008



Roaring Brook Press books are available for special promotions and premiums.
For details contact: Director of Special Markets, Holtzbrinck Publishers.

First Edition June 2008

Cover design by Danica Novgorodoff

Book design by Lissi Erwin

Printed in the United States of America

1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

To my wonderful, supportive mom
for teaching me to jump on the bed.

To jessica for the UN-FLIPPING-WAVERING encouragement and motivation.

INTRODUCTION So you fancy yourself a rock and roller Some kind of big shot - photo 3

INTRODUCTION So you fancy yourself a rock and roller Some kind of big shot - photo 4


So, you fancy yourself a rock and roller. Some kind of big shot. Because youve got it. Youve got the music INSIDE you, and its burning to get out. You can feel it. Its going to happen.

How lucky for you to be alive in days like theseits never been easier to get a band together and get out there and DESTROY all on your own. In the dark days of music, musicians were at the mercy of the industry, pining for attention and a chance to cut a record, as they used to say. Nowadays, any pack of hoodlums can record and put out their own music, have a badass Web site and superpro-looking marketing crap, and book shows and tours all over the world. So get to it! Huzzah!

That said, its never been harder. Because EVERYBODY is doing it. Open any subculture rock zine and youll find fifty bands you havent heard of and fifty new releases youre supposed to buy. And each of the fuhskrillion indie bands out there has a badass Web site and super-pro-looking marketing crap. Or at least, you know, a MySpace page.

As time passes, punk dies, is reborn, and dies again. Bands come and go. Musicians get older and disillusioned and stop being involved, content to whittle on their front porches and perfect the art of brewing sun tea. Gradually, the wisdom of the ancients is forgotten. Although reinvention is crucial, there are some timeless truths that must be preserved!

Thats where this book comes in. Playing in a band is pretty much the raddest thing a person can do. Anyone with the inclination should go for it, and this guide is here to help you along the way. Yes, just as Shamu teaches Shamu Jr. her tricks, punk rock etiquette must be passed down to the next generation. And this book isnt just for the new kids. We could all use a little etiquette refresher now and then.

But dont think its an attempt at establishing RULES. Do what you want, baby! Thats what its all about.

Lets get started.

FORMING A BAND Who you should or shouldnt have in your band depends on your - photo 5


Who you should or shouldnt have in your band depends on your goals. If youre just planning on screwing around in the garage a couple of times a month, it doesnt matter so much. However, if you plan on playing shows at all, it starts to get a little trickier. If youre wanting to put out records, tour, and maybe get on any sort of label, this crap is important!

Posse Up!

So how do you hook up with your fellow jongleurs? Well, most people just round up some of their lousy friends and get to it. Many great bands started out when a group of pals with no experience or skills decided to pick up instruments and learn as they went. That is the ESSENCE of DIY, baby! But a lot of the time, stepping out of your inner circle is necessary if you want to be any good.

Lots of folks post and read listings online seeking bandmates, which works, but if youre going to shows and are actively involved in your scene, youll should meet plenty of people who want to get a band together. Here are some types of potential bandmates and the pros and cons of each:

The Tortured Poet This kid hurts Heshe has a raggedy notebook full of - photo 6

The Tortured Poet: This kid hurts. He/she has a raggedy notebook full of lyrics that are probably about being sad or in love or both. You might have to stop him/her from cutting little thumbholes in his/her long-sleeved shirts or putting candles onstage.

Pros: Comes loaded with ideas, chicks/dudes dig him/her.

Cons: Hates compromise of vision, chicks/dudes find him/her cheesy (yeah, it can go either

The GuitarDrumOther Hero Also known as the Shredder this potential - photo 7

The Guitar/Drum/Other Hero: Also known as the Shredder, this potential bandmate can PLAY, son!

Pros: Skills, skills.

Cons: Long solos, likely arrogant.

The Rock Star Eager rowdy and flamboyant this so-and-so is living the - photo 8

The Rock Star: Eager, rowdy, and flamboyant, this so-and-so is living the dream-groupies, money, power. Wants the white-towel treatment. A throwback from the arena rock crap that punk rock rebelled against, yet kind of rad.

Pros: Can be fun to be around, good stage presence, good clothes.

Cons: Potentially a total prick, likely a drunk or druggie, wears sunglasses indoors (and not in an ironic way).

The Techie Is your amp broken or on the fritz Motion for the Techie Youll - photo 9

The Techie: Is your amp broken or on the fritz? Motion for the Techie. Youll be wailing again in no time. Armed with one of those all-in-one tools, he/she will take care of your gear. Its good to have one of these people around.

Pros: Fixes stuff.

Cons: Has too much crap, be it drum stuff or guitar pedals.

The Rich Kid Their parents would prefer to raise doctors or lawyers but Rich - photo 10

The Rich Kid: Their parents would prefer to raise doctors or lawyers, but Rich Kids want to ROCK. The Rich Kid has the hookup for gear the rest of the band cant afford, and can sometimes even supply a van! It aint all roses, though.

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