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Volodymyr Kirichinets - Hands-On Qt for Python Developers

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Boost UI development with ready-made widgets, controls, charts, and data visualization and create stunning 2D and 3D graphics with PyQt and PySide2.

Key Features

  • Build optimized GUI applications by implementing multiprocessing and concurrency
    • Understand embedded and mobile development with PyQt and PySide
    • Learn to create magnificent GUI applications using Pyside2 and QtQuick/QML

      Book Description

      Qt is one of the most widely used and flexible frameworks for GUI application development, allowing you to write your application once and then deploy it to multiple operating systems. This book combines the best of Python and Qt to help you develop GUI applications with Python bindings, such as PyQt and PySide, that will supercharge your Python applications.

      The book begins with an overview of Qt and QML. Youll start by working with PyQt GUI elements to style your applications. Then, you will learn how to use QWidget, frames, labels, and text fields, and work with graphics. This will be followed by taking you through how elements in the application communicate with each other by understanding signals, slots, and event handlers. This book will help you to gain a better understanding of the Qt framework and the tools to resolve issues when testing, linking, debugging, and multithreading your Python GUI applications. Finally, the book will help you get to grips with embedded and mobile development using PyQt and PySide.

      By the end of the book, you will be able to create modern, responsive, cross-platform desktop applications with the power of Qt, Python, and QML.

      What you will learn

    • Explore PyQt5 and PySide2 to create comprehensive GUI applications
    • Find out how threading and multiprocessing work
    • Understand how to style GUIs with PyQt
    • Get to grips with implementing buttons
    • Understand how elements communicate with signals, slots, and event handlers
    • Explore mobile development with PyQt and PySide

      Who this book is for

      This book is for Python developers who want to develop GUIs and cross-platform applications that are modern, responsive, and attractive. No prior knowledge of Qt or QML is required.

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    Hands-On Qt for Python Developers Build cross-platform GUI applications with - photo 1
    Hands-On Qt for Python Developers
    Build cross-platform GUI applications with Python
    and Qt 5
    Volodymyr Kirichinets

    BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI Hands-On Qt for Python Developers Copyright 2019 Packt - photo 2

    Hands-On Qt for Python Developers

    Copyright 2019 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    Commissioning Editor: Richa Tripathi
    Acquisition Editor: Shriram Shekhar
    Content Development Editor: Akshita Billava
    Technical Editor: Sabaah Navlekar
    Copy Editor: Safis Editing
    Language Support Editor : Safis Editing
    Project Coordinator: Prajakta Naik
    Proofreader: Safis Editing
    Indexer: Manju Arasan
    Graphics: Jayalaxmi Raja
    Production Coordinator: Deepika Naik

    First published: May 2019

    Production reference: 1290519

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
    Livery Place
    35 Livery Street
    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78961-279-0


    This book is dedicated to the creators of the Python, C++, Qt, QML, PyQt, PySide and other programming languages, libraries, and tools that were used in this book. I also dedicate it to all the enthusiasts of Python, the Pythonians who are making the Python world greater every day. Every page of this book has been inspired by them.

    I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to the entire team of Packt Publishing who made this book a reality.
    Last, but definitely not least, I dedicate this book to my mother, not only because she cooks great food, but for her constant love and support.
    Volodymyr Kirichinets
    maptio Mapt is an online digital library that gives you full access to over - photo 3

    Mapt is an online digital library that gives you full access to over 5,000 books and videos, as well as industry leading tools to help you plan your personal development and advance your career. For more information, please visit our website.

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    About the author

    Volodymyr Kirichinets is a Python-based software developer with seven years' experience of the programming language in various fields of development, including finance, statistics, physics, and five years' experience with the PyQt framework. His quantitative background inspired him to become adept at Python.

    I would like to thank Pythonians all around the world, Guido van Rossum for the excellent language, the creators of C++, Qt, Anaconda, and the developers of the perfect tools that we're able to use.
    I would like to thank the Packt team for all their support. I would like to thank Sabaah, as she spent a lot of time on editing. To Anugraha, Akshita, and Shriramyou're an amazing team.
    I would also like to thank my mom for the real-time support.
    About the reviewers

    Hugo Solis is an assistant professor in the physics department at the University of Costa Rica. His current research interests are computational cosmology, complexity, cryptography, and the influence of hydrogen on material properties. Hes experienced with using programming languages for scientific programming, including C/C++ and Python. Hes a Free Software Foundation member and has contributed code to some free software projects. He has also been a technical reviewer for Mastering Object-Oriented Python and Learning Object-Oriented Programming, and is the author of the Kivy Cookbook, all from Packt. Currently, hes in charge of the IFT, a Costa Rican scientific non-profit organization for the multidisciplinary practice of physics.

    Id like to thank Katty Sanchez, my beloved mother, for her support and shield of thoughts.

    Chankey Pathak is a data scientist from India. He has developed a Python API for high-frequency trading for Morgan Stanley. He has worked with Citadel, Sophos, and Proofpoint in the past. He's also well known in the Perl community for his contributions. He is an open source contributor and loves Linux.

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    Qt is one of the most widely used and flexible frameworks for GUI application development. This book will introduce you to the development of Python-based Qt GUI applications with Python bindings such as PyQt and PySide. We will start by describing PyQt and PySide GUI elements, and this will be used as a reference for the rest of the book. On completion of the book, you will be able to create beautiful Python GUI applications from scratch.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for Python developers who want to develop GUIs and cross-platform applications that are modern, responsive, and attractive. No prior knowledge of Qt or QML is required.

    What this book covers

    , Introduction to Python and Qt , describes the basics of Qt and compares it with Python. It also discusses the fields of implementing various GUIs with Python.

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