Copyright 2006 by Skye Alexander All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews. Published by Adams Media, an F+W Publications Company 57 Littlefield Street Avon, MA 02322 ISBN 10: 1-59337-631-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-59337-631-4
E-Book ISBN 978-1-44051-776-1 Printed in Canada J I H G F E D C B A Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Alexander, Skye. Naughty spells/nice spells / Skye Alexander. p. cm.
ISBN 1-59337-631-6 1. Magic. 2. Charms. I. Title.
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Naughty Spells/Nice Spells is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical manual. In light of the complex, individual, and specific nature of health problems, this book is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions in this book are intended to supplement, not replace, the advice of a trained medical professional. Consult your physician before adopting the suggestions in this book.
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To R.L, who shared his magick I with me contents Introduction What Is Magick? According to Aleister Crowley, one of magicks most notorious bad boys, Every intentional act is a magical act. Basically, this means that whenever you set a goal for yourself, then focus your willpower toward achieving your goal, you activate energy and begin shaping it to suit your purposes. Energy, as you know, is the raw material that makes up our Universe. By molding energy, you literally create your own reality Magick is all in the mind. Before something can materialize in the physical world, somebody first has to imagine it.
An architect envisions a house before it can be built. You do the same thing when you perform magickyou create a mental image of the result you intend to produce, then fuel it with your will and emotions. Of course, to build a house you need hammers, saws, and other tools. In magick, spells are the tools you use to fabricate your wishes. Underlying all magick is a simple physics principle: Every action produces a reaction. Remember that old computer axiom, garbage in, garbage out? Magick is like that, too: If you put bad thoughts and feelings in, youll get bad stuff out.
And vice versa. So, be careful what you ask for! Magick Isnt Just Black and White When another driver cuts you off or grabs your parking space do you rattle off a string of colorful curses? When your boss dumps a rush project on your desk at 4:57 Friday evening, do you imagine all sorts of nasty things happening to him during the weekend? If so, youre performing black magick! People usually associate black magick with wicked witches and wayward wizardsand to be sure, conniving conjurers like that do exist. But most black magick is performed by ordinary men and women who dont even realize theyre doing it. Magick can be broken down into three categories: black, white, and gray. Not surprisingly, the gray areas are the sticky ones.
Black magick means anything done to harm someone else.
White magick is done to obtain higher knowledge, evolve spiritually, or strengthen your connection with the Source.
Gray magick includes everything else.
Gray magick includes everything else.
As you can see, most magickincluding the spells in this bookfalls into the gray area. Shades of Gray Lets get one thing straighttheres nothing wrong with doing magick to get what you want. In fact, thats the reason most of us perform spells. You can use magick just as you use your talents to improve your lot in life. But if you injure someone else in order to achieve your own objectives, youre crossing the line from gray to black magick. Wicca, the spiritual path many modern-day Western witches follow, puts it concisely: Do what you will, but harm none.
Now that seems plain enough, doesnt it? A spell designed to kill your business partner so you get total control of the company and your joint assets obviously falls into the black category. A spell to steal your sisters husband? Black again. But what about doing magick to get a job that your best friend also wants? Or to win the heart of that really cute guy you met at a party Saturday night (the one who didnt ask for your phone number)? Now were talking shades of gray. Some spells fall at the silver end of the spectrum, others at the nimbus end. But sometimes its kind of hard to tell. Even well-intended spells may infringe on another persons free will.
Believe me, Ive been there, done that. And most witches, if theyre honest, will admit they have too. Heres an example. Lets say your brother is sick and you decide to do a spell to heal him. Sounds like a positive use of magick, right? Well, maybe yes, maybe no. Perhaps your brother has been pushing himself too hard and needs a rest big-time, but the only way his body can get him to slow down is to send him to bed with the flu.
His illness is actually serving a good purpose; therefore, doing a get-well spell could be interfering with his bodys natural protective processes. See what I mean about gray areas? Many spells are considered bad because theyre manipulative. Lets talk some more about that cute guy from the party. And lets say you know for a fact hes not involved with anyone else. Isnt it okay to go for it? Again, the answer is maybe. In situations like this, you need to ask yourself a couple of guestions.
One, if he isnt interested in you, are you interfering with his own free will by doing a spell to snag him? Two, do you really want someone whos not that into you or would you be better off with someone else? Okay, I admit, this is a toughy. Love spells are the ones people most often misuse. The best way to handle this dilemma is to add a disclaimer at the end of your spell, something like if this is for our highest good. This allows the Universe to make the final decision and take responsibility for the outcome. Youre off the hookif the relationship isnt right, it wont happen. An even better approach is to do a spell to attract a partner who is right for you in every way.
Dont specify who that might be, let the Universe send you the perfect lover. How can you decide if the spell youre doing is naughty or nice? Consider the possible conseguencesare you willing to accept what happens? Would you advise your best friend to do it? How would you react if someone did it to you? Trust your feelingsif you dont feel right about it, dont do it.
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