Table of Contents
Published in the United States of America by
Cherry Lake Publishing
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Series Editor: Kristin Fontichiaro
Reading Adviser: Marla Conn, MD, Ed., Literacy Specialist,
Read-Ability, Inc.
Photo Credits: All photos by Amy Quinn
Copyright 2018 by Cherry Lake Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
utilized in any form or by any means without written permission
from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Quinn, Amy, 1976- author.
Title: Making slime / by Amy Quinn.
Description: Ann Arbor, Michigan : Cherry Lake Publishing, [2018] | Series: Makers as
innovators junior | Series: 21st century skills innovation library | Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017032489 | ISBN 9781534107830 (lib. bdg.) | ISBN 9781534109810
(pdf) | ISBN 9781534108820 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781534120808 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Gums and resins, Synthetic--Juvenile literature.
Classification: LCC TP978 .Q56 2018 | DDC 620.1/924--dc23
LC record available at
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Corporate Graphics
A Note to Adults: Please review
the instructions for the
activities in this book before
allowing children to do them. Be
sure to help them with any
activities you do not think they
can safely complete on their own.
A Note to Kids: Be sure to
ask an adult for help with these
activities when you need it.
Always put your safety first!
Table of
Slime is so much fun to stretch and pull!
Mix It Up!
Do you enjoy mixing things together? Do
you like using your science skills to create
new things? Then lets try making
something new: slime! Slime is a lot of fun to
make and play with. Keep reading to find
out how to make your own gooey slime!
Keep It Clean
Make sure you have adult permission before doing
science experiments such as making slime. Put
newspaper or a vinyl tablecloth on the table to help
clean up any spills. Make sure to wash your hands after
you make or play with slime.
Gather all the supplies youll need before you start mixing your
What Youll Need
7 ounces of white
or clear glue
Bowl and wooden
2 tablespoons of
1 tablespoon of
acrylic paint
1 teaspoon of
baking soda
2 tablespoons of
contact lens solution
Making Changes
Make slime using the recipe above first. Then try making it
with substitutions . You could use food coloring instead of
acrylic paint. Instead of contact solution, you could mix
1 teaspoon of Borax powder with 1 cup of warm water. It is
fun to experiment and see what combination you like best!
It is fun to watch how each ingredient changes the slime as you
mix it.
Basic Slime Recipe
Follow these steps to make perfect slime!
1. Pour the glue into the bowl.
2. Mix the water with the glue. Use the
wooden stick to stir.
3. Add the acrylic paint and stir.
4. Slowly mix in the baking soda.
5. Add the contact solution a little bit at a
time. Stir 10 times. Add more contact
solution if the mixture is too sticky.
Pick up your slime with your hands. Rub it
back and forth. Make sure you like the
consistency !
This is floam. Can you see the Styrofoam beads?
Fluffy Slime and
Would you like to add fluffiness or
texture to your slime? To make fluffy
slime, add a squirt of shaving cream. Mix it
into your basic slime recipe before you
add the water. This will also make your
slime smell great!
Mix Styrofoam beads into the slime to
create floam. Floam makes it easy to form
slime into shapes. It feels bumpy and extra
squishy! This is texture!
Science is happening here. When you mix the ingredients, you
create a chemical change.
The Science
of Slime
Most slime has two important ingredients.
It needs a polymer (found in glue) and a
borate ion (found in contact solution).
These give the slime its consistency.
Mixing these two things together creates a
change. The result acts like a liquid and a
solid at the same time! It becomes the
thick, gooey slime we love!
You can dress up your slime with stuff you have around the house.
Slime Bar
Want to organize the things you add to your
slime? Create a slime bar! Look around
your house for leftover art supplies. Then
set out bowls with these supplies on a table.
Glitter will make slime sparkle. Beads will
change its texture. Sequins, gems, foam
pieces, or small plastic toys can also be
added. Putting small things in your slime
makes it more fun and creative. Make your
slime unusual!
Slime feels like a liquid. Yet it holds its shape when you pull it.
Playing with
The fun part is playing with your slime!
You can pull it apart and stretch it out.
Try poking your fingers in it to make a
popping sound. Roll your slime into balls
or long snakes. Press together two
different colored slimes to create a
colorful twist. Use your hands to push,
pull, and squish the slime.
You can name your slime. Make extra to share with friends!
Organizing and
Storing Slime
Store your slime in a sealed container .
You can use small jars or plastic bags. A
clear jar makes it easy to see what color
slime is inside. Dont forget to label it.
Make sure to play with your slime every
day. If it dries out, just throw it away. Then
start over again!
Helpful Hints
It is easiest to make slime in small batches. Then you can
tell if you need to add anything. It might need more glue or
color. The more you stir, the better it will turn out. Before
you know it, you will become a slime expert!
You can decorate your slime however you want!
Naming and
Be creative with your slime play. Give your
slime a silly name. Or give it a purpose. If its
banana yellow, it could be food for monkeys.
Or maybe it could be unicorn food. Use your
imagination! Do you need more items for
your slime bar? Trading these items and
even slime can give you more choices. Invite
your friends over and share ideas.
Working Together
Think of something you could make with friends. Try
building a slime ocean, a slime city, or a slime park. Make
slime colors to match holidays or celebrations. Show off
your slime by making videos of your creations!
borate ion (BOR-ate EYE-ahn) one of the two
substances needed to make slime; it is found in contact
consistency (kuhn-SIS-tuhn-see) the way in which a
substance holds together
container (kuhn-TAY-nur) an object used to hold
polymer (PAH-luh-mur) one of the two substances
needed to make slime; it is found in glue
substitutions (sub-stuh-TOO-shuhnz) things used
in place of other things
texture (TEKS-chur) how something feels
Find Out More
Gregory, Josh. Junior Scientists: Experiment with Solids. Ann