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Jennie Blonde - Hearth and Home Witchcraft: Rituals and Recipes to Nourish Home and Spirit

Here you can read online Jennie Blonde - Hearth and Home Witchcraft: Rituals and Recipes to Nourish Home and Spirit full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2022, publisher: Red Wheel Weiser, genre: Home and family. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Jennie Blonde Hearth and Home Witchcraft: Rituals and Recipes to Nourish Home and Spirit
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    Hearth and Home Witchcraft: Rituals and Recipes to Nourish Home and Spirit
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Hearth and Home Witchcraft: Rituals and Recipes to Nourish Home and Spirit: summary, description and annotation

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Blending storytelling, witchcraft, and warm advice, Jennie Blonde (the @comfycozywitch) offers recipes, rituals, and spell work, to nourish yourself and your family.
For author Jennie Blonde, witchcraft is, in and of itself, comforting. Sure, there are not-so-comfortable parts as well-working with the shadow, coming face to face with that which holds you back. But for Jennie, witchcraft is about connecting with nature, your higher self, and with something beyond-a deity, deities, Spirit, the universe-and being comfortable with your true self in all aspects of your life.
In times of anxiety, Jennie writes, I turn to my practice. When I need a moment of calm and reflection, I retreat to my sacred space for quiet meditation, pulling tarot cards, and journaling to nourish my soul. When I want to nourish my family, I turn to my garden and herbs and cauldron (my stockpot) for a bit of kitchen witchery. When I wish to nourish my body, I turn to mindful movement and self-care rituals and spell work. And throughout the day, every day, there are small rituals I perform to keep me connected to my practice. Its all of those things together that is the heart of my craft.
The book explores:
rituals for protection, and cleansing the hearth and home
comfy cozy witchcraft in the kitchen, creating a kitchen altar, and recipes and rituals for nourishment
creating a sacred space-no matter the size of the home-the witchs altar, tools, and spells
grounding rituals, working with herbs and plants, and meditations to connect you with the earth
the importance of self-care for balancing witchy wellness, complete with rituals and recipes for bath salts, oils, balms, and more

Jennie Blonde: author's other books

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PRAISE FOR Hearth and Home Witchcraft Jennies blend of witchcraft and hygge - photo 1

Hearth and Home Witchcraft

Jennie's blend of witchcraft and hygge resonates so deeply with me. In Hearth and Home Witchcraft, Jennie shares her personal practice as a means to inspire readers to approach their daily life as magical and spiritual. Nourishment and comfort are important themes here, as is accessibility; you don't need a background in magick to start exploring hearth-craft. Jennie's book is a joyful and supportive exploration of domestic witchcraft.

Arin Murphy-Hiscock, author of The House Witch,
The Green Witch
, and other books

Hearth and Home Witchcraft is everything I wantedpractical, grounded, and utterly magical. For anyone who can't quite figure out how to be a witch and live in the world, Jennie Blonde offers a guide to incorporating magic into the everyday, making the simplest of moments meaningful and powerful.

Nikki Van De Car, author of Practical Magic
and The Witchy Homestead

This lovely book is packed with recipes, rituals, and spells for every season and occasion. Jennie walks you through a day and a year in the life of a real, modern witch, integrating the magickal and the mundane with a flick of her wand, (or wooden spoon). If you've been wondering how to turn your daily life into a cozy embodiment of magick, then this book is for you!

Tenae Stewart, author of The Modern Witch's Guide to Natural Magick

Hearth and Home Witchcraft is a comfy, cozy book packed with splendid rituals and fabulous recipes. On every page, you'll find fun ideas to awaken your magical inspiration.

Tess Whitehurst, author of Magical Housekeeping

This edition first published in 2022 by Weiser Books an imprint of Red - photo 2

This edition first published in 2022 by Weiser Books an imprint of Red - photo 3

This edition first published in 2022 by Weiser Books, an imprint of

Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC

With offices at:

65 Parker Street, Suite 7

Newburyport, MA 01950


Copyright 2022 by Jennie K. Brown

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
permission in writing from Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.

Reviewers may quote brief passages.

ISBN: 978-1-57863-773-7

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available upon request.

Cover painting, Aga with Pestle and Mortar, 1997, John Napper 2022 Artists
Rights Society (ARS), New York / DACS, London.

Private Collection/Bridgeman Images

Typeset in Adobe Text Pro

Printed in United States of America


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


To all the comfy cozy witches out there.
And to the practitioners who came before me;
thank you for forging the path

Book Charm I want to be sure you get the most out of this book so if you would - photo 4

Picture 5

Book Charm

I want to be sure you get the most out of this book, so if you would like, here's a charm to enchant this book and your reading of it.

Place the book in your left hand with your right hand on top. Speak the following words aloud while imagining a warm golden light encapsulating the book.

May my reading experience be comforting and warm.
May this book help me see magic in the everyday to bring protection,
joy, and nourishment to my home, family, and friends.
Be it so

Altar Cleansing Ritual
Ancestor Honoring Ritual
Bath Salts Recipe
Beltane Recipe: Fairy Cake
Butternut Squash Soup
Candle Charms to Bless Your Home
Carpet Refresher
Chai Tea Recipe
Comfy Cozy Kitchen Witchery Affirmations
Daily Mini Rituals
Doorway Blessing
Food Blessing
Fruit and Oat Smoothie
Garden Growth Charm
Glorious Greens Salad
Goodwill Porch Ritual
Healing Balm Recipe
Herby Biscuits
House Faery Blessing
House Goddess Ritual
Imbolc Recipe: Honey Butter
Item Cleansing Ritual
Item Enchantment Ritual for Protection
Jewelry Enchantment Spell
Kitchen Altar Consecration Ritual
Kitchen Energy Cleansing Spray Recipe and Ritual
Litha Recipe: Sangria
Lughnasadh Recipe: Mini Bread Loaves
Mabon Recipe: Fall Simmer Pot
Magical Floor Sweep
Magical Floor Wash
Meditation to Call in an Animal Guide
Office Productivity Charm
Ostara Recipe: Deviled Eggs
Parmesan Brussels Sprouts
Perfect Roasted Veggies
Pet Protection Charm
Pumpkin Chocolate Muffins
Room Mist Recipe
Samhain Recipe: Candied Squash
Savory Egg Bake
Salt Bath Ritual
Small Rituals for Home Protection
Small Rituals to Balance Your Witch's Kitchen
Tea for a Headache
Tea for Relaxation
Tea for Digestion
A Warming Incense to Invoke Hestia
Witch's Broom Enchantment
Yule Recipe: Spiced Wassail

First, a huge thank you to the comfy cozy witch community. Your support has been overwhelming, and I am honored to call many of you friends. I never would have considered writing this book without the support of so many of you!

Thank you to my former agent, Sarah Landis, for being a constant cheerleader of my work, no matter how many genres I choose to write in! And a major thanks to the entire team at Weiser, especially Peter, for your continued support and cheerleading for this book. I couldn't imagine my debut nonfiction experience being any bettertruly!

Thank you to all my friends and family for your supportespecially to my aunt, Tante, who loves talking about all things witchy with me... at least twice a day.

To my husband, Eddie, for holding down the fort late nights, weekends, and when I escape for much-needed writing retreatsthank you. And to my son, B, who reminds me to find the magic in every single thing every single day. May you never lose that sense of wonder and magic. I love you both so, so much.

And finally, to my late grandparentsNana, Peeps, Grammy, and Pappy. Your support from beyond is felt and appreciated. Thank you for being with me as I write all the words. Love you.


When I opened my personal Instagram account, the first thing I was asked to provide was a username, which often is the most difficult part of starting any account. I wanted something that represented me, my craft, and where I was currently in my practice. I thought about my favorite parts of my personal practicemy daily ritual in the early mornings at my altar with a cup of coffee and candles; journaling in my book of shadows and pulling cards from my favorite decks of tarot and oracle cards; time spent in the kitchen speaking blessings and intention into the food that nourishes my family; spring and summer days spent in the garden tending to herbs and plants, asking them to grow; hours of hiking in the local woods, watching the birds and small animals come and go; and evenings in front of the fireplace, curled up under a blanket with my dogs at my side, a mug of tea in my hands, reading the latest witchy book release. Reflecting on those things that have become such integral parts of my practice made me realize they all have something in commona thread of comfort and calmwhich led to the perfect words, the perfect name, to encapsulate who I ama Comfy Cozy Witch.

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