Life is a Journey... not a Destination. Dan Eldon
For years I have kept personal Sketch-Journals. One-of-a-kind personal books that I treasure. Recorded in these valuable books are sketches and personal memories of travel adventures, friends, designs, ideas and events in the life of my family.
Suzanne McNeill
eBook ISBN 978-1-60765-093-5
ISBN 978-1-57421-379-9
COPY PERMISSION: The written instructions, photographs, designs, patterns, and projects in this publication are intended for the personal use of the reader and may be reproduced for that purpose only. Any other use, especially commercial use, is forbidden under law without the written permission of the copyright holder. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information in this book is accurate. However, due to differing conditions, tools and individual skills, neither the author nor publisher can be responsible for any injuries, losses and other damages which may result from the use of the information in this book.
INFORMATION: All rights reserved. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned and no responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied.
WARNING: Due to the components used in this craft, children under 8 years of age should not have access to materials or supplies. Under rare circumstances components of products could cause serious or fatal injury. Neither Design Originals, Suzanne McNeill, the product manufacturer or the supplier is responsible.
NOTE: The use of products and trademark names is for informational purposes only, with no intention of infringement upon those trademarks.
2013 by Suzanne McNeill and Design Originals,, an imprint of Fox Chapel Publishing, 800-457-9112, 1970 Broad Street, East Petersburg, PA 17520.
eBook version 1.0
Ideas & Inspirations for
Whether you are an avid sketch artist or considering your first attempt with a sketchbook, enjoy the relaxed approach, simple techniques, suggested inclusions and inspiring images in this book. Packed with examples and encouraging words, this book will get you going with must-do topics.
Every person is born with a purpose, a dream they were meant to pursue. If you have been thinking of creating an art journal, or if you have already started one, this book outlines valuable and inspiring new ideas for your book. In these pages youll find examples of pages to inspire you, information that will help you, and techniques that will make your art journal meaningful.
Art Journaling Dos
There is no one right way to do an Art Journal. Be inspired by the concepts in this book.
Relax and enjoy. An Art Journal is like a diary... it is personal, no two are alike, and there is no right or wrong way to make one. It is all about getting it down, not about getting it perfect. A journal can be used to capture a moment, record a special event, track the changes in your life, interpret your experiences or experiment with ideas.
No matter what you do, your art journal will be wonderfully revealing and uniquely yours. It is the perfect place to explore ideas, experiment with sketches, save your memories and just have fun.
Sketching on Location
Usually I sketch quickly on location and add color later. There is a special quality to sketching from life (rather than from photos). When I sketch from life, it is easier for me to observe details, and to decide what is important to keep and what can be left out. It is not my mission to be totally realistic or perfect... it is important to sketch what made a special impression to me.
The Basics
Basic Supplies
To begin you wont need a hoard of expensive supplies. Paper and any pen or pencil will get you started... the important thing is to record the memories in your life. You can always keep loose papers in a box, or glue them in a sketchbook later.
To get started, I suggest using whatever inspires you... pens, pencils, markers, crayons and/or paints. What is important is that your kit is assembled so it is always ready to take with you. Inspiration is like lightningyou never know when or where it will strike.
I encourage you to use any Sketchbook or Journal you like. I have lots of sketchbooksmany of them are spiral bound and others are hardcover. My favorite sizes range from approximately 5"x8" (12.7x20.3cm) and 7"x9" (17.8x22.9cm) to 8"x12" (20.3x30.5cm). All work well as long as the paper is sturdy... 90 pound (mixed media) to 140 pound (watercolor) weight.
Dont Forget
First thing, add your personal information in the front of your book. Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, email address and the year. This is so-o-o important in case your book is ever lost... surely someone will find it and return it to you.
Choose items. Choose the items or subject that you are going to sketch. To begin, it is good to choose something basic such as leaves or simple flowers.
Sketch the Outline. Use a black pen or a pencil to sketch the outline shapes of the items. The sketch doesnt need to be exact but close enough so that you recognize the items.
Add smaller Details. Add smaller details with the black pen or with a pencil. No need to draw every detail, just choose a few. Sketch in a loose manner to represent a few details.
Add a Title. Use a pencil to draw pale guide lines for a title. Draw around each letter with a black pen. If desired, use a color marker or watercolors to color the title.
Add Journaling. Think about what description, story or feeling you might want to add. Use your own handwriting or printing to describe the items that you chose to sketch.
Use watercolors and a brush to add color to your sketch. Vary the amount of water in each color to give depth and highlights to your painting.
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