All you need to get started on a career in fitness
Kate Kenworthy, M.Ed., A.T.C., C.S.C.S. and Stephen A. Rodrigues, M.Ed., P.E.S.
Copyright 2007, F+W Publications, Inc.
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ISBN 10: 1-59869-227-5
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Guide to Being a Personal trainer
Dear Reader,
From the time we were young, we considered the gym our second home. We learned early on the importance of staying strong, fit, and healthy, and soon it became a way of life for us. We also had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the incredible changes in and growth of the fitness industry.
When we began working as personal trainers, neither of us knew it would end up being our full-time careers. Nor did we imagine how our careers would evolve into what they are today. (What kid thinks he will really get to work with the New York Yankees when he grows up?)
What began as a love for health and fitness has become so much more. Over the years, we have had the honor of training a diverse group of clients, who in turn have taught us valuable lessons about how to be successful in business and in life.
We undertook this project with the hope of teaching you how to achieve success in a fun and exciting industry. The information we share has taken us years to learn through schooling, experiences, and mistakes. We hope that what you learn will help you enjoy the rewards of being a personal trainer as much as we do.
We would like to dedicate this book to our clients as an expression of our gratitude for their trust and devotion over the years.
Top Ten Reasons to Become a Personal Trainer
- Personal training is a fun, exciting, and high-energy profession.
- You can positively impact your clients' well-being.
- Personal trainers get to work with a diverse group of people with a variety of needs.
- You'll receive satisfaction from helping people set and reach their goals.
- There is creativity in almost every aspect of the business.
- The field of personal training is continuously changing and growing.
- Work schedules are flexible.
- You'll have unlimited career growth-potential.
- Personal trainers have the option of running their own business.
- There is an opportunity to make a significant income.
We would like to thank:
Our friend Mo, for being the impetus for this project and for believing in our abilities not only as personal trainers, but also as writers;
David Morin, for allowing us to develop our craft working as independent trainers in his health club; and
Kamran Khan, C.P.A., for consulting with us on the sections of this book related to accounting.
Kate would like to thank:
Coach Rod, for giving me my first personal training job, my career, and my life.
My daughter, Victoria, for helping me understand what is really important, and for being my assistant coach.
My mom, who taught me through both word and example how to set goals and aim high.
My family: Kevin, Scott, Ben, Auntie Gail, Uncle Ro, and Ta, for their unwavering love and support.
Tess and Alie, for being the world's best babysitters and for dropping everything to help me during crunch time.
Michael Zarli (my other big brother), who took me to the gym for the first time and got me hooked.
Maria Hutsick, for convincing me to become certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist and introducing me to functional training.
Stephen would like to thank:
My mom and dad, for teaching me the importance of hard work, discipline, and commitment. Also for believing in and supporting me in my endeavors over the years. I love you!
My brothers, Carl and David, for teaching me never to give up and being there when I need them most.
Jay Sears (my friend and first employee), for working to help further my career.
Keith, Tom, and Nelson, my childhood friends. Thanks for the memories and for your willingness to help with all of my special projects.
Peter Zeiger, for being a friend and mentor during my beginning years and believing in my skills as a personal trainer.
Dan and Kathy Sullivan, for their business advice and for helping me realize my dreams of owning and operating my own training facility.
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